Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Not gonna lie, I really don't understand why they would continue to play unless they're just trying to avoid getting sued over their contracts, which I would understand. Regardless of how they want to look at it, Sterling is still making money off of them and will continue to do so as long as they're wearing Clippers jerseys.

It's weak.. Dudes are millionaires worried about getting sued?

What about all the civil rights activist that had there life on the line changing our nation so these guys can flourish and be as successful as they are.. I am glad they were not worried about being sued...

I would have loved to have seen those guys make a stand showing this guy you can be a billionaire owner, but you won't have much of a basketball team when none if your players refuse to play for you.. 

them not playing isn't going to hurt him as much as you guys seem to think :lol:

they can play out these last few games and then figure it out from there. dudes out here sounding dumb selfish.
lol and how does your boss treat you?
oh wait i forgot
you don't have a boss. you hustle because you're a motivated entrepreneur and move work out the back of da hemi. while your nt thick shawty whips your m3 to the nail salon..
sorry my jimmies are just rustled that people are mad at the players who are well compensated for wanting to play the game they love at the highest level and keep getting paid.


I legit have no idea what you're talking about :lol: I apologize if I missed your point dawg. But ummmm...yeahhh....

you got it :lol:
Honestly, they should just forgot their checks, come together for the broke players and play for themselves...yea he still wins in the end, but show he can't buy you...

I know 'he got em for cheap' but y'all really expect cats to give up a childhood dream? A few dollars, yea, but a dream...nah.
It's weak.. Dudes are millionaires worried about getting sued?

What about all the civil rights activist that had there life on the line changing our nation so these guys can flourish and be as successful as they are.. I am glad they were not worried about being sued...

I'm not gonna act like I know how much money Sterling could sue them for, if at all, but I'm just saying, it's probably better to avoid that headache while still sending a message by throwing the playoffs. After that's done then you can handle things however you want in the off-season whether that be demanding a trade or whatever.

I legit have no idea what you're talking about
I apologize if I missed your point dawg. But ummmm...yeahhh....

you got it
you act like these dudes are being whipped for every basket they missed by their racist slave owner. they are allowed to be satisfied doing what they love regardless of what the owner thinks. They probably don't even see that dude on a daily basis for more than 2 minutes. It isn't cowardly to keep playing. It's life. A lot of people are working for racist bosses for a LOT less and don't even know it. Are they supposed to up and quit and sacrifice the food on their kid's plates to stand up for civil rights?
I don't really got a problem with them wanting to see the season through.

But this lil protest can't be the end of it. Once the season is over they gotta demand out. And if Sterling don't trade our release them. Then all of them don't show up for training camp next year. And make it known early. That way that hurts season ticket sales, national TV scheduling and local sponsorship deals.
First off sterling should be punished severely and made an example of. His conduct and behavior is sickening. He should've been held accountable during his past mishaps. In an ideal world, owners would be held to a higher standard then players though.

Now on to the girl here. She disgusts me for other reasons. Shes the type of girl who would rather be a rich mans cum dumpster then a regular mans everything. Shes content being degraded if the dude doing the degrading has his money right. You think she would tolerate being talked to that way from a footlocker assistant manager, hell you think she would give a footlocker assistant manager the time of day in the first place.

Again sterling is and has been a scumbag and deserves a servere punishment.

However this girls intentions and reasoning behind releasing the tapes is pretty bad as well. If old man Donald had his wife drop whatever lawsuit she filed and threw her some hush money, most likely she throws all her principles out the window, takes the hush money and goes back to being content gettig degraded and being this rich mans cum dumpster again.

Something about that just makes me look at her in a negative light as well, although nowhere near as negative as I perceive sterling.
you act like these dudes are being whipped for every basket they missed by their racist slave owner. they are allowed to be satisfied doing what they love regardless of what the owner thinks. They probably don't even see that dude on a daily basis for more than 2 minutes. It isn't cowardly to keep playing. It's life. A lot of people are working for racist bosses for a LOT less and don't even know it. Are they supposed to up and quit and sacrifice the food on their kid's plates to stand up for civil rights?

I was joking with my original statement, I agree with you man.
And regarding the, they shouldn't play part. Its easy for those who aren't in the league, aren't playing and not getting a huge check to be a sideline activist and say "they shouldn't play".

They worked hard from training camp, to now to get that 3 seed, to be a contending team. Yes the owner is scum, but their not playing for him at this point. There playing for eachother and trying to win a title for themselves and their fans (whom most detest sterling and detested him before this came out) Let the season end, and if anyone wants to demand a trade or if doc wants to quit, there well within their means to do so. Sterling wasnt on the court playing with them winning those games, that was their hard work and effort.

