Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

I can say I smashed some famous actress, it may not be true but if it gets into the right ears I'd be all over the media with some false story

No way this happens unless you are caught on camera out and about with said celebrity...
Every rich white person thinks like this.

Not Al Davis

Under Davis' management, the Raiders became one of the most successful teams in professional sports. His motto for the team was "Just win, baby."[1] Davis was active in civil rights, refusing to allow the Raiders to play in any city where black and white players had to stay in separate hotels. He was the first NFL owner to hire an African American head coach and a female chief executive. He was also the second NFL owner to hire a Latino head coach.
I mess with Davis and I ain't even a raider fan

Kobe gets a false rape accusation, loses endorsements, Sterling has that discrimination case, known to be racist, now this, still owns a team. Money talks over everything. And who is a better role model of the two?
Neither are good role models IMO
Don't matter if the accusation was false
Kobe should never have put himself in that situation
Infidelity is wrong and a role model shouldn't even be getting into those types of things
Just sayin
Plus he dry snitched on shaq :smh:

Anyone can come out and claim rape, negativity spreads like wildfire in the media so even if Kobe never even seen that woman they'd take that story and run with it
Don't matter he still had sex with the woman and put himself in that position
Now if he didn't have sex with the woman u would have a point
But he did so.............
What exactly did Jennings say that wasn't true though? Aside from his own condescending viewpoints on racism that I do NOT condone or agree with, he was right about about how black people walk around calling each other the "N" word...

You don't think that has an underlying effect on the opinion of other races towards blacks? It perpetuates the problem, it does not help resolve it.

You can't be serious. This is so much bigger than the N word. If that word never existed...people like Donald Sterling would still be who they are.

Stop deflecting. That word has nothing to do with this situation

One of my homies works for the clippers for an internship . He's Mexican . Wonder if he going to continue working there .

I'm not black I'm Mexican different Race but we got the same problems for the most part.
What exactly did Jennings say that wasn't true though? Aside from his own condescending viewpoints on racism that I do NOT condone or agree with, he was right about about how black people walk around calling each other the "N" word...

You don't think that has an underlying effect on the opinion of other races towards blacks? It perpetuates the problem, it does not help resolve it.
Jennings comments were just pointless. What is the point of bringing up the N-word usage when this situation is independent of that? Him saying that is saying what? As long as people call each other the N-word we shouldn't get mad when someone else disrespects us?

That is nonsense man. I understand the logic but it is a nonsense point. Two independent things man.

He cocmes off as an apologist.
What iss this secret relationship between Jews and Blacks? In short can someone explain it?

Also, when I put penis envy, yes I am literally talking about penis envy. Read your history, white men were PETRIFIED by black "masculinity." Literally and figuratively. Which is why "they" don't pass up any chance at feminizing us through the media..

Hard to really sum up in short. So many layers to it. Put it this way...those in positions of real wealth and power in this world know who we really are...and I'll leave it at that.
What iss this secret relationship between Jews and Blacks? In short can someone explain it?

Also, when I put penis envy, yes I am literally talking about penis envy. Read your history, white men were PETRIFIED by black "masculinity." Literally and figuratively. Which is why "they" don't pass up any chance at feminizing us through the media..

Alonzo gif.
What iss this secret relationship between Jews and Blacks? In short can someone explain it?

Also, when I put penis envy, yes I am literally talking about penis envy. Read your history, white men were PETRIFIED by black "masculinity." Literally and figuratively. Which is why "they" don't pass up any chance at feminizing us through the media..

Hard to really sum up in short. So many layers to it. Put it this way...those in positions of real wealth and power in this world know who we really are...and I'll leave it at that.
Can u fully explain this statement???
Just take a minute to type it as best u can I'm really Interested in ur post
And why do white hate us?

Because some of them are confused. There is this idea that we are supposed to be inferior.
Back in the day, today still, they let our women babysit. Hell, some of them even let their babies suck on our women's ******* for milk. But we are inferior.

You don't put so many strategic obstacles in the way of someone that you don't view as a threat. For someone that you don't view as having the ability, when given a chance, to succeed.

But we are inferior. Artistically and athletically their damn kids want to be like us. All of those white girls go on American Idol auditions singing Whitney and Aretha. But we are inferior. Right.

Their women want bodies like our good looking women. But we are inferior.

Some of them are just CONFUSED as to how they are supposed to feel.
What iss this secret relationship between Jews and Blacks? In short can someone explain it?

Also, when I put penis envy, yes I am literally talking about penis envy. Read your history, white men were PETRIFIED by black "masculinity." Literally and figuratively. Which is why "they" don't pass up any chance at feminizing us through the media..
Hard to really sum up in short. So many layers to it. Put it this way...those in positions of real wealth and power in this world know who we really are...and I'll leave it at that.
Can u fully explain this statement???
Just take a minute to type it as best u can I'm really Interested in ur post
I get what he's saying and to be perfectly honest, it's a topic better served through face to face conversation. It's hard to capture on a message board due to the complexities of the matter.
What iss this secret relationship between Jews and Blacks? In short can someone explain it?

Also, when I put penis envy, yes I am literally talking about penis envy. Read your history, white men were PETRIFIED by black "masculinity." Literally and figuratively. Which is why "they" don't pass up any chance at feminizing us through the media..

Hard to really sum up in short. So many layers to it. Put it this way...those in positions of real wealth and power in this world know who we really are...and I'll leave it at that.
Can u fully explain this statement???

