Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Thread is moving wayyy too fast.
I wonder what the outcome of all this will be.
The NBA cant take away the team from him, they cant force him to sell the team.........so what happens?
I guess they can make him apologize and ban him from attending games..........but what else?

Wonder how long that conversation went? Doesnt seem over according to the last 5 minutes posted today.
Could be a 2 hour convo :lol:
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Thread is moving wayyy to fast.
I wonder what the outcome of all this will be.
The NBA cant take away the team from him, they cant force him to sell the team.........so what happens?
I guess they can make him apologize and ban him from attending games..........but what else?

All they can do is suspend him indefinitely and encourage him to sell the team
If he has kids he should just hand them (or him/her) full ownership of the team and he should stop coming to games.
He can do what he wants though. The league can only ban him from attending games and thats it.
They cant force him to sell the team.
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If this is Jordan verbatim, the owners have decided to destroy Sterling

I agree Bomani

All those Clippers employees/players/etc. collecting checks over the years really makes me appreciate Muhammad Ali.
Some of you are so foolish, there are many other owners in our societies professional sports landscape that share Sterling's exact same views.

I pretty much guarantee that every other owner and high level league official has known Sterling was a racist for many years, yet still broke bread with the man. 
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LOL @ Calling Double J a troll.

But he is right man. Those dudes knew Sterling was a racist
I thought being a redneck was a mindset.
the term "redneck" has several meaning but was derived from working class white farmers getting a "redneck" while working in the sun all day.

So the true meaning is a poor working class white person, which I think his point was Sterling doesnt fit in that class 
If he has kids he should just hand them (or him/her) full ownership of the team and he should stop coming to games.
He can do what he wants though. The league can only ban him from attending games and thats it.
They cant force him to sell the team.
They can make him sell it or they transfer his team to the d league which they can
LOL @ Calling Double J a troll.

But he is right man. Those dudes knew Sterling was a racist
I thought being a redneck was a mindset.
the term "redneck" has several meaning but was derived from working class white farmers getting a "redneck" while working in the sun all day.

So the true meaning is a poor working class white person, which I think his point was Sterling doesnt fit in that class 
God forbid a white man in this country be categorized poor or uneducated 

Same dudes upset with the use of redneck using "that's ghetto" any chance they get. 
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Some of you are so foolish, there are many other owners in our societies professional sports landscape that share Sterling's exact same views.

I pretty much guarantee that every other owner and high level league official has known Sterling was a racist for many years, yet still broke bread with the man. 

I think everyone understands this. It's part of the reason why Sterling has been enabled for over 30 years. It was a trickle down from other owners, to the rest of the FO, coaches, and players. NBA should have done something a long time ago, but didn't. It's a damn shame.

..as far as those Snoop remarks go, what he said was from that NWA song 'f the police'..(5:15)

still could've handled it a lol better lol..
When did Michael Jordan, as a player, not stand up when he should have? People always say that he never did this/that, but what chances did he pass up in which he could have done something?
Some of you are so foolish, there are many other owners in our societies professional sports landscape that share Sterling's exact same views.

I pretty much guarantee that every other owner and high level league official has known Sterling was a racist for many years, yet still broke bread with the man. 

I think everyone understands this. It's part of the reason why Sterling has been enabled for over 30 years. It was a trickle down from other owners, to the rest of the FO, coaches, and players. NBA should have done something a long time ago, but didn't. It's a damn shame.

Repped. I think it's about 50-50 a lot of people don't understand this.
When did Michael Jordan, as a player, not stand up when he should have? People always say that he never did this/that, but what chances did he pass up in which he could have done something?


also as a player standing up for anything is a risky move due to the possibility of you ostracizing yourself
Just read through the majority of this thread and I think we are overlooking something... Why does Donald Sterling and people like him consider black people the enemy?

What has black people done to deserve the hatred they receive? I want y'all take on it
So your guys logic: players shouldn't boycott because it won't change much, and they should be all about $$$.
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