Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Im just lookin at it from different angles thats all

And what does that solve? What does your perspective add to the solution for the overall issue?

If you wanna be one of those "different for the sake of being different" people...fine. I just hope you know how irrelevant and pointless that is in the big picture.
I'm willing to bet it's about 70% of owners in every professional sport
I wouldn't say 70%, but it's more common than people think. These guys just know what to say/not say when certain people are around. Sterling just got caught. Can't trust any woman when you're in a position of power/fame/money

As far as "punishment," what can they really do? Suspend him? From what? Attending games? All eyes are on the new commissioner, so we'll see what he does
Just finished listening to the audio. It seemed like shawty was reading from a cue card the whole time.
Yeah Sterling is and always was a piece of crap, but you can tell someone told her to set him up.
The worst thing the Clips can do is boycott playing. Doesnt benefit anyone.
lol maybe not a cue card, but it was a set up for sure, why else would she record it

but dont try and swerve the attention boy, be real and right
Im even more worried about his gang of racist friends, who call and tell him his girls posting pics with negros. We know who he is, but they remain nameless.

Bruh I touched on this earlier, most of is know who his "gang of racist friends are". This is bigger than him simply being a racist old man
So...people should only be held accountable for things they do or say in a public setting?

If the president made anti-american comments in private to a friend...and that friend was recording it the whole time and sent the tape to CNN I'm sure you'd be in here saying he shouldn't be reprimanded right?

Let's not get extreme. That is silly.
If the president of the United States said anti-American comments, he is in the position of power that can compromise our national security.

We're talking about a closet racist that owns a basketball team.
And what does that solve? What does your perspective add to the solution for the overall issue?

If you wanna be one of those "different for the sake of being different" people...fine. I just hope you know how irrelevant and pointless that is in the big picture.
edit..I read it wrong..but yep
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Let's not get extreme. That is silly.
If the president of the United States said anti-American comments, he is in the position of power that can compromise our national security.

We're talking about a closet racist that owns a basketball team.

So a closet racist that owns an NBA doesn't reflect on the NBA as a league?
From what I've read he's going the "I don't know if it's my voice" route which is even worse.
Dude's about to take the Junior Soprano route 

What a joke.
In regards to this situation I had somebody ask me on twitter do I think all slave owners were racist....


I give up.

:rofl: word to a certain someone's "only 5% of blacks were slaves" in the Rancher thread comment.

At some point I fatigue arguing with certain people. My brain just logs off when it reaches its ignorance threshold. I can only deal with so much before my mind just seizes up.
So a closet racist that owns an NBA doesn't reflect on the NBA as a league?

Yes this is a PR nightmare. Who wouldn't agree? But that's not my point.

My point is your employer cannot punish you for saying something in a private setting during a time when you are not performing your job function.
So a closet racist that owns an NBA doesn't reflect on the NBA as a league?

Yes this is a PR nightmare. Who wouldn't agree? But that's not my point.

My point is your employer cannot punish you for saying something in a private setting during a time when you are not performing your job function.

Tell that to any police department or any city worker and politican. Social media has changed the game, sir. Everything you say can be used against you. The moral of the story is to be smart on who you talk to. Plain and simple.
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Gil brought up an excellent point...and I'm glad it's coming to light.

Sterling's racist ways were irrelevant when the players and coaches were signing those contracts.

Trust me, I think Sterling is scum....but I think some of the Clippers and other guys who played for the organization shouldn't be exempt from some tough questions about WHY they are upset about this now when his racist nature is well documented.
Yes this is a PR nightmare. Who wouldn't agree? But that's not my point.

My point is your employer cannot punish you for saying something in a private setting during a time when you are not performing your job function.

You can't be serious. This happens everyday. In the social media era...most companies' code of conduct extendeds beyond the office. People get fired all the time for behaving in an unfavorable manner outside of work on their own time.
Gilbert Arenas said Michael Jordan doesn't have a comment because if he did, he could get blackballed by all the other white owners
Social media is not a private setting.

Sidebar : Marc Cuban is right. That game winning 3 by VC is way more exciting than talking about this racist prik.
^^Imagine if your job punished you for comments you made on your day off in private to your girlfriend. Like seriously think about that for a second.
He didn't say this at a press conference or NBA internal communication.

It's up to the fans to punish him. Take a stand and don't do anything that helps him financially (stop watching the games, don't buy merchandise etc.)
I for one don't watch any sporting event in Arizona, or the NFL team from Washington. Now add the Clips to the list. Yeah I sound corny and I'm only one less viewer, but collectively we can hit them where it hurts.
Fam, businesses already practice this. Your boss is checking your twitter and Facebook. If you being racist on that expect to be dismissed from your job, depending on your employer.

Phone call being price don't matter once it's public. You've been judged by society at that point. Fallout to follow.
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