A true racist would never admit the attraction if they felt the person was inferior. That's my point. Hitler was a racist. Anyone who bends the rules of racism is not racist, they are worse. They're just too stupid for their own good.
Believe me. I am not defending Donald Sterling's comments at all. But what makes me
even more is how easy everyone is so simply brainwashed into "RACISM RACISM RACISM, BLACK VS WHITE, LETS GOOOOOO"... Just like CNN, FoxNews, ESPN, and every other media outlet reporting on this wants you to be. Divided.
The dude gave his half-black, half-mexican (to his admitted knowledge, by the way) the permission to let Magic Johnson back her down in the post in his own house for 32, 12, and 10 whenever she wants.. he just don't want to see it on Instagram.
He's a mental ******. The fact that he's bothered by the just the PUBLIC knowledge of something happening, but perfectly fine with it happening privately, is beyond stupid.
Foolishness. All of this, foolishness.