Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

It is wild how that man Stelring said to that girl, "You are supposed to be a beautiful white woman." Hahahahahah he really tried to convince her she was white.
It is wild how that man Stelring said to that girl, "You are supposed to be a beautiful white woman." Hahahahahah he really tried to convince her she was white.

punani was so good he tried to make it closer to being white :lol:

knockout game, kids only looking for white people to knock out

any kind of stereotyping towards whites

i have had a friend that has been mugged for being white in a black neighborhood 

but since this is the internet, its mostly stereotyping whites the same way it would be offensive to stereotype blacks

how do you know he got mugged for being white? a black person would probably have just as much chance of being mugged in that neighborhood
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Tell em why you mad tho

how am i mad ? you said

'Wow this one dude is really trying to ruin this entire thread. Peace'

that sounds like some one who is throwing a sissy fit then proceeds to walk out of the room. then only for that individual to come back and pretend like nothing happened.
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View media item 940571

Ninja said that? All this time I thought it was Alexander Hamilton or Malcolm X.......




I know you're being sarcastic, but I still wouldn't get too excited and think that he was commenting on real issues. He said that in his argument for why "Don't Sweat My Swag" t shirts are better than logo-less t shirts :lol: :smh:
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how am i mad ? you said

'Wow this one dude is really trying to ruin this entire thread. Peace'

that sounds like some one who is throwing a sissy fit then proceeds to walk out of the room. then only for that individual to come back and pretend like nothing happened.
What about the part where you forgot to sign in as stayblessed?
dam that broad is pathetic

i know she with dude for the money but dam she aint got no dignity self respect etc she could find another sucker rich guy that atleast aint racist
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dam that broad is pathetic

i know she with dude for the money but dam she aint got no dignity self respect etc she could find another sucker that atleast aint racist
most of these thotties dont
i wonder what happened between them that caused her to cut off her money stream and give the recording to tmz
Every last media outlet has referred to this broad as "V"... She ain't got no TBT pics on Instagram...and nobody knows anything about this chick prior to her relationship with Sterling.

If it quacks like a duck...
F Sterling. Also, F this broad for recording this, she probably tried to extort him and he wasn't having it.
Absolutely disgusting. But you know what's even more disgusting? This cat passes off V. stiviano willing and knowingly she gettin' tossed by celebs. What does she even see in Donald as a man? The true definition of a gold digger.
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