Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

why dont you guys go to a Clipper Laker game?

Trust me, it's not the same, it's like going to a Laker game
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Boy, That game was the NBA's finest last night. Some great performances on both teams.

And how are the teams and fans rewarded for such said performances?

Referee's deciding the game.

No hate against the Lakers, but from an un-biased opinion, Fish pulled Monta down.
At worst, thats a no call. At worst.

Its sad to see such a game be decided by the officials. We have seen this kind of picture way too many times. I guess we should be used to it by now.

I would love to see a seven game series between these two teams. It would be the best entertaining basketball that an NBA fan has seen in years.

This game would have been over had they called that charge on baron davis that gave kobe a cut under that eye. nobody wants to point that out though right?
As for a 7 game series against these two, the warriors would only win 1 game max. Bynum, gasol, and ariza are out. They most likely will be back forthe playoffs...
Originally Posted by Big Sloppy Panda

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Boy, That game was the NBA's finest last night. Some great performances on both teams.

And how are the teams and fans rewarded for such said performances?

Referee's deciding the game.

No hate against the Lakers, but from an un-biased opinion, Fish pulled Monta down.
At worst, thats a no call. At worst.

Its sad to see such a game be decided by the officials. We have seen this kind of picture way too many times. I guess we should be used to it by now.

I would love to see a seven game series between these two teams. It would be the best entertaining basketball that an NBA fan has seen in years.

This game would have been over had they called that charge on baron davis that gave kobe a cut under that eye. nobody wants to point that out though right?
As for a 7 game series against these two, the warriors would only win 1 game max. Bynum, gasol, and ariza are out. They most likely will be back for the playoffs...

Kobe turned and put his arms out in front, so that negated the charge.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Oh, so posts are being edited and even censored now? Go Niketalk!
I'm pretty sure every laker fan could give a rats @+! what you think about them.

The most hated franchise in the nba is the lakers. Not because of their fans but because of their SUCCESS..

Jealousy breeds hate...
Like I said, I like the Lakers and enjoy watching them play so your assumption is crap. It's actually fans such as yourself with an over inflated sense of self (as if you actually contributed to the team's success) that I and many others don't care for

Yea Suuuure buddy, I believe you
Now you enjoy watching thelakers?

over inflated sense of self (as if you actually contributed to the team's success) that I and many others don't care for

Like i said do you think i give two @%@% what YOU are anybody else think? Its mostly the people who hate the lakers and kobe that stay saying some pathetic@%@% like that... Go cry me a $$$***# river and Ill swim in it....
I guess you could say so, but Oracle looks to be more of a fun crowd with the abundance of Laker fans there. Plus I got family in the Bay so I could probably kill two birds with one stone.
Seeing all those Laker fans at Oracle yesterday made me
alittle, but thankfully those "MVP" Kobe chants quickly got drowned out with boos whenever the Laker fans tried to start one. Laker fans areeverywhere, especially in Cali, so it's nothing unexpected.
I'm pretty sure every laker fan could give a rats @+! what you think about them.

The most hated franchise in the nba is the lakers. Not because of their fans but because of their SUCCESS..

Jealousy breeds hate...
Like I said, I like the Lakers and enjoy watching them play so your assumption is crap. It's actually fans such as yourself with an over inflated sense of self (as if you actually contributed to the team's success) that I and many others don't care for

What about your fellow Warrior fans that say things like 'We honestly feel like we can beat any team out there. We proved that last yearagainst Dallas'?

I'd like to hear you tell THEM 'Hey guys, it's not as if we actually contributed to the team's success.'

And that's the main thing hate about people hating the Lakers; it's so often that you're hating something that you're o.k. with the fans ofyour team doing.

23ska909red02 wrote:

I'm pretty sure every laker fan could give a rats @+! what you think about them.

The most hated franchise in the nba is the lakers. Not because of their fans but because of their SUCCESS..

Jealousy breeds hate...
Like I said, I like the Lakers and enjoy watching them play so your assumption is crap. It's actually fans such as yourself with an over inflated sense of self (as if you actually contributed to the team's success) that I and many others don't care for

What about your fellow Warrior fans that say things like 'We honestly feel like we can beat any team out there. We proved that last year against Dallas'?

I'd like to hear you tell THEM 'Hey guys, it's not as if we actually contributed to the team's success.'

And that's the main thing hate about people hating the Lakers; it's so often that you're hating something that you're o.k. with the fans of your team doing.

Seriously, I REALLY think you need to lock this post up for the sake of all of us, this whole Lakers-Warriors thing isn't going anywhere andnothing constructive will be made out of it. All it's going to do is create more tension that isn't necessary. There are bad Laker fans like there arebad Warrior fans, and there are good Laker fans and good Warrior fans. It's just that, IMO, the bad Laker fans really escalated this thread to more than itshould have been. I don't want to talk about that play anymore since it's over with, but....flip the situations of the teams and this threadwouldn't be nearly as big (IMO, of course).

