Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

This reminds me of that stand-up segment from Katt Williams where he said Jerry Seinfeld said the n-word around the right black people [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That was Michael Richards, not Jerry Seinfeld.

Yeah you're right...I just remembered the "Seinfeld, is this your ****?!" Piece [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
This just shows how powerful money is. Morals, ethics, racism, logic and pride will always be on the back burner if the check is big enough.
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The only feasible resolution would be Sterling paying a big fine, banned from Clippers games, host a fan appreciation night where he buys EVERY black person in attendance tickets

Fine would have to be in the 100+ to be big to him
They could suspended from his ownership position indefinitely while encouraging him to sell the team
or take over the day-to-day operations of the Clippers(but this only happens when teams are having issues financially.)
I am seeing the "can black people be racist" conversation brought up again. Let me leave this here

This vid pretty much sums up my thoughts on black people and racism.

And the question remains... why do people like Donald Sterling consider black people the enemy?
why do people like Donald Sterling consider black people the enemy?

I see you in other threads so I know you hip.

You and I both know why...but discussing it would ruffle alot of feathers. That's why those other threads we frequent work well cause most these dudes won't even enter.
Why does Sterling view blacks as the enemy?

1. Conditioning. Probably how he was raised

2. The Media. They damn sure don't help out our image

3. Our ability, when the playing field is even. It goes against all of those "studies" that say blacks are predisposed to violence. Our skulls suggest that we are intellectually inferior. All of that nonsense man.

4. Penis envy. Yes, I honestly believe this is a true aspect of why some white men hate black men. It was evident back in the day, and I believe it is true today
Conditioning >>> more than anything. I've tried to explain conditioning to people and they think it's non-sense or that I'm looking into it too much. Man it happens all around us they just don't know.
I see you in other threads so I know you hip.

You and I both know why...but discussing it would ruffle alot of feathers. That's why those other threads we frequent work well cause most these dudes won't even enter.

I got you bro... but curiosity gets the best of me. I truly want to know what people think.

To an extent Jennings is right...

In the context that Sterling was mouthing off it was beyond inappropriate and very incorrigible in speech. But people do walk around calling each other the "N" word, even though obviously the context is not quite the same and I'm half black myself saying it...

I feel than Jennings probably feels desensitized to it since the racism and words surrounding it have been thrown around for at least over a century. I don't condone racism, but I think I understand his nonchalant viewpoint on it.
Jennings is displaying JUST the type of thinking that keeps us at the bottom fiending for scraps

Which was exactly why I posted that "corny gif". It perfectly summed up both Jennings' tweet and dude's post regarding it
The NBA should have handled him when he had that housing discrimination case years back.
I see you in other threads so I know you hip.

You and I both know why...but discussing it would ruffle alot of feathers. That's why those other threads we frequent work well cause most these dudes won't even enter.


Sterling refers to Blacks as the enemies still because he obviously sees himself and his race as superior to other minorities.

So it rustles his jimmies big time when he sees blacks in this case, gaining large sums of wealths by running and jumping. Guys like Magic Johnson infiltrating a world that he feels blacks just do not belong in because they aren't "supposed to be there."

Deep down he probably has some unresolved bitterness towards the ascension of blacks in today's society, especially with the amount of wealth and celebrity that they have accumulated through sports.
Why does Sterling view blacks as the enemy?

1. Conditioning. Probably how he was raised

2. The Media. They damn sure don't help out our image

3. Our ability, when the playing field is even. It goes against all of those "studies" that say blacks are predisposed to violence. Our skulls suggest that we are intellectually inferior. All of that nonsense man.

4. Penis envy. Yes, I honestly believe this is a true aspect of why some white men hate black men. It was evident back in the day, and I believe it is true today

Its bigger than that too...he alludes to it in that extended tape when he brings up Black Jews in Israel.

If you get a chance...check out the book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

Its impossible to get to the root of why these people view Blacks the way they do without discussing spirituality...because that is the root of it.
Kobe gets a false rape accusation, loses endorsements, Sterling has that discrimination case, known to be racist, now this, still owns a team. Money talks over everything. And who is a better role model of the two?
no matter what the NBA does, or what happens to the guy from this moment on.. it doesnt change what he has said.. 

This vid was posted earlier and I think it was kinda overlooked. It was crazy to hear how the presence of Sterling made Baron Davis feel while playing a game a loves so much. For a black man who has felt that emotion is just :smh:
Every rich white person thinks like this.

Not Al Davis

Under Davis' management, the Raiders became one of the most successful teams in professional sports. His motto for the team was "Just win, baby."[1] Davis was active in civil rights, refusing to allow the Raiders to play in any city where black and white players had to stay in separate hotels. He was the first NFL owner to hire an African American head coach and a female chief executive. He was also the second NFL owner to hire a Latino head coach.
I mess with Davis and I ain't even a raider fan

Kobe gets a false rape accusation, loses endorsements, Sterling has that discrimination case, known to be racist, now this, still owns a team. Money talks over everything. And who is a better role model of the two?
Neither are good role models IMO
Don't matter if the accusation was false
Kobe should never have put himself in that situation
Infidelity is wrong and a role model shouldn't even be getting into those types of things
Just sayin
Plus he dry snitched on shaq :smh:
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Every rich white person thinks like this.

Not Al Davis

Under Davis' management, the Raiders became one of the most successful teams in professional sports. His motto for the team was "Just win, baby."[1] Davis was active in civil rights, refusing to allow the Raiders to play in any city where black and white players had to stay in separate hotels. He was the first NFL owner to hire an African American head coach and a female chief executive. He was also the second NFL owner to hire a Latino head coach.
I mess with Davis and I ain't even a raider fan

Kobe gets a false rape accusation, loses endorsements, Sterling has that discrimination case, known to be racist, now this, still owns a team. Money talks over everything. And who is a better role model of the two?
Neither are good role models IMO
Don't matter if the accusation was false
Kobe should never have put himself in that situation
Infidelity is wrong and a role model shouldn't even be getting into those types of things
Just sayin
Plus he dry snitched on shaq :smh:

Anyone can come out and claim rape, negativity spreads like wildfire in the media so even if Kobe never even seen that woman they'd take that story and run with it
I can say I smashed some famous actress, it may not be true but if it gets into the right ears I'd be all over the media with some false story
Which was exactly why I posted that "corny gif". It perfectly summed up both Jennings' tweet and dude's post regarding it

What exactly did Jennings say that wasn't true though? Aside from his own condescending viewpoints on racism that I do NOT condone or agree with, he was right about about how black people walk around calling each other the "N" word...

You don't think that has an underlying effect on the opinion of other races towards blacks? It perpetuates the problem, it does not help resolve it.
What iss this secret relationship between Jews and Blacks? In short can someone explain it?

Also, when I put penis envy, yes I am literally talking about penis envy. Read your history, white men were PETRIFIED by black "masculinity." Literally and figuratively. Which is why "they" don't pass up any chance at feminizing us through the media..
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