Just take a minute to type it as best u can I'm really Interested in ur post
I get what he's saying and to be perfectly honest, it's a topic better served through face to face conversation. It's hard to capture on a message board due to the complexities of the matter.
Wanna face time me bruh???? :nerd:
I'm really interested now
Everybody up in arms over this bull**** this is nothing. Just a reminder of how **** is in case y'all forgot. Obama gets elected and a gang of black folks think **** is sweet. **** ain't sweet. It never was. I'm military minded 24/7. Not just when the opportunity arises. Bunch of opportunist coming out the wood works. See the world for what it really is.
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Everybody up in arms over this bull**** this is nothing. Just a reminder of how **** is in case y'all forgot. Obama gets elected and a gang of black folks think **** is sweet. **** ain't sweet. It never was. I'm military minded 24/7. Not just when the opportunity arises. Bunch of opportunist coming out the wood works
Ol Chuck D fight the power soundin boi
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well, technically the criticism of jordan was that he didn't make his opinion or political views known...he was something of a blank slate; there's his famous quote that, to paraphrase, republicans buy shoes too. or when, around the 1st peak of jordan sigs, he was asked about the violence surrounding people acquiring his shoes he was not vocal about it. it was more that to be as prominent of a black athlete that he was he didn't really stand for anything, he was outside of the tradition of the bill russells & jim browns, (at least publicly) and to some extent that made him the ultimate pitchman...
this right here is a true gem... repped
Everybody up in arms over this bull**** this is nothing. Just a reminder of how **** is in case y'all forgot. Obama gets elected and a gang of black folks think **** is sweet. **** ain't sweet. It never was. I'm military minded 24/7. Not just when the opportunity arises. Bunch of opportunist coming out the wood works. See the world for what is really is.

Oh boy...
I am seeing the "can black people be racist" conversation brought up again. Let me leave this here

This vid pretty much sums up my thoughts on black people and racism.

And the question remains... why do people like Donald Sterling consider black people the enemy?

really? that tariq dude definitely has the gift of gab, he is talking that good game to the people in that room...to say black folk (or a minority in general) can't be racist is kinda asinine, true maybe not on a large systemic level, but racism can & does occur on a person to person, neighborhood, community level...

and don't think that it that dterling necessarily deems black folk the enemy, just could be as simple as just being other...not part of the crew, insiders v. outsiders, old money v new money...
You can't be serious. This is so much bigger than the N word. If that word never existed...people like Donald Sterling would still be who they are.

Stop deflecting. That word has nothing to do with this situation

I don't think you're serious. When did I ever state that "people like Donald Sterling" would NOT be who they are regardless of the "N" word? I'll wait...

The point was in the tweet reference from Jennings that using the "N" word is a common thing in the world, and you think it doesn't help perpetuate racism in this world because it's commonly used? In the context that black people use it, it's "okay". But these types of racists use the other meaning behind closed doors, and it's not deflecting anything, it's simply the truth...
What exactly did Jennings say that wasn't true though? Aside from his own condescending viewpoints on racism that I do NOT condone or agree with, he was right about about how black people walk around calling each other the "N" word...

You don't think that has an underlying effect on the opinion of other races towards blacks? It perpetuates the problem, it does not help resolve it.

You can't be serious. This is so much bigger than the N word. If that word never existed...people like Donald Sterling would still be who they are.

Stop deflecting. That word has nothing to do with this situation

Jennings comments were just pointless. What is the point of bringing up the N-word usage when this situation is independent of that? Him saying that is saying what? As long as people call each other the N-word we shouldn't get mad when someone else disrespects us?

That is nonsense man. I understand the logic but it is a nonsense point. Two independent things man.

He comes off as an apologist.

To an extent Jennings is right...

In the context that Sterling was mouthing off it was beyond inappropriate and very incorrigible in speech. But people do walk around calling each other the "N" word, even though obviously the context is not quite the same and I'm half black myself saying it...

I feel than Jennings probably feels desensitized to it since the racism and words surrounding it have been thrown around for at least over a century. I don't condone racism, but I think I understand his nonchalant viewpoint on it.
Jennings feels that way cuz he has a little paper... Id like to see him comment on this twt post in 10yrs when hes washed up and trying to find a job. Money blinds the weak 

Forget all this back and forth, the only thing that needs to be said is if you generally agree with Jennings view that we should turn a blind eye to Donald Sterling and racism because some people use the N-word?
And why do white hate us?

Because some of them are confused. There is this idea that we are supposed to be inferior.
Back in the day, today still, they let our women babysit. Hell, some of them even let their babies suck on our women's ******* for milk. But we are inferior.

You don't put so many strategic obstacles in the way of someone that you don't view as a threat. For someone that you don't view as having the ability, when given a chance, to succeed.

But we are inferior. Artistically and athletically their damn kids want to be like us. All of those white girls go on American Idol auditions singing Whitney and Aretha. But we are inferior. Right.

Their women want bodies like our good looking women. But we are inferior.

Some of them are just CONFUSED as to how they are supposed to feel.

it really isn't that deep...we're all human beings, for the next man to subjugate his kin(as in the human animal) he has to tell himself that he is better than, the other is less than, as such a system was built around that premise...it is really that simple, this type of thing has played out across every incarnation of man i think, just that we are in the latest, most current version. there is no conspiracy around 'who the black man really is' or people being scared of what could be only those scared of what they see as something upsetting what they think is the natural order...

and people come up with these theories to the contrary either as overcompensation or to sell their merch...
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Jennings saying that black people shouldn't get mad at anyone for being racist as long as they call eachother the N-word

is equivalent to

Someone saying that women that get raped should take more consideration of how they are dressed when they come out of the house.

Both situations are indirectly blaming the victim.

Again, why do you dude think it is cool to tell folks when they should/shouldn't be offended. I laugh, joke, and play on NT but this is one thing that has to stop man. You have NO RIGHT to tell anyone when they shouldn't be bothered by something
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