Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.
Throwing the game makes themselves look even worse.

People will forgive them still. But they should have just walked off after tip off if they really wanted to do something...may affect their contracts or something tho idk

Throwing the game makes themselves look even worse.

They aren't throwing it.

Golden State is at home, and they've been distracted for the past 24 hours.

Plus Curry is hot.

Exactly, why throw a game when you could have just sat out and boycotted

They're shook out there
curry is shooting with the fervor of the minority community on his back
I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.

I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.


Here goes another one.
I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.
yea cause you have to say a slur to be racist. Tell me something else I should know white man.
Magic33 Magic33 honestly all it's gonna take is a rapper/entertainer to joke about it & that'll be that...do you not watch Family Guy? Perfect example

The media is milking it for what it's worth...
If people really genuinely cared, there would be so many boycotts for a lot of things
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I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.


Where's @Deuce King to drop a banjo on this guy :lol: :x
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I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.
I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.
Should left it at that.

And in sure the colonization of Africa has absolutely nothing to do with whats going on in places like Sudan right?
tokes you're crazy as hell if you don't think these european nations aren't the reason a lot of these african countries are having wars among different groups. I'm not going deep into it because on the surface I can tell you're one of those ignorant whites who got his "knowledge" passed down from his ignorant parents and grandparents 

well actually...both my parents are from nigeria...which is in..africa, they could still be ignorant though i guess...i am not dismissing the role colonization, it certainly has much to do with why the world is the way it is, but lets not make special exemptions here, a lot of people around this world go to bed at night thinking they are some how special, better than the next man...'american exceptionalism' anyone..how much is that really different from white exceptionalism or what some of you are trying to flip as black exceptionalism? all i'm articulating is that people throughout history have told themselves whatever they needed to in order to justify their biases...
I'm not deep in Nigeria politics but don't yall got some **** going on right now? :lol:  but let me guess as long as you get some nice treatment and invitation to the british parliament it's all good.....or if the Chinese is putting money in your pocket 

neither am i...you made an assertion about me and about the "knowledge" passed to me by my parents...and i don't really see what any of what you said relates to the subject at hand. i just think is so funny how people want to make everything into some conspiracy, we all have some agency in this world and to talk about things as if the real world cause is the result of some cabal somewhere obscures real discussion about the problems we (that is all of us) face...
Same people think this dude was tricked into making racist comments probably get a kick out of watching Bait Car.
Look at the "backlash" (I say that loosely) Kanye got for saying Bush doesn't care about black people
I don't agree with his opinions, but this was a private conversation that was illegally recorded. It also appeared as if his women was trying to fish for more racist comments. All Sterling as to do is lawyer up and sue for confidentiality breach. Also, for a man who is in his 80's I was expecting him to be more racist, and I don't think I heard a single slur come out of his mouth.
confidentially breach???  did she sign a DA??  you can't lawyer up, she did nothing illegal.
Don't fall for the bait. He knows exactly what he's doing.

And anyone who seriously thinks the Clippers are throwing the game needs to chill. You can question whether their heart is in it...but to purposely play like ****? Nah.
"I'm not going to publicly say I agree with his opinions, but I'm going to defend him because someone could possibly record me saying something racist one day."
This issue has somehow become about what the players should instead of the NBA for enabling him and his racist activities for like 40 years. :smh:
and his wife is suing his gf for ruining their marriage...not the man she's married too who brings his gf to games
lol.. wow, dude is so strange on so many levels, how are you going to go to games with your GF that is 50 years younger then him and have your wife at home.  His wife is so weak.. doesnt matter if I was a billionare or not, my wife woop my *** if I did that and then divorce me.
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