Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Good for you bro, not from LA but I can respect a guy rooting for his hometown teams.

But personally I couldn't support a franchise with my money if their owner was a racist. Not getting a red cent from me.

It's all about the players for me. Most owners of franchises that people support are probably racist.

BS, pure and simple. He has a HISTORY of making racist comments against blacks.

Again, the Elgin Baylor incident.

But whatevs, the NBA will let him weasel his way out. Not surprised. All these rich old dudes are probably racist.
It's all about the players for me. Most owners of franchises that people support are probably racist.

You're right, most owners probably are.

Hurts my soul seeing CP3 as a Clipper though. Even with a hurt Kobe the Lakers are instantaneously a different team with CP3. Damn :smh:.
Donald Sterling has come out swinging, with the Clippers organization right behind him ... saying he and his team don't know if the audio TMZ Sports released is legit ... but he says it does NOT reflect his views toward African Americans.

Sterling and the Clippers organization tell TMZ Sports, "We have heard the tape on TMZ.  We do not know if it is legitimate or it has been altered."

The statement goes on ... We do know that the woman on the tape -- who we believe released it to TMZ -- is the defendant in a lawsuit brought by the Sterling family, alleging that she embezzled more than $1.8 million, who told Mr. Sterling that she would 'get even.'"
And the statement goes on, "Mr. Sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect his views, beliefs or feelings. It is the antithesis of who he is, what he believes and how he has lived his life."

And there's this: "He feels terrible that such sentiments are being attributed to him and apologizes to anyone who might have been hurt by them." 

Read more:  http://www.tmz.com/2014/04/26/donald-sterling-clippers-statement-racist-tmz-sports/#ixzz3020Dt4pJ
How the **** does Donald Sterling not know whether the tape is legitimate or if it has been altered? He's one of only 2 people that should know.

Either he said that **** or he didn't. He better not come with none of that "I was drunk" BS either when it's proven legitimate.
How the **** does Donald Sterling not know whether the tape is legitimate or if it has been altered? He's one of only 2 people that should know.
Either he said that **** or he didn't. He better not come with none of that "I was drunk" BS either when it's proven legitimate.

I think he is donezo even if he said he is drunk that's even worse; just take the L and go live on some island with all your money

the last thing the NBA needs is this on it's plate; time for a new commish to step up and make a name for himself early on
You're right, most owners probably are.

Hurts my soul seeing CP3 as a Clipper though. Even with a hurt Kobe the Lakers are instantaneously a different team with CP3. Damn :smh:.

Should've had cp3 and brought in Phil jack for Dwight. Woulda been lookin at another 3peat. Phil wouldn't have overplayed kobe to the point of injury.
Just finished listening to the audio. It seemed like shawty was reading from a cue card the whole time.
Yeah Sterling is and always was a piece of crap, but you can tell someone told her to set him up.
The worst thing the Clips can do is boycott playing. Doesnt benefit anyone.
Just finished listening to the audio. It seemed like shawty was reading from a cue card the whole time.
Yeah Sterling is and always was a piece of crap, but you can tell someone told her to set him up.
The worst thing the Clips can do is boycott playing. Doesnt benefit anyone.
Makes a political/social statement that tons of young kids will see. Not saying necessarily they should, but I wouldn't mind it either.
You guys are taking what I'm saying the wrong way.

Donald Sterling is wrong. And I would continue to try and explain what I'm saying, but it's pointless.

In short, I was speaking to the ridiculous way we throw "racist" out there, when the correct word is just "idiot".

And for the record, by "true racist", I was referring the fact that racism doesn't really have a grey area, IMO. If you're a closeted racist, you're just a confused little coward.

racism definitely does have a gray area, because that's the way humans operate. nobody is pure good or pure evil. even hitler had some "good" qualities, like he was an animal lover for example.

watch this interview with white supremacists from south africa

would you go as far as to say they're not truly racist since they have black employees and listen to black music, despite their beliefs?

yeah, hitler did some horrible ****, but he liked animals so he's not all that bad I guess.
He shouldn't face any repercussions from the league.

Why not?

Chris Culliver had to go to "Sensitivity Training" for talking bad about gay people.
chris culliver works for someone

sterling works for himself

Sterling represents the NBA. His comments/views on minorities are not what the league is about. Even if this isn't him on tape, with his past issues, something should've been done.
in defense of scumbag sterling..although I don't like the comments...come to find out she's releasing the video out of spite smh...what ever I say in private is between me and you..no matter how foul is it..

Charles Barkley comments were pretty dumb as well...so its cool to be a racist but if your in position of power you can't be one lol..what does that even mean lol???

It sounds like to me..sterling's nose is wide open from that girl P...he's thinks she's getting slayed on the side by black dudes..which she more than likely is lol and those type of comments are expected..I know for a fact when I was messing with this white girl..her sorors friends and frat buddies were calling her "snickers licker"

Ol girl knew dude was a racist..she didn't care while she was getting that  check smh
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As a fan of the team I wouldn't eem b mad if they decided not to play. Without the players what do u have? Jack **** these owners minus whale b slave owners. Players should get all the revenue and teams should be owned by the city
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^^Imagine if your job punished you for comments you made on your day off in private to your girlfriend. Like seriously think about that for a second.
He didn't say this at a press conference or NBA internal communication.

It's up to the fans to punish him. Take a stand and don't do anything that helps him financially (stop watching the games, don't buy merchandise etc.)
I for one don't watch any sporting event in Arizona, or the NFL team from Washington. Now add the Clips to the list. Yeah I sound corny and I'm only one less viewer, but collectively we can hit them where it hurts.
in defense of scumbag sterling..although I don't like the comments...come to find out she's releasing the video out of spite smh...what ever I say in private is between me and you..no matter how foul is it..

Charles Barkley comments were pretty dumb as well...so its cool to be a racist but if your in position of power you can't be one lol..what does that even mean lol???

It sounds like to me..sterling's nose is wide open from that girl P...he's thinks she's getting slayed on the side by black dudes..which she more than likely is lol and those type of comments are expected..I know for a fact when I was messing with this white girl..her sorors friends and frat buddies were calling her "snickers licker"

Why would you even want to be "in defense" of Sterling?

If there was one situation that doesn't need any devil's advocates...its this one.

This girl's motives behind recording him are the single most irrelevant thing in this whole story
Why would you even want to be "in defense" of Sterling?

If there was one situation that doesn't need any devil's advocates...its this one.

This girl's motives behind recording him are the single most irrelevant thing in this whole story
Im just lookin at it from different angles thats all
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Im even more worried about his gang of racist friends, who call and tell him his girls posting pics with negros. We know who he is, but they remain nameless.
^^Imagine if your job punished you for comments you made on your day off in private to your girlfriend. Like seriously think about that for a second.
He didn't say this at a press conference or NBA internal communication.

It's up to the fans to punish him. Take a stand and don't do anything that helps him financially (stop watching the games, don't buy merchandise etc.)
I for one don't watch any sporting event in Arizona, or the NFL team from Washington. Now add the Clips to the list. Yeah I sound corny and I'm only one less viewer, but collectively we can hit them where it hurts.

So...people should only be held accountable for things they do or say in a public setting?

If the president made anti-american comments in private to a friend...and that friend was recording it the whole time and sent the tape to CNN I'm sure you'd be in here saying he shouldn't be reprimanded right?
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