Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Its really a shame. I hope for the next home game they have sort of new jersey. (Kinda how the suns had those Spanish joints)

But my question is how can the NBA take the team from sterling? He's gotta be bought out or can stern just seize the team?

But I think that the players need to take a serious stand.
Maybe a press conference Ali style?
Foxcon had suicide nets at their iphone factory, people died so you can send text messages, and vines. I don't remember anyone saying we need to "take a stand" and get rid of these iphones.

The hypocrisy in this thread is tremendous.
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Foxcon had suicide nets at their iphone factory, people died so you can send text messages, and vines. I don't remember anyone saying we need to "take a stand" and get rid of these iphones.

The hypocrisy in this thread is tremendous.
People taking their lives because of unjust working conditions and hours is not the same as people being killed for no fault other than their physical appearance...Therefore, to be segregated or treated differently based off something as uncontrollable as your racial background is unacceptable as our natural rights as people and should be addressed in the sternest of ways 
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Foxcon had suicide nets at their iphone factory, people died so you can send text messages, and vines. I don't remember anyone saying we need to "take a stand" and get rid of these iphones.

The hypocrisy in this thread is tremendous.
What the hell does a rich guy outing himself as a racist have to do with sweatshop labor? 
People taking their lives because of unjust working conditions and hours is not the same as people being killed for no fault other than their physical appearance...Therefore, to be segregated or treated differently based off something as uncontrollable as your racial background is unacceptable as our natural rights as people and should be addressed in the sternest of ways 

obviously its the not the exact same thing, that is an unnecessarily obtuse standard; it is a human rights issue the same as racism, the point is only black people are required to speak as a monolithic block and police discrimination the world over.

This is an impossible task and really just an excuse to make black people seem responsible for their own oppression.

The NBA commissioners office and the NBPA as an organization is responsible for this matter, they are responsible for who gets let into their club and who get to profit of their labor. THEY are the ones who should be under scrutiny. To focus on the players response is unfair, because nobody would focus on the employees if this wasn't a race issue.

Boycotting a game is stupid.

Putting tape on your jersey is stupid.

and I question the motives of anyone who would suggest such a thing.

They appropriately voiced their position as a team the warm jersey inside out and went out and fulfilled the terms of their contract as they should continue to do so and each player can individually make the decision about Donald Sterling and their comfort level with him after the NBA has rendered its judgment.
obviously its the not the exact same thing, that is an unnecessarily obtuse standard; it is a human rights issue the same as racism, the point is only black people are required to speak as a monolithic block and police discrimination the world over.

This is an impossible task and really just an excuse to make black people seem responsible for their own oppression.

The NBA commissioners office and the NBPA as an organization is responsible for this matter, they are responsible for who gets let into their club and who get to profit of their labor. THEY are the ones who should be under scrutiny. To focus on the players response is unfair, because nobody would focus on the employees if this wasn't a race issue.

Boycotting a game is stupid.

Putting tape on your jersey is stupid.

and I question the motives of anyone who would suggest such a thing.

They appropriately voiced their position as a team the warm jersey inside out and went out and fulfilled the terms of their contract as they should continue to do so and each player can individually make the decision about Donald Sterling and their comfort level with him after the NBA has rendered its judgment.
View media item 942256

What the hell does a rich guy outing himself as a racist have to do with sweatshop labor?  0]

In human rights or ethical breaches of large companies, it is only when it involves black people and race are the employees suddenly go under intense scrutiny and are treated like a monolithic hive mind that think the same about every issue.

That they need to "take a stand" quit there jobs or what ever, when really its the company and the management that should be under scrutiny.

Its simply a way of making black people seem responsible for their own oppression and therefore excusing the oppressor.

"Well if its so bad, why didn't you boycott"

"why didn't you refuse to play"

Don't by into this thinking its a trap.
I wanted to retort...but the innumerable amount of grammatical errors, improper word usage, and detraction from the basis of my original statement in the first sentence alone made me not even want to bother. You win. 
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the thing with the players is they do probably just want to brush it off and focus on the games (at least for now, then address it in the offseason). its just that with all these quotes from other players, former players and fans who never really knew about Donald's shenanigans until now, there is so much pressure that they really had no choice but to make some sort of statement.  they're in a lose-lose situation right now thanks to this harlot who couldn't wait till the offseason to remind everyone that sterling is racist.  

now go ahead and misinterpret this as me defending sterling
I tried to retort...but the innumerable amount of grammatical errors, improper word usage, and detraction from the basis of my original statement in the first sentence alone made me not even want to bother. You win. 

sure bud.

Either you don't understand what I'm saying or you don't.

This is NT I'm not writing an academic paper, I addressed what you said, if you have nothing to contribute thats fine, but don't go all grammar editor on me.
I think a lot of you are missing the point. We are way beyond sitting out games or meaningless pre-game antics.

Let me break it down this way...

In NBA circles, it is common knowledge that Sterling is a bigot. You (the player), knowing this, made a conscious decision to play for the organization and collect a paycheck.

