Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Why does Doc seem like a cornball brother? Because he can articulate his thoughts? Because he has a white wife? What makes you call him cornball?
Why does Doc seem like a cornball brother? Because he can articulate his thoughts? Because he has a white wife? What makes you call him cornball?

Well u summed it up perfectly
Dont think I need to add anything else

I wasn't serious initially about doc though
I don't know why Doc didn't say anything before. But all of those dudes HAD to have known Sterling's history.

I am saying that folks knew what they were getting into before going to the CLip show.

Exactly. This is why there need to be some hard questions directed at guys on the team. If Sterling was as bad of a person as what's being reported or documented, then why wasn't ANYTHING said by Doc, CP3, Blake Griffin, D. Jordan, Grant Hill, etc etc....I mean, he's been the owner of the team for 35 years and there have been numerous reports of him being a disgusting racist with little-to-no regard for certain groups of minorities. Like I was saying before...the dollar reigns supreme and obviously takes precedence over principle.
LOL stuff like this makes it difficult for me to care. :lol: I honestly think to the core we are all ignorant and racist, even the victims of racism.

well.....you'd be wrong. i do not think i'm better than anyone because i'm black nor

do i think any race is better than me. and i'm positive there are plenty people who feel that way.

and do you know what ignorance is? if you're ignorant at you're core, then you're just ignorant. :lol:

you making no sense.
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I don't know why Doc didn't say anything before. But all of those dudes HAD to have known Sterling's history.

I am saying that folks knew what they were getting into before going to the CLip show.

1. CP3 got traded to Clip.

2. Blake Griff got drafted by Clip.

3. DeAndre got drafted by Clip.

4. Danny Granger got traded to Clip.

5. JJ was dealt to the Clip in a sign and trade.

6. Willie Green got traded to the Clip.

7. Jared Dudley was traded to the Clip.

8. Reggie Bullock was drafted by the Clip.

HC Doc Rivers was traded to the Clip.

So a majority of their team, and certainly their best players, were either drafted or dealt to the Clippers. They didn't voluntarily sign with the Clippers. CP3 especially wanted to be a Laker initially.

That argument is moot.
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So a majority of their team, and certainly their best players, were either drafted or dealt to the Clippers. They didn't voluntarily sign with the Clippers. CP3 especially wanted to be a Laker initially.

That argument is moot.
You still make a CHOICE to play for a team.
1. CP3 got traded to Clip.

2. Blake Griff got drafted by Clip.

3. DeAndre got drafted by Clip.

4. Danny Granger got traded to Clip.

5. JJ was dealt to the Clip in a sign and trade.

6. Willie Green got traded to the Clip.

7. Jared Dudley was traded to the Clip.

8. Reggie Bullock was drafted by the Clip.

So a majority of their team, and certainly their best players, were either drafted or dealt to the Clippers. They didn't voluntarily sign with the Clippers. CP3 especially wanted to be a Laker initially.

That argument is moot.

1, 2, & 3 ALL signed extensions. So getting drafted/traded to LA is a moot point. Liked the organization enough to stay beyond original contracts.

4-7, if you're a vet in the league, you're not ignorant to WHO you're playing for. No reason for any of those guys to be silent if things were as bad as what's being portrayed. As another example...look at the previous thread about working for an extremely racist boss. You had MANY NTers say they wouldn't have a problem w. it assuming the money was right. You can assume that the same sentiment is shared amongst many guys who have played, or play for the Clippers. Again, that word "principle" goes completely out the window. So does dignity and self-respect, but that's another topic for another day.

8, I'll give Bullock a pass because he's a rook. May not know the extent of how awful of a person Sterling is.
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1. CP3 got traded to Clip.

2. Blake Griff got drafted by Clip.

3. DeAndre got drafted by Clip.

4. Danny Granger got traded to Clip.

5. JJ was dealt to the Clip in a sign and trade.

6. Willie Green got traded to the Clip.

7. Jared Dudley was traded to the Clip.

8. Reggie Bullock was drafted by the Clip.

So a majority of their team, and certainly their best players, were either drafted or dealt to the Clippers. They didn't voluntarily sign with the Clippers. CP3 especially wanted to be a Laker initially.

That argument is moot.

1, 2, & 3 ALL signed extensions. So getting drafted/traded to LA is a moot point. Liked the organization enough to stay beyond original contracts.

4-7, if you're a vet in the league, you're not ignorant to WHO you're playing for. No reason for any of those guys to be silent if things were as bad as what's being portrayed. As another example...look at the previous thread about working for an extremely racist boss. You had MANY NTers say they wouldn't have a problem w. it assuming the money was right. Again, that word "principle" goes completely out the window. So does dignity and self-respect, but that's another topic for another day.

8, I'll give Bullock a pass because he's a rook. May not know the extent of how awful of a person Sterling is.
Repped both of u guys cause y'all both have good points
LOL I wasn't commenting on whether you believed you're better cause you're black......:\

I was referring to a self defeating pattern of thinking that I've noticed on this forum time and time again. :smile:

you said deep down everyone is racist.

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm]
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

so let me add i also don't hate white people nor am i intolerant of them.

and you also said ignorant. how can you be ignorant deep down? ignorance is the lack of

knowledge or awareness on a subject. how does that even make sense?
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1, 2, & 3 ALL signed extensions. So getting drafted/traded to LA is a moot point. Liked the organization enough to stay beyond original contracts.

