Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

They should most def sit out one game

Heard they are,if they dont take a stand i couldnt even respect them even more or the NBA

Doc Rivers literally just said they're playing. Playing for the trophy, for themselves.
honestly, isnt he entitled to his beliefs?
let that man cook... what he do is what he do... that aint got nothing to do with me...

honestly, isnt he entitled to his beliefs?
let that man cook... what he do is what he do... that aint got nothing to do with me...
Exact reason why we gotta take a stand
We NEVER remain unified
I guarantee if this was a homophobic issue
Homosexuals woulda took a stand protested and not played
Us African Americans are ALWAYS talking about how we get the raw deal
When it comes time for us to stand up we always downplay the issue and never remain united
All I'm sayin
Yeah they love the game of basketball
But THIS is bigger than basketball
Time to step the **** up
This is blasphemy! I expect Blake Griffin, Chris Paul and DeAndre Jordan to sit out the rest of the series in protest!

"Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me.  And don't bring him to my games"

"You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want.  The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games."

Were talking about Magic Johnson. Magic Johnson.

Net worth 700 million dollars.... Dude. What?

Take it from here Chris.

Really tho....Sterling's history of racism is documented. So none of the players, coaches, etc considered this when they signed with the Clippers in the first place?
Huh man.

Those players are in a tough situation. Easy for us to say they should boycott. But like Doc said, they have been working hard their entire LIVES to win a ring, I completely understand them playing out the rest of the playoffs.

But after this, they have to make a stand. Get up outta there man.
Imagine if the Clips actually won it all this year. They better hope it would happen at home. Nothing but constant boos. Maybe even at their parade. Can't thank the owner in that situation
1. to me and some of you this is bigger than basketball. to them it is not. flat out. you have to stop trying to give other people

your traits and feelings.

2. I don't think they realize how big this could be for us as a people if they take a stand...they probably don't even care |I

3. @naughtywon if you think most of these elite players don't fiend championships you're just wrong. flat out wrong.
Huh man.

Those players are in a tough situation. Easy for us to say they should boycott. But like Doc said, they have been working hard their entire LIVES to win a ring, I completely understand them playing out the rest of the playoffs.

But after this, they have to make a stand. Get up outta there man.

So why didn't Doc say something about Sterling when he was traded there last summer? Did Sterling's racist ways deter Blake Griffin or Chris Paul from re-upping?

You're right in one regard...it is a tough situation. However, I'm guessing for a lot of these dudes, principle takes a backseat when you're putting food on the table for your family.
Play that banjo boy...this is the calling card of the **** Train. Cats deflecting away from the issue and saying 'stop reflecting on the past.' Disgraceful.
PLAY THAT BANJO [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] real spit though man I can't stand a clown like this they worst than some white people trying to just sweep the civil rights movement & slavery under the rug cause they wanna forget what their ancestors did trying to play the reverse racism bull...
So his past racial comments don't effect anything?????
This Adam silver dude is a a snack I crunch up and put in my clam chowder
Hopefully the players told the white folk something different and have something planned, but that's just wishful thinking
honestly, isnt he entitled to his beliefs?
let that man cook... what he do is what he do... that aint got nothing to do with me...
Exact reason why we gotta take a stand
We NEVER remain unified
I guarantee if this was a homophobic issue
Homosexuals woulda took a stand protested and not played
Us African Americans are ALWAYS talking about how we get the raw deal
When it comes time for us to stand up we always downplay the issue and never remain united
All I'm sayin
Yeah they love the game of basketball
But THIS is bigger than basketball
Time to step the **** up

This is what I've been saying but no one want to hear it. No one understands symbolism and how much it's needed to unite people. This is why the conclusion has also been the same. People are scare and using everything to divert the problem. Championship/playoffs/not the player problem/the fan should not come/ championship is what they wanted from childhood, it's all deflection.
Dude's are going to say "I'm deeply hurt and offended by his comments..", go and spend their multi-million dollar contracts and keep it the f moving

@ cats thinking anything will come of this. We wont even be talking about this once the Clippers are out of the playoffs. Doc and those dudes didn't know he was a racist when they signed on?

oh, ok.
So why didn't Doc say something about Sterling when he was traded there last summer? Did Sterling's racist ways deter Blake Griffin or Chris Paul from re-upping?

You're right in one regard...it is a tough situation. However, I'm guessing for a lot of these dudes, principle takes a backseat when you're putting food on the table for your family.
I don't know why Doc didn't say anything before. But all of those dudes HAD to have known Sterling's history.

I am saying that folks knew what they were getting into before going to the CLip show.
So why didn't Doc say something about Sterling when he was traded there last summer? Did Sterling's racist ways deter Blake Griffin or Chris Paul from re-upping?

You're right in one regard...it is a tough situation. However, I'm guessing for a lot of these dudes, principle takes a backseat when you're putting food on the table for your family.
I don't know why Doc didn't say anything before. But all of those dudes HAD to have known Sterling's history.

I am saying that folks knew what they were getting into before going to the CLip show.
Doc seem like a cornball brotha anyway
I'm sure will go along with what "THE MAN" says anyway
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