Its a different situation, but jimmy carter didn't allow the U.S to participate in the 1980 summer Olympic Games in Moscow due to tensions with the Soviets. Who suffered as a result? The athletes who trained so hard to make the Olympics and had it all thrown away.
Why do people think they'll get taken to the cleaners for not playing Ina playoff game?

Do y'all not know how NBA contracts work?

All of this postseason play is incentive money.

Their contracts are for 82 games.

Y'all act like cp3 missing a playoff game = losing his entire contact .

Y'all want this and that from the players. You have to look at it objectively, these are these guys livelihoods here.
I think a lot of you are missing the point. We are way beyond sitting out games or meaningless pre-game antics.

Let me break it down this way...

In NBA circles, it is common knowledge that Sterling is a bigot. You (the player), knowing this, made a conscious decision to play for the organization and collect a paycheck.

I don't question the reasons of the players. They may have kids, relatives in the hospital, whatever, it's irrelevant.

My point is this. What is the difference now? Sterling was racist before, a racist now and probably will be until his last dying breath.

The difference is; the media has picked it up and you're in the crosshairs to make a stand. The public is looking at you, saying, "this is horrible, what are you going to do about this?"

IMO, just get in front of the podium and say, "Look, we knew he was racist, but you know what, the money was good and I have a family to feed. I love Los Angeles and playing for the NBA."

End of story. Move on and play. Win a championship and lift the Larry O'Brien trophy with Sterling for all I care.

But, be a man and take the shrapnel of criticism from the media and casual fans. It is what it is. People in far dire of situations have made the same decisions. I've seen people stab each other in the back to get a job. I've seen false rumors spread, just so that another person could get promoted over another.

HOWEVER, don't BS the public and pretend you care. If you really cared, a stand would have been made long ago.

Warm up's inside out? Too little, too late. Just continue playing basketball and collecting a paycheck from that racist owner. You've been knowingly doing it for years, why stop now?
Right when was the last civil rights issue you sacrificed anything for? Do YOUR part, don't worry about what the next man is doing. I just don't trust anyone without money who asks a millionaire to make a compromise. Chances are whoever it is you work for, and most of the products you consume are owned by racists.

Where's YOUR sacrifice?

Let's focus out energy unishing who really needs to be punished.
Who says I don't have money?  I have a great career, I am not millionaire by any stretch but I do well and If my boss did something similar to what Daniel sterling did I would be out in a heartbeat.. I went to school got my education and can stand up for myself and get a job wherever I want and do not have to stand for that crap..

I dealt with racism all the time growing up and always stood up for myself, we actually had a high school football coach who had a racial slur at end of a football game, he said stop acting like a street N*gga.. and you know what I refused to play for that guy after that moment and turned in my jersey..

but that is just one example, being arabic and muslim I have dealt with racism/prejudice all my life, so maybe this hits home with a little bit more but always STAND up for yourself and what you believe in whether you have zero in your checking account or 10 figures.  

If people had the same mentality as YOU we would still be eating at separate restaurants and bathrooms..   I am glad the people before were not like you and stood up for what is right. 
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I think a lot of you are missing the point. We are way beyond sitting out games or meaningless pre-game antics.

Let me break it down this way...

In NBA circles, it is common knowledge that Sterling is a bigot. You (the player), knowing this, made a conscious decision to play for the organization and collect a paycheck.

I don't question the reasons of the players. They may have kids, relatives in the hospital, whatever, it's irrelevant.

My point is this. What is the difference now? Sterling was racist before, a racist now and probably will be until his last dying breath.

The difference is; the media has picked it up and you're in the crosshairs to make a stand. The public is looking at you, saying, "this is horrible, what are you going to do about this?"

IMO, just get in front of the podium and say, "Look, we knew he was racist, but you know what, the money was good and I have a family to feed. I love Los Angeles and playing for the NBA."

End of story. Move on and play. Win a championship and lift the Larry O'Brien trophy with Sterling for all I care.

But, be a man and take the shrapnel of criticism from the media and casual fans. It is what it is. People in far dire of situations have made the same decisions. I've seen people stab each other in the back to get a job. I've seen false rumors spread, just so that another person could get promoted over another.

HOWEVER, don't BS the public and pretend you care. If you really cared, a stand would have been made long ago.

Warm up's inside out? Too little, too late. Just continue playing basketball and collecting a paycheck from that racist owner. You've been knowingly doing it for years, why stop now?

And regarding the, they shouldn't play part. Its easy for those who aren't in the league, aren't playing and not getting a huge check to be a sideline activist and say "they shouldn't play".

