Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

My thing is to get everyone on the same page. If you have the players doing one thing and the fan another. It will not be as effective as ever one striking on the same platform. That's all I'm saying. I used the Rosa example as a way to show that it can be done. Change can be made but everyone has to be on the same page. That's all I'm saying. If the NBA can have 4 (I think) lockouts for whatever reason the players can standout and address the issues. That's all.

No I 100% understand. I'm completely on your side. But I know this is these players' dream and that's the big picture to them so they may not feel like we do. Or they might, but they won't act on it.
Yeah...I mean that's the important thing in all of this right?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?
Yeah...I mean that's the important thing in all of this right?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

...not be racist
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

I had a thread on here a year or two back asking if you were paid EXTREMELY well, would you mind if your boss was a racist. Not surprisingly, many NTers said they wouldn't care...
I definitely remember that thread!
[thread="547134"] [/thread]
made it clear about the boss being BLATANTLY racist towards you, other people in your presence.

Some of the comments were :x

Yup in a heart beat

Oh, come on! You people worked for free for centuries, now you won't take the money? :lol:  Silly ******* :smh:

Just about everyone is racist, deal with it.

Gimme 50 million or Imma quit... lol

But nah if you give me 500K+ a year, call me names, make jokes, talk about my ancestors, i don't care, just make sure you don't have hot daughter of age. Imma smang that out and laugh as I collect my pay checks that I've been stashing away for when you find out. Black D*** all in ya spouse again!

ur gassing sterlings racism in the first place.  hes an NBA owner for crying out loud stop trying to make him seem like a kkk leader.

[thread="547134"] [/thread]

In a heartbeat. You'll be a fool not to

Judge all you want. For a mil I would work for a racist.

9 figures I would go to work dressed like Chicken George happy every damn day. Might eem dance a little for a 10% bonus.

For 107 mil, he could wake me up every morning yelling racial slurs.

These are just some of them, but talk about spineless. :smh:  

I stand by every letter, spine fully intact :smokin
I totally forgot sterling is the guy who wouldnt pay for one of his coaches medical bill when he had throat cancer. Told dude the team wouldnt cover it so players on the team paid the bill instead
you know slave owners lust black women too....ever wonder why you have lightskin folks who don't even know where the white came from?

hell Thomas Jefferson offspring black side is still around. Saw an article on them years ago 
The Woodson's who can trace their roots back to Sally Hemings, Jeffersons personally slave... Everytime i see Rod Woodson i think he is a distant relative to Hemings
I totally forgot sterling is the guy who wouldnt pay for one of his coaches medical bill when he had throat cancer. Told dude the team wouldnt cover it so players on the team paid the bill instead

thats ******* low :x
sadly there will always be people like this
dude sounded so **** trying to play the victim "you're a fighter, all you wanna do is fight"
deflecting and what not, grow some nads and be accountable for your statements

I will never understand racism
Yeah...I mean that's the important thing in all of this right?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

You "feel for him"? You feel for a noted racist?

You're pathetic, and so is your dad if he has in fact said "things ten times worse than what [Sterling has said about blacks]".

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I had a thread on here a year or two back asking if you were paid EXTREMELY well, would you mind if your boss was a racist. Not surprisingly, many NTers said they wouldn't care...
I definitely remember that thread!
[thread="547134"] [/thread]
made it clear about the boss being BLATANTLY racist towards you, other people in your presence.

Some of the comments were :x

Yup in a heart beat

Oh, come on! You people worked for free for centuries, now you won't take the money? :lol:  Silly ******* :smh:

Just about everyone is racist, deal with it.

Gimme 50 million or Imma quit... lol

But nah if you give me 500K+ a year, call me names, make jokes, talk about my ancestors, i don't care, just make sure you don't have hot daughter of age. Imma smang that out and laugh as I collect my pay checks that I've been stashing away for when you find out. Black D*** all in ya spouse again!

ur gassing sterlings racism in the first place.  hes an NBA owner for crying out loud stop trying to make him seem like a kkk leader.

[thread="547134"] [/thread]

In a heartbeat. You'll be a fool not to

Judge all you want. For a mil I would work for a racist.

9 figures I would go to work dressed like Chicken George happy every damn day. Might eem dance a little for a 10% bonus.

For 107 mil, he could wake me up every morning yelling racial slurs.

These are just some of them, but talk about spineless. :smh:  

I stand by every letter, spine fully intact :smokin

How much to take a penis up the ****?

I mean, clearly, you have a price and no self respect, right?

There's always a bunch of closet racists trying to redirect the conversation in this type of topic. "I feel sad about his right to privacy being violated:frown: " is just a coded phrase for "who cares, I say the same @#$% 24/7 when I'm not around black people "
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He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

Okay....so your Dad is just as much of a disgusting person as Donald Sterling, but with a lot less money...and this makes everything okay? :lol:
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Yeah...I mean that's the important thing in all of this right?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

You feel for him? You feel for Donald Sterling?

Do you know this dude's track record?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

I'm not sure how your dad being scum is relative to the conversation?
What I want to know is if the girlfriend left him. If she didn't all reactions, fines and issues with his comments are voided. 
Soooo I predict he forced to sell
And the to coach a predator dude
Comes swoops in and buys em and moves em to Seattle
Yeah...I mean that's the important thing in all of this right?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

You feel for him? You feel for Donald Sterling?

Do you know this dude's track record?

Did you see what he said about his dad? It's not worth it with some people.
...not be racist
Of course. Not be racist.
For the record I'm not condoning his behavior. I'm not effectively getting my point across and I can't sit here and attempt to.

I feel that the gf knew what she was doing by leaking this to TMZ. The way the conversation played out was as if this wasn't the first time it way brought up. I see it as if their relationship was already on a slow decline and before she dipped out of there, she was going to get mf paid. And she was paid handsomely. (TMZ has been known to shell out millions for bs)

Yeah he's a bigot. Yeah he's messed up. I'm just looking at the entire story from a different perspective. **** me for having an opinion, right?

I also used the example of my father to let y'all know that it's not just white people with the small-mindedness. Sterling is from a different time with a different upbringing. He was raised to think that way and although I don't agree with him, you just have to pity him. That or fight them where it really hurts; his pockets.

So I'm done with going back and forth. I didn't intend to derail from the original conversation.
The chickens are coming home to roost for the NBA on this.

Stern and the Board of Governors had every opportunity to force Sterling out after he settled his housing discrimination suit in 2009.  They failed to act time and time again.  

Now that there's a clear and incontrovertible soundbite making the rounds, Sterling can finally be the full-blown PR nightmare the league so richly deserves.
B ez I only come on here to Troll.

I like seeing Jimmies Rustled.
Funny, because I come on here to ban trolls.  
Yeah...I mean that's the important thing in all of this right?
He said some questionable things to his gf over the phone and she leaked it to the media? Like I said, it's ****** up yet that conversation was never intended to be heard by millions of people. Unpopular opinion but I do feel for him.

My dad who is a black Colombian man, who has several black people working under him, has said things ten times worse than what's coming out of this man's mouth. Mfers are gonna feel whatever the hell they're gonna feel regardless of what their position (social OR financial) in life is. What are you gonna do about it?

You feel for him? You feel for Donald Sterling?

Do you know this dude's track record?

Did you see what he said about his dad? It's not worth it with some people.

You're right
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