4-7, if you're a vet in the league, you're not ignorant to WHO you're playing for. No reason for any of those guys to be silent if things were as bad as what's being portrayed. As another example...look at the previous thread about working for an extremely racist boss. You had MANY NTers say they wouldn't have a problem w. it assuming the money was right. Again, that word "principle" goes completely out the window. So does dignity and self-respect, but that's another topic for another day.

8, I'll give Bullock a pass because he's a rook. May not know the extent of how awful of a person Sterling is.

Fair point, but initially they had not been signed by the Clip in FA.

At days end they wanted to play with one another. DeAndre, The Flying Lion, CP3, they became lob city. Jamal Crawford in the fold too? Maybe they should've left, but they had a good rapport with each other.


There is however a financial side to why Chris Paul stayed, had he left he would've left $27 million on the table that only the Clippers would've been able to give him. The max deal they gave him would've been significantly more than what any other team would've been allowed to provide.
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Most importantly, it's time for the other NBA owners to stand up to this dolt and support whatever action the commissioner's office takes. And if the commissioner doesn't take action, it's up to those owners to demand it. Forget about the damage to the league's brand or the Clippers or whatever pragmatic economic cases against Sterling there are to be made. This is about telling anyone who will listen that This Is Not Okay, that Donald Sterling Is Wrong, that Being A Racist Is Not Okay, Even If You Have Money, that We Will Not Be Complicit In Our Colleague's Idiocy.

Any calls for individual Clippers players or staff to speak out, or for the team to collectively stand against him aren't quite on target. It should never be up to victims of behavior to fix the problem. The enablers need to be the ones to take action. That's the league office, that's the Board of Governors, that's the broader players' union.
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Fair point, but initially they had not been signed by the Clip in FA.

At days end they wanted to play with one another. DeAndre, The Flying Lion, CP3, they became lob city. Jamal Crawford in the fold too? Maybe they should've left, but they had a good rapport with each other.


It's a real good discussion....

Might not be a popular sentiment, but I don't think that deep down a lot of these players care. Sterling's name is on ALL of their checks. They are obviously being paid real well. Sterling's feelings towards blacks have been well documented over the years and even went as far as to refer to them as Ns. At the end of the day, does any of that matter to the guys who CHOSE to stay w. the organization? The narrative of playing for one another is fine...however, there is a bigger picture. They COMPLETELY control their careers. There was nothing stopping CP3, Doc, etc. from speaking out about who their employer is. If things were that bad, or if you despised your boss that much, something would have been done a long time ago.
Racism also includes an assumption that one race should act a certain way. Stereotyping is included under the umbrella of racism. Black people can be racist against themselves.

But we're arguing semantics racism, ignorance whatever you wanna call it. Notice I haven't even said anything about white people and you keep bringing it up, I was specifically commenting on your comments about Doc Rivers. Those ideas are ROOTED is racism and discrimination.

i didn't say anything about Doc Rivers.

View media item 940237
Why does Doc seem like a cornball brother? Because he can articulate his thoughts? Because he has a white wife? What makes you call him cornball?

Well u summed it up perfectly
Dont think I need to add anything else

I wasn't serious initially about doc though

So we're fighting racism with racism. Brilliant. :lol: :lol:


edit: the blacked out text didn't show up on my phone until I quoted it. Carry on. :lol:
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When it comes to max money you're basically forced to stay with that team unless you're willing to give up millions. Well you could go to a team in Texas/fla to even it up
1. CP3 got traded to Clip.

2. Blake Griff got drafted by Clip.

3. DeAndre got drafted by Clip.

4. Danny Granger got traded to Clip.

5. JJ was dealt to the Clip in a sign and trade.

6. Willie Green got traded to the Clip.

7. Jared Dudley was traded to the Clip.

8. Reggie Bullock was drafted by the Clip.

So a majority of their team, and certainly their best players, were either drafted or dealt to the Clippers. They didn't voluntarily sign with the Clippers. CP3 especially wanted to be a Laker initially.

That argument is moot.

1, 2, & 3 ALL signed extensions. So getting drafted/traded to LA is a moot point. Liked the organization enough to stay beyond original contracts.

4-7, if you're a vet in the league, you're not ignorant to WHO you're playing for. No reason for any of those guys to be silent if things were as bad as what's being portrayed. As another example...look at the previous thread about working for an extremely racist boss. You had MANY NTers say they wouldn't have a problem w. it assuming the money was right. You can assume that the same sentiment is shared amongst many guys who have played, or play for the Clippers. Again, that word "principle" goes completely out the window. So does dignity and self-respect, but that's another topic for another day.

8, I'll give Bullock a pass because he's a rook. May not know the extent of how awful of a person Sterling is.
Also, to add to your points Granger was never traded to Clips, he signed after being bought out by 76ers. Redick was sign and trade, meaning he was a FA and chose to sign with Clippers before Clips and Bucks agreed on a trade. And Doc was "traded" to Clips because that was where he wanted to go.

It will be interesting to see how the players react, I don't know if I would boycott the playoffs if I was in their position but you can't tolerate blatant racism from the man signing your checks.
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