Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

tony kornheiser will finally get his wish for silver to make a move, he is consistently saying that he is not "stern" enough, the irony of that statement.

--looking forward to what Bill Simmons is going to say at the half...
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Bunch of cornball brothers in here trying to deflect from the issue at hand anyway they can.
Bunch of cornball brothers in here trying to deflect from the issue at hand anyway they can.

I don't even need to go through the 8 or so pages of this thread to figure that out. The ol race contrarians who will go to the ends of the earth to play the other [often wrong] side, while ******** on the obvious logical view.
They're a bunch of idiots then.

i wouldn't say idiots, but yeah they should take a stand. but

i'm sure they're thinking about it like this: we worked all damn

year to get here....and we're gonna forfeit the playoffs because

the owner is a bigot and it's been made public. if they didn't play

they would probably be SICK...miserable. personally, i think it would

be really cool to go down in history as taking a stand like that for my

people. that could spark some change too, even if only a little.
I couldn't listen to the whole thing without getting a headache. Seriously listening to them argue lowered my iQ about 20 points.
Really tho....Sterling's history of racism is documented. So none of the players, coaches, etc considered this when they signed with the Clippers in the first place?
Really tho....Sterling's history of racism is documented. So none of the players, coaches, etc considered this when they signed with the Clippers in the first place?
they knew.
it's their fault? like it's Magic's fault for taking a pic with his gf too?
No way they sit out. 

They should do something more subtle to voice their disgust though. 

Turn jerseys inside out or something like that.
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They're a bunch of idiots then.

i wouldn't say idiots, but yeah they should take a stand. but

i'm sure they're thinking about it like this: we worked all damn

year to get here....and we're gonna forfeit the playoffs because

the owner is a bigot and it's been made public. if they didn't play

they would probably be SICK...miserable. personally, i think it would

be really cool to go down in history as taking a stand like that for my

people. that could spark some change too, even if only a little.

Like I said man, this way more important than basketball.

Sterling and the NBA have to understand that it won't be tolerated. Suiting up, making him more money, and potentially winning him a championship is foolish. Waiting for the union to speak up when you have the louder voice is also foolish.
NSFW language, but it gives you a glimpse as to how awful of a person Donald Sterling really is.

Your Complete Quotable Guide To Decades Of Donald Sterling's Racism

I just wished the players in years past would have made more of a stand. This is nothing new w/ Sterling.

-that's why I was so surprised the NAACP was going to give him ANY kind of award.
-was this a phone conversation or did she just have a recorder somewhere?
-for some reason, I can really see Jason Whitlock defending Sterling, looking forward to reading his article or seeing him on T.V. talking about it.
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No way they sit out. 

They should do something more subtle to voice their disgust though. 

Turn jerseys inside out or something like that.

Or put black tape over the logo. That'd be the only way I'd be okay with them playing tomorrow.
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