I don't question the reasons of the players. They may have kids, relatives in the hospital, whatever, it's irrelevant.

My point is this. What is the difference now? Sterling was racist before, a racist now and probably will be until his last dying breath.

The difference is; the media has picked it up and you're in the crosshairs to make a stand. The public is looking at you, saying, "this is horrible, what are you going to do about this?"

IMO, just get in front of the podium and say, "Look, we knew he was racist, but you know what, the money was good and I have a family to feed. I love Los Angeles and playing for the NBA."

End of story. Move on and play. Win a championship and lift the Larry O'Brien trophy with Sterling for all I care.

But, be a man and take the shrapnel of criticism from the media and casual fans. It is what it is. People in far dire of situations have made the same decisions. I've seen people stab each other in the back to get a job. I've seen false rumors spread, just so that another person could get promoted over another.

HOWEVER, don't BS the public and pretend you care. If you really cared, a stand would have been made long ago.

Warm up's inside out? Too little, too late. Just continue playing basketball and collecting a paycheck from that racist owner. You've been knowingly doing it for years, why stop now?

You know thats fine for the players to accept responsibility for their decision and explain why they choose to keep playing. I think a lot of people are assuming they all definitely knew he was racist before signing. The presumption that your boss' racial views are something a professional basketball player should and would need to be concerned about and made aware of in their career choices is actually a sickening proposition. But if your assumptions are correct I agree they should keep it real and stop with the rinky dink statements.

I think what is going unsaid in all of this is the fact that yet another indicator of the racist attitudes held by older rich white men in this country is being downplayed and swept under the rug as just an isolated incident that everyone should just get over and accept, again. Of course the recorded comments and the ensuing media scavengery have no direct effect on anything and no one has been truly victimized or brutalized. Its the underlying mindset he holds and what effects that has had on people on a day to day basis his entire life as a super rich upper class white man. And not just him. How many of his no doubt rich white friends had to call and make fun of him for him to be so stupid as to start an argument with his mixed trophy gf about being in the presence of black people. One of the richest black men in the country was not good enough to be in the presence of this white mans gf in the minds of at least 2 presumably powerful people. How many countless times have we gotten glimpses of these attitudes from the 1% in this country? How many times do we see these instances isolated and justified? Do we expect that every racist influential member of society will be stupid enough to let some bimbo record them being racist or otherwise make comments that will jeopardize their multi million dollar businesses so we can weed them out individually, punish them minimally, but only after they wielded enough power and influence over a lifetime for us to even hear about or care about their actions? And then just move on I presume, nothing to see here. Racism is just an antiquated notion held by redneck hicks or the otherwise uneducated and your occasional billionaire.

People are coming in here blaming everyone from the players to the gf to drugs and alcohol to words taken out of context. People think blacks are always too sensitive because every time we have a controversy like this its always reduced to a single action or a single offensive excerpt that is harmless and inconsequential to millions of black people on its own but indicative of a mindset, when held by powerful people, that may not be so harmless when influencing decisions and thought processes over a lifetime. No one really cares about the comments he made in an argument with his gf. The comments themselves don't truly hurt or directly affect anyone except maybe her. It's the implications of yet another powerful white person disparaging an entire race based on ignorance. Its the fact that the elite keeps smacking everyone in the face with blatant racism and it keeps being isolated and rationalized. Blacks are behind in this country, everyone knows it, no one wants to directly say it. People find it hard to believe these trivialized racist moments in pop culture could have such a overarching affect on millions of people spread out over thousands of miles. These are the people that are faced with the impossibility of determining the prevalence of attitudes that are not in their presence or the scope of effects racist minds of various authority figures, leaders and businesspeople can cause in one individual life let alone a population of millions . The impossibility of even having the thought to look for racism in interacting with our daily institutions, to decipher feelings that are not relevant or present in regards to you. If there was an epidemic and you were immune how cognizant would you be of the symptoms. Whether the infectious agents were few and far between or extremely prevalent, would it even be worth the effort to notice on a day to day basis?

To be clear this is not about basketball, the team or making statements. Not about the comments recorded on tape or even Sterling alone. Its about the prevalence of effectual racism in the upper echelons of society and its lack of recognition even when its caught on tape. I seem to remember a riot in LA along similar lines.
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Foxcon had suicide nets at their iphone factory, people died so you can send text messages, and vines. I don't remember anyone saying we need to "take a stand" and get rid of these iphones.

The hypocrisy in this thread is tremendous.

You're pathetic. Stick to drinking bagged milk and slurping Canadian basketball players. Canadians are so out of touch but it's not your fault cause I'm sure y'all don't deal with the bs that's dealt with here in America. Y'all fled to that cold *** country to avoid it
You're pathetic. Stick to drinking bagged milk and slurping Canadian basketball players. Canadians are so out of touch but it's not your fault cause I'm sure y'all don't deal with the bs that's dealt with here in America. Y'all fled to that cold *** country to avoid it

Yes, because racism only exists in America.