They worked hard from training camp, to now to get that 3 seed, to be a contending team. Yes the owner is scum, but their not playing for him at this point. There playing for eachother and trying to win a title for themselves and their fans (whom most detest sterling and detested him before this came out) Let the season end, and if anyone wants to demand a trade or if doc wants to quit, there well within their means to do so. Sterling wasnt on the court playing with them winning those games, that was their hard work and effort.

Its a different situation, but jimmy carter didn't allow the U.S to participate in the 1980 summer Olympic Games in Moscow due to tensions with the Soviets. Who suffered as a result? The athletes who trained so hard to make the Olympics and had it all thrown away.
some things are bigger then basketball man.. we should have a zero tolerance towards this
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Very tough situations for the players and Doc to be in. I think the players would be 100% justified in forfeiting the rest of the season, and if they did, I'd like to see all other teams do it as well. That would make a HUGE statement, not just against this idiot Sterling, but against racial discrimination in general in the US. 

On the other hand, I understand the argument that this dude has been a known racist for years, and the players shouldn't let some idiot racist get in their way of attempting to make their dreams come true (winning the chip). Again - just a very tough situation all around. 

The Sterling family needs to lose the team, one way or another. 
And regarding the, they shouldn't play part. Its easy for those who aren't in the league, aren't playing and not getting a huge check to be a sideline activist and say "they shouldn't play".

They worked hard from training camp, to now to get that 3 seed, to be a contending team. Yes the owner is scum, but their not playing for him at this point. There playing for eachother and trying to win a title for themselves and their fans (whom most detest sterling and detested him before this came out) Let the season end, and if anyone wants to demand a trade or if doc wants to quit, there well within their means to do so. Sterling wasnt on the court playing with them winning those games, that was their hard work and effort.

Its a different situation, but jimmy carter didn't allow the U.S to participate in the 1980 summer Olympic Games in Moscow due to tensions with the Soviets. Who suffered as a result? The athletes who trained so hard to make the Olympics and had it all thrown away.
some things are bigger then basketball man.. we should have a zero tolerance towards this

of course it's bigger than basketball for everyone else. but these dudes live basketball. I think that's what people are missing.

Again, this is not your office job. this is blood, sweat, tears, injuries, and a lifelong dream. I'd rather them play their hearts out and pull a Tommie Smith but that's just me.

Very tough situations for the players and Doc to be in. I think the players would be 100% justified in forfeiting the rest of the season, and if they did, I'd like to see all other teams do it as well. That would make a HUGE statement, not just against this idiot Sterling, but against racial discrimination in general in the US.

that'd be dope :smokin
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Who says I don't have money?  I have a great career, I am not millionaire by any stretch but I do well and If my boss did something similar to what Daniel sterling did I would be out in a heartbeat.. I went to school got my education and can stand up for myself and get a job wherever I want and do not have to stand for that crap..

I dealt with racism all the time growing up and always stood up for myself, we actually had a high school football coach who had a racial slur at end of a football game, he said stop acting like a street N*gga.. and you know what I refused to play for that guy after that moment and turned in my jersey..

but that is just one example, being arabic and muslim I have dealt with racism/prejudice all my life, so maybe this hits home with a little bit more but always STAND up for yourself and what you believe in whether you have zero in your checking account or 10 figures.  

If people had the same mentality as YOU we would still be eating at separate restaurants and bathrooms..   I am glad the people before were not like you and stood up for what is right. 
please don't get sucked into that castomeres tangled web of trolls. Lol
I don't always agree with him but lionblood is making some valid points here.

I was watching the ABC Postgame show here in LA. Lisa Leslie and norm Nixon were hypothetically speaking about how they wouldn't have played. Its easy to say what you would do in that situation as opposed to actually being in that situation.

Unless a clipper player comes out and plays the Uncle Tom role and defends sterling, its unfair to criticize them for playing and trying to win a series their working hard for while playing the sideline activist role.
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of course it's bigger than basketball for everyone else. but these dudes live basketball. I think that's what people are missing.

Again, this is not your office job. this is blood, sweat, tears, injuries, and a lifelong dream. I'd rather them play their hearts out and pull a Tommie Smith but that's just me.
this is hilarious.

What if it paid 50k like an office job?

People get offended when players tell the truth... It's a job famb.

That "I love it so much" is such garbage. A LARGE majority of players just know they ain't getting this kind of money doing otherwise.

If they could, many a players wouldn't be on the league.

So stop with the "they worked so hard" stuff. Everybody works hard every day, B
I bet sterling has the lockerroom fitted with spy cams so he can jerk to the black d. And lightskin d. Lol
You guys need relax on focusing your anger at the players though. They really didn't do anything wrong

And at the end of the days it will just become a something to take the focus off Sterling's racist ***
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