Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Without players there is no league they need to sack up and use the leverage they have instead they continue to make money for sterling

Aren't they LEGALLY obligated to play a certain number of games?

I'm not aware of what their contracts require but I'd guess they're legally bound to do certain things.

I get it--the guys a racist, but the players can only do so much.
WHOAAA Donald was tricking big time!!!!

In the complaint, Rochelle Sterling (Donald Wife) accuses Stiviano(The Girlfriend) of being a woman who targets extremely wealthy older men. The suit claims that Donald Sterling used the couple's money to buy Stiviano a Ferrari, two Bentleys, and a Range Rover and that Stiviano took possession of a $1.8 million duplex through fraud. Sterling also gave her nearly $250,000 in cash, the court document says.​

If she's 38 she look good whether she had work done or not....no way she's that old tho
Nah, they tracked ole girl's name down, all those lip injections and fillers, she is not 21 :lol:

Her full name is Maria Vanessa Perez and she's 38, owned a stock business but got suspended and is on the Clippers board of directors.

Oh and i think the actual court documents show her age somewhere
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Nah, they tracked ole girl's name down, all those lip injections and fillers, she is not 21 :lol:

Her full name is Maria Vanessa Perez and she's 38, owned a stock business but got suspended and is on the Clippers board of directors.

Oh and i think the actual court documents show her age somewhere

Well damn :lol: makes sense now.
Nah, they tracked ole girl's name down, all those lip injections and fillers, she is not 21 :lol:

Her full name is Maria Vanessa Perez and she's 38, owned a stock business but got suspended and is on the Clippers board of directors.

Oh and i think the actual court documents show her age somewhere

Wow and works for the org. too? Damn

As for his girlfriend the mysterious V. Stiviano, we happened to know a few things. V stands for Vanessa, her full name is Maria Vanessa Perez, 38, she also goes by other aliases including Monica Gallegos, Maria Valdez and Vanessa Perez, she met Sterling in February, 2010 at the Super Bowl, they began an affair that same year. two women have referred to Vanessa Perez aka V. Stiviano as their sister Karen Beltran and Grammy Award singer Kay Cola.
Vanessa Stiviano owned a stock base business under her name V Stiviano, Inc. which she founded in 2008, her license to operate was suspended in 2011.
"You can sleep with black people, you can bring them in"

Um....what? He's cool with her porking other dudes? And black dudes that he's racist against? WTF?????

I didn't read through all 34 pages to see if this has already been discussed...but again...wtf????
Well I'll be damn. I retract my statements. She just got all that ****** up work done. Her voice still weird as hell.
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