Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

First and foremost you sound like a troll, but to answer your question it isn't about hurting sterling dude is a billionaire. He also has a right to be prejudice, but a boycott can bring change. Which is what is important, this is no longer something that can be buried, and it is something that as many have said has always been suspected, but now can actually be faced head on. Nothing soft about standing up when something isn't right, nothing soft about speaking on real issues. As I said I'm sure your trolling, but there's plenty of fools out here who need to use their heads or simply keep quiet.

Serious question. What will boycotting do to change starlings views as a racist because that is what the issue is here ?

It's not trolling just because someone doesn't agree with you and you don't have anything to say after your attempts to deflect a valid point...
so that makes it okay?

is it okay to be a white racist as long as he/she isnt a business owner? 
are you intentionally being obtuse? i really don't see how you can take that away from that statement. he asked why is this such a big story, obviously its due to the positions that all involved hold in society. it doesn't make it right if some trailer trash redneck holds these same views, but in the same sense its not going to be on the news if that persons doesnt hold any power in society
it was "black people can be racist too" which has nothing to do with this so it should not have been said

but the reply was "Except the black racists aren't billionaires who employ whites." which i interpreted as its not as bad when black people are racist because they are not billionaires who employ whites. 

thats wrong, racism is racism no matter what your skin color or social status. but if it was about why its on the news than my bad, of course its because hes a billionare nba owner.
Don't understand today's society, acting like there isn't blacks who are racist against whites and vice versa. We have become so soft that we think everybody has to like everybody and unfortunately it's just not that way. How is this such a big story ? If the players boycott how does this hurt sterling ?
for reals...all races have a certain prejudice against others..some people just make it more apparent than others.  They just dont say nothing to keep it cool.   Why is it ok for black comedians to clown on white people and call them crackers....but white people cant do the same.    
does seem like a troll.

Boycott hurts his pockets, there are consequences to actions

We've established he's a billionaire , even if players sat out a whole season you think sterlings not eating. Also, with his pockets being "hurt" you think he will then learn to love minorities ?
Don't understand today's society, acting like there isn't blacks who are racist against whites
You can't be racist to the superior race
thats pretty racist if you're implying that white people are the superior race
You're using that word wrong.
try majority race. the term "superior race" is not something you want to be throwing around.

and saying you cant be racist to whites is both ignorant and dumb. 
Maybe that's how you took it. What I meant is there are racist in this world always going to be this way , coming in all forms of color, gender, and size. We act shocked now because of this one story and what do you want sterling to do at this point feel like you? Well what if you have a racist or biased towards something , just not realistic.
The fact that racism exists doesn't mean it should be accepted. 

I'm not sure if you're even serious with some of the **** that you're typing right now.
We've established he's a billionaire , even if players sat out a whole season you think sterlings not eating. Also, with his pockets being "hurt" you think he will then learn to love minorities ?

i'm glad not everybody holds your views, otherwise there would have never been any of the social progress that we've seen throughout this country in the past 50 years
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The fact that racism exists doesn't mean it should be accepted. 

I'm not sure if you're even serious with some of the **** that you're typing right now.

I am a realist , I know there is going to be prejudice in racism in this world. I have come to accept that , yes.
i'm glad not everybody holds your views, otherwise there would have never been any of the social progress that we've seen throughout this country in the past 50 years

Yes , movements in the past have been effective to see changes in their conditions. How did sterlings beliefs or calls effect his players ? Did this effect their wages , their work environment , they weren't even there. So what would they expect out of that movement ?
does seem like a troll.

Boycott hurts his pockets, there are consequences to actions

We've established he's a billionaire , even if players sat out a whole season you think sterlings not eating. Also, with his pockets being "hurt" you think he will then learn to love minorities ?

The issue isn't making him love minorities, the issue here is teaching/showing him and other like him that this bigotry is not acceptable in any work environment.
The issue isn't making him love minorities, the issue here is teaching/showing him and other like him that this bigotry is not acceptable in any work environment.

How did he display bigotry in a work environment , he was on the phone with his gf ?
Yes , movements in the past have been effective to see changes in their conditions. How did sterlings beliefs or calls effect his players ? Did this effect their wages , their work environment , they weren't even there. So what would they expect out of that movement ?

well if there was zero outcry it would imply that these viewpoints are tolerable, which down the line could very well lead to effecting all those other things you've mentioned.

the NBA has fined players for far less, and they've spent years building this reputation of being a progressive organization. if they sweep this under the rug it would contradict everything they claim to stand for
Serious question. What will boycotting do to change starlings views as a racist because that is what the issue is here ?
The issue here is not his views. The issue here is that a man with his views has owned a team in the NBA for 3 decades, and now a platform has been provided to take a stand not only against him but people like him. If players do not play, and fans do not support, a team which has been around for that long disappears, and we will all know why instead of it being swept and players being blackballed. Millionaire athletes deserve to have some dignity as well, no one should feel they have to work for a person like this, and if these people are suppose to be role models when it comes to everything else this is a chance to show the world and the youth to stand up not only for themselves but what is right. Bring some character, and principle back to a society that seems to have lost it, and is filled with people with your mindset.
try majority race. the term "superior race" is not something you want to be throwing around.

and saying you cant be racist to whites is both ignorant and dumb. 

Way too eager to use words you don't know the meaning of. How can something be ignorant and dumb? What :lol:

I would love to hear how a black person can be racist to whites though
The fact that racism exists doesn't mean it should be accepted. 

I'm not sure if you're even serious with some of the **** that you're typing right now.

I am a realist , I know there is going to be prejudice in racism in this world. I have come to accept that , yes.

If we were in different time periods, some stuff I could imagine you saying:

Mannnnnnnnn people always gonna be racist, we should just accept slavery and chill

Mannnnnnnnn people always gonna be racist, we should just accept Jim Crow and chill

Mannnnnnnnn people always gonna be racist, we should just accept furtive systematic racism and chill

Mannnnnnnnn people always gonna be racist, we should just accept someone taking about our race like we a scum and chill
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The issue isn't making him love minorities, the issue here is teaching/showing him and other like him that this bigotry is not acceptable in any work environment.

How did he display bigotry in a work environment , he was on the phone with his gf ?

The Elgin Baylor situation, saying that he wanted to fill his team with "poor black boys from the South and a white head coach". Comments made to players, refusing people housing due to their race (he is a real estate developer), and many other things.

His racist comments made to his gf, or ex-gf if you ask is PR people, is the first time he's been recorded i believe.
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well if there was zero outcry it would imply that these viewpoints are tolerable, which down the line could very well lead to effecting all those other things you've mentioned.

the NBA has fined players for far less, and they've spent years building this reputation of being a progressive organization. if they sweep this under the rug it would contradict everything they claim to stand for

People have stated their side, he should not have these beliefs, I understand that. If we went around probing into every athlete, owner, gm etc you think this would be the only grotesque commentary we'd find from black, white, Latino , list goes on. Do we start movements for all of these comments that we gather. Just like many mentioned, many have bias / prejudice towards something , do we take it to work with us? No. But when at home we may act a little different , we talk a different you get my drift .
How did he display bigotry in a work environment , he was on the phone with his gf ?
He's actually been reported to have made his bigotry clear to past players, which ultimately had to be sucked up by the player, and swept under the rug by the NBA.
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