Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

"I'm not going to publicly say I agree with his opinions, but I'm going to defend him because someone could possibly record me saying something racist one day."

You forgot. I'm not racist, because I didn't say the N word. :nthat:
This issue has somehow become about what the players should instead of the NBA for enabling him and his racist activities for like 40 years.
well technically those guys play for Donald sterling, he is technically there boss and can release them anytime he wants.  

Honeslty would have liked to have seen both teams come together and not play until he is suspended.
no they arent throwing its just too much of a distraction.  if they were throwing it they would have just protested the game. 
If this were the NFL I would say they need to act immediately, but the NBA has been more lenient than Goodell with suspensions. Goodell often doesn't wait for a conviction to suspend players.

So I understand the NBA/Silver investigating and verifying it's him, because they've allowed their players due process. Look at how they allowed Kobe to play while going to trial.
If this were the NFL I would say they need to act immediately, but the NBA has been more lenient than Goodell with suspensions. Goodell often doesn't wait for a conviction to suspend players.

So I understand the NBA/Silver investigating and verifying it's him, because they've allowed their players due process. Look at how they allowed Kobe to play while going to trial.

Jim Irsay is a reckless individual and Goodell aint done ****
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"I'm not going to publicly say I agree with his opinions, but I'm going to defend him because someone could possibly record me saying something racist one day."
This is what I'm getting from anyone posting this ******** violation of privacy deflecting from the real topic.
Some of you are so foolish, there are many other owners in our societies professional sports landscape that share Sterling's exact same views.

I pretty much guarantee that every other owner and high level league official has known Sterling was a racist for many years, yet still broke bread with the man. 
Let's not make wild accusations and assumptions without evidence. Just because people work with and for Sterling, doesn't mean they share the same views.
It's not a wild assumption, it's an informed and calculated presumption.  Miss me with that you can't prove it ****. 
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Without players there is no league they need to sack up and use the leverage they have instead they continue to make money for sterling
clippers should of played the game in street clothes or just refuse to play but they all playing for moneyyyyyy
I was thinking they should've got some plain black jerseys and refused to wear the clippers gear until the NBA did enough to where they were satisfied.
I am seeing the "can black people be racist" conversation brought up again. Let me leave this here

Very good post. Some of the examples he gave are JUST what a bunch of people on this board (as recent in this thread) use a clutch every time race comes up :lol: :lol:
curry is shooting with the fervor of the minority community on his back
Well with half of it on his back
ain't be half white???? :nerd:

Just kidding guys :lol:

both curry's parent are black tho...

i'm still pretty incredulous that people seem to be expecting the players, who in all likelihood had to know sterlings views and accusations against him living & paying in LA, to all of sudden now protest because now its out in the larger public...the nba should bare the responsibility no?
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I am seeing the "can black people be racist" conversation brought up again. Let me leave this here

Very good post. Some of the examples he gave are JUST what a bunch of people on this board (as recent in this thread) use a clutch every time race comes up :lol: :lol:
Even black folks use them same excuses :smh:

Very sad, and everyone could probably point these posters out, but that's not even necessary
i thought this was a phone call the extended one sounds like she was recording him in person

dam she set dude up or what? :wow:
WHOAAA Donald was tricking big time!!!!

In the complaint, Rochelle Sterling (Donald Wife) accuses Stiviano(The Girlfriend) of being a woman who targets extremely wealthy older men. The suit claims that Donald Sterling used the couple's money to buy Stiviano a Ferrari, two Bentleys, and a Range Rover and that Stiviano took possession of a $1.8 million duplex through fraud. Sterling also gave her nearly $250,000 in cash, the court document says.
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