Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"


"While ignoring my suggestions and isolating me from decisions customarily reserved for general managers, the Clippers attempted to place the blame for the team's failures on me," Baylor said in the declaration. "During this same period, players Sam Cassell(notes), Elton Brand(notes) and Corey Maggette(notes) complained to me that DONALD STERLING would bring women into the locker room after games, while the players were showering, and make comments such as, 'Look at those beautiful black bodies.' I brought this to Sterling's attention, but he continued to bring women into the locker room."

He's a ****old? :lol: :lol:
Just checked in and looked through the thread. I see that you bolded my post from the other thread extra big, so I guess I'll respond. Racism in this day and age doesn't really affect me as much as it does some people. Working for someone who thinks I'm inferior to him because of my skin color, yet pays me enough to do whatever the heck I want to do with my leisure time, is fine with me. There's nothing spineless about it. I'm getting what I want. Racism just rolls off me because I can't even take someone seriously when I'm a better man than they are and deep down they know it too. Being broke and trying to end racism isn't any more effective than being rich and not trying to end racism. Having the higher socioeconomic status is already doing more to help the cause. Sorry if you were offended. Let me fix what I said.
Ive seen you post in that african thread, and your posts here arent any different. You seem so ignorant and its sad.
My two cents...this isn't the first instance of Sterling being a bad person and it won't be the last. Although it could have been questionable circumstances as to HOW the info leaked wrong is wrong. Racism and bigotry is awful. As someone who is black and has dated outside the race the faces and scrutiny or comments let my wife into some of the plights and difficulties black people face. I've had customers at one if my old jobs not put money in my hand like my color was gonna rub off...blatantly disrespect for no reason when I greeted them with a smile and kind disposition. Sad to say his sentiments are still shared by lots of people, even in this day and age, but ALL people should be looking past skin color as far as judging anyone. We as humans need to look for the commonalities instead of the good old divide and conquer tactics. Sorry for the essay. And there was way too much trolling going on. Devils advocate is one thing, but a lot of people came up with absurd nonsense that had no real merit or logic. Sad. We got smartphones and dumb people in 2014.
Ive seen you post in that african thread, and your posts here arent any different. You seem so ignorant and its sad.
please tell me what knowledge i seem to be lacking. 

NTers always quick to tell someone they're wrong but not explain why..
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"You can sleep with black people, you can bring them in"

Um....what? He's cool with her porking other dudes? And black dudes that he's racist against? WTF?????

I didn't read through all 34 pages to see if this has already been discussed...but again...wtf????

he doesnt give a **** about what she does in private she can do what she wants (smash/hang out with em) he just doesnt want her with black people in the public eye

he said it over and over in the phone call dont see how this went over your head :lol:
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he doesnt give a **** about what she does in private she can do what she wants (smash/hang out with em) he just doesnt want her with black people in the public eye

he said it over and over in the phone call dont see how this went over your head
Because I didn't listen to the audio. The quotes, the highlights, are all over the web. Didn't feel the need to hear this biggot actually say it.
please tell me what knowledge i seem to be lacking. 

NTers always quick to tell someone they're wrong but not explain why..
you have set your mind up and the way you carry yourself, whatever knowledge I may give to you, you will still carry on. Thats how lost you seem to me. and too be honest its more sad than frustrating because you arent the only black person that feels that way, seems to be a trend with these neo-african americans.
please tell me what knowledge i seem to be lacking. 

NTers always quick to tell someone they're wrong but not explain why..
you have set your mind up and the way you carry yourself, whatever knowledge I may give to you, you will still carry on. Thats how lost you seem to me. and too be honest its more sad than frustrating because you arent the only black person that feels that way, seems to be a trend with these neo-african americans.

Why do dudes do this? If he's so lost and needs so much help, why don't you stop *****ing at him and help him out?

Each one teach one, right? or do we not go by that anymore?
both curry's parent are black tho...

i'm still pretty incredulous that people seem to be expecting the players, who in all likelihood had to know sterlings views and accusations against him living & paying in LA, to all of sudden now protest because now its out in the larger public...the nba should bare the responsibility no?
was it rosa parks responsibility to refuse to sit in the back of the bus?  
you have set your mind up and the way you carry yourself, whatever knowledge I may give to you, you will still carry on. Thats how lost you seem to me. and too be honest its more sad than frustrating because you arent the only black person that feels that way, seems to be a trend with these neo-african americans.
you didn't explain one thing that you found wrong with my line of thinking. You call me lost and set in my ways and continue to ignore my request for some additional debate or convincing why my line of thinking is wrong. Why can't you just answer the question Colonel?. I want the truth!
Why do dudes do this? If he's so lost and needs so much help, why don't you stop *****ing at him and help him out?

Each one teach one, right? or do we not go by that anymore?
No, your right, but trust me that dude has been saying the same things even after me and a couple of dudes in the african thread been giving hime "help".

Some people seem to like to regard things in life because it doesnt bother them, or it doesnt happen on the regular. When you have people in power calling shots, its not about you anymore, its should be about what is going as a whole.
you didn't explain one thing that you found wrong with my line of thinking. You call me lost and set in my ways and continue to ignore my request for some additional debate or convincing why my line of thinking is wrong. Why can't you just answer the question Colonel?. I want the truth!
just because you think you can live "free", because someone who is racist pays you big bucks, and to say "oh im not bothered, I can do whatever I want as long as my slave master pays me", you show no respect towards yourself.
Listen to the full audio, he looked like he was setup and intoxicated.  Sterling seemed unhappy about something.  Listen in and comprehend the dialogue.  The media and the Clippers themselves are making a big fuss out of this.  It's obvious that he was set up.

But all this talk about boycotting games, being upset and all is even more childish.  Why do people let some comment affect them to that degree?  It's not like he had a full blown campaign against a certain race.  His comments were severely augmented to portray him as a racists.  His mistress skank is worst.

This world ain't perfect.  Prejudice, religious conflicts, race conflicts, etc. etc. exist.  Just chill out and move on.
The thing is, if he dropped the N-BOMB would that matter?  How about RILEY COOPER?  COME ON MAN.
I am seeing the "can black people be racist" conversation brought up again. Let me leave this here
Very good post. Some of the examples he gave are JUST what a bunch of people on this board (as recent in this thread) use a clutch every time race comes up 
Even black folks use them same excuses 
Very sad, and everyone could probably point these posters out, but that's not even necessary
yep theres a couple of people in this thread 
Listen to the full audio, he looked like he was setup and intoxicated.  Sterling seemed unhappy about something.  Listen in and comprehend the dialogue.  The media and the Clippers themselves are making a big fuss out of this.  It's obvious that he was set up.

But all this talk about boycotting games, being upset and all is even more childish.  Why do people let some comment affect them to that degree?  It's not like he had a full blown campaign against a certain race.  His comments were severely augmented to portray him as a racists.  His mistress skank is worst.

This world ain't perfect.  Prejudice, religious conflicts, race conflicts, etc. etc. exist.  Just chill out and move on.

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