I have no idea what you're problem is, I recommend using your words instead of childish name calling.

Like I said, the idea that the Clipper players need to be responsible for dealing sort of punishment to Donald Sterling is ridiculous. It simply serves to distract from he NBA's negligence.

like I said its a way of making black people seem responsible for their own oppression and therefore excusing the oppressor.

People making it about Chris Paul when it should be about the 29 owners.
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sure bud.

Either you don't understand what I'm saying or you don't.

This is NT I'm not writing an academic paper, I addressed what you said, if you have nothing to contribute thats fine, but don't go all grammar editor on me.
The use of proper grammar is encouraged since you are expecting people to understand what you're saying, but formulating a logical and cohesive response to something as farfetched as equating hundreds of years of racial oppression to overworked chinese employees building iphones is necessary.  
The use of proper grammar is encouraged since you are expecting people to understand what you're saying, but formulating a logical and cohesive response to something as farfetched as equating hundreds of years of racial oppression to overworked chinese employees building iphones is necessary.  

Except you can't actually explain what isn't logical or cohesive about my response. Like I said if you have nothing to say spare me the grammar lesson nothing I said was complex.

I'll make it simple.

Foxxconn and Donald sterling both behave unethically, they both have violated peoples human rights. (debating the degree of the violation is missing the point)

It seems that ONLY issues involving race and majority black workforces do people expect the employees police the behavior of management. Suddenly everyone is focused on what the Clippers players should or shouldn't do when the focus should be on the NBA, the people who actually run the league and have allowed this guy to have a team from 40 years.

The immense level of scrutiny on the form or protest the Clippers chose is unfair and a distraction.

and in my opinion it's a way of making black people seem responsible for their own oppression and therefore excusing the oppressor.

If you don't get it at this point I can't help you.
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Except you can't actually explain what isn't logical or cohesive about my response. Like I said if you have nothing to say spare me the grammar lesson nothing I said was complex.

I'll make it simple.

Foxxconn and Donald sterling both behave unethically, they both have violated peoples human rights. (debating the degree of the violation is missing the point)

It seems that ONLY issues involving race and majority black workforces do people expect the employees police the behavior of management. Suddenly everyone is focused on what the Clippers players should or shouldn't do when the focus should be on the NBA, the people who actually run the league and have allowed this guy to have a team from 40 years.

The immense level of scrutiny on the form or protest the Clippers chose is unfair and a distraction.

and in my opinion it's a way of making black people seem responsible for their own oppression and therefore excusing the oppressor.

If you don't get it at this point I can't help you.
You are failing to understand the ethical as well as historical context associated with this issue. When Sterling equates the Clippers players to dogs, even to the point where they cannot be photographed by people in his circle based solely on their race, what in the hell makes you think these players shouldn't have the inclination to revolt? And that others shouldn't want them to?

Degrees of violations within human rights are directly related to the responses they will therefore ensue. To say the degree of violation is unimportant is idiotic and nonsensical. The employees at Foxxconn were not violated due to their genetic make-up, but rather their ability to produce phones for low wages. Violating the advantage of one's ability to work is is much different than discriminating against that person based solely on the race they were born into, it becomes personal.     

And where did you get the notion that no one is focusing on the NBA and their course of action on this matter? It's all I hear on the news, it's still under investigation but the pending actions to be taken are being constantly discussed throughout the media. Everyone has their thoughts on what the commission should do, but it's a waiting game until then.   
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lmao. What was said?
she ended up talking about how her parents always taught her not to discriminate, but when she first brought her fiancée to her parents they got pissed. Tried to basically disown her and said he wasn't welcome in their house. They had been half-arguing before that but it got pretty serious at that point.

Listen to the whole call here:

Starting at 01:50:00.
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Making excuses when its blatant :smh:

I really hate that "well he is from a different era" excuse.
Basically how i see this situation

View media item 942122
Dude should have a lifetime ban from the NBA. He doesnt want black people coming to his games but wants us negros to make him richer :smh: :smh: :smh:

This **** needs to stop. No one forced Chris Paul to stay with the Clippers despite how awful of a person Donald Sterling is. Spare me the piss-poor slave memes trying to get a chuckle or prove a stupid point.

If you want to get angry at something, get mad at the NBA for allowing this to go on for as long as it did. There are enablers from the other owners, front office types, players, and to an extent, the fans.

Clippers players are in a tough spot, no doubt. However, it;s going to take more than them making a stand for something to happen. If you want to see change, implore every player on a NBA playoff roster to refuse to take the floor until there is a resolution that they agree to. NBA is a big business and with each game that goes on, more money is made. Game ain't **** (duh) without the players. Black socks for solidarity was a nice subtle gesture of support...but if you want to see TRUE change, every man in the league who is against Donald Sterling and his beliefs has to stand together and do something bigger.
I want answers from David Stern. Stern hooked up his fellow Zionist Jew w/ cp3 after he vetoed the trade b/t the hornets and Lakers. Chris was basically forced to the Clippers to benefit Stern's Zionist Jewish buddy
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