But yeah, lock this thread up...this discussion can be reopened during the 1st round series
Originally Posted by acidicality

23ska909red02 wrote:

I'm pretty sure every laker fan could give a rats @+! what you think about them.

The most hated franchise in the nba is the lakers. Not because of their fans but because of their SUCCESS..

Jealousy breeds hate...
Like I said, I like the Lakers and enjoy watching them play so your assumption is crap. It's actually fans such as yourself with an over inflated sense of self (as if you actually contributed to the team's success) that I and many others don't care for

What about your fellow Warrior fans that say things like 'We honestly feel like we can beat any team out there. We proved that last year against Dallas'?

I'd like to hear you tell THEM 'Hey guys, it's not as if we actually contributed to the team's success.'

And that's the main thing hate about people hating the Lakers; it's so often that you're hating something that you're o.k. with the fans of your team doing.

Seriously, I REALLY think you need to lock this post up for the sake of all of us, this whole Lakers-Warriors thing isn't going anywhere and nothing constructive will be made out of it. All it's going to do is create more tension that isn't necessary. There are bad Laker fans like there are bad Warrior fans, and there are good Laker fans and good Warrior fans. It's just that, IMO, the bad Laker fans really escalated this thread to more than it should have been. I don't want to talk about that play anymore since it's over with, but....flip the situations of the teams and this thread wouldn't be nearly as big (IMO, of course).

But yeah, lock this thread up...this discussion can be reopened during the 1st round series

thing is if we finish in first we won't meet you...we will meet the nuggets. you guy will be the 7th seed and the mavs won't make it. U guysgot 2 games with them and I believe you should win both games without dirk in the line-up.
^ "Yeah, the thread is pointless, but in my opinion, it was the bad Lakers fans that turned the thread sour."


It just never stops.

What about the bad Warriors fans?
"Oh, they contributed some... but it was mainly all of the bad Lakers fans."

A good Lakers fan is nowhere near as good of guy as a good ________s fan.
A bad Lakers fan is far worse than a bad _______s fan.

Just an observation. I see it all the time, and not just on NT.
^well isn't that what it seems like. warriors fans complain about a call and the lakers fans call it crying & whining. of course warriors fans aregoing to respond to that, how do you not?

just an observation.
So... Lakers fans complain about a call, and Warriors fans call it crying and whining.

How is one side different from the other? How is one side worst than the other in two exactly similar situations?

Correct answer: 'They're not different. They're both equally annoying or equally productive."

Reality: "Well, even though the situations are similar, the Lakers fan is more annoying and less productive, because... well... just because."

^well, if pertaining to this thread, i didn't see a warriors fan call lakers fans whiny. or even in sunday's thread.

both sides are the same, i know that. but i'm just saying that you can't expect one side to not react to another after being called whiny. idon't really consider it crying or whining, i think warriors fans/supporters had a legit case to the call. and by merely stating it is already consideredcrying? nah. that's how i see things for other teams too, there are far too many on this board who will jump to attack fans of other teams just out ofenjoyment/hate (lakers, warriors, mavs, etc. fans alike).
I was at the game. I'm a Warrior fan & the last play should have definitely been a no-call, or foul on Fisher. Period.

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

^well, if pertaining to this thread, i didn't see a warriors fan call lakers fans whiny. or even in sunday's thread.

both sides are the same, i know that. but i'm just saying that you can't expect one side to not react to another after being called whiny. i don't really consider it crying or whining, i think warriors fans/supporters had a legit case to the call. and by merely stating it is already considered crying? nah. that's how i see things for other teams too, there are far too many on this board who will jump to attack fans of other teams just out of enjoyment/hate (lakers, warriors, mavs, etc. fans alike).
This is how ot started.
Fisher got fouled game over.
Some Warriors fans start complaining
Some Lakers fans stay stop your wining,complaining, etc.
Some Warriors fans repond back saying if it was the other way, ya'll wouldn't be complaining
Some Lakers fans say deal with it, the better team won tonight, you guys better hope you don't meet us in the playoffs with Gasol AND Bynum
Some Warriors fans have said (I think I read it here, I'm not sure), that we didn't stand a chance against the Mavs either(not that itmatters, but anyone who watched Warriors vs. Mavs games in the past saw this coming, add that with the fact that Coach Nelson had Avery shook, you knew whatwas going to happen)
Throw in your insults from the haters, I'm not saying any names, who just come in and spew garbage that has nothing to do with the game, i.e. Lakers fansare sooo stupid, Kobe sucks, Monta Ellis/Biedrich(sp?) suck(you know who you are ), Warriors fans are sooo dumb, and that just about sums up the last 20 pages.

ANYWAY, my thoughts on this thread are as followed.
Seriously though, blame the refs if you're going to say anthing. People talking about how I wish death on Fisher and his family and that I wish Fish wasinjured, etc.
That is unfreakin acceptable and very unclassy(I know GSDoubleU apoligized about and I'm not going after him alone), but even if it is "In the heat ofthe moment" that should never happen. It's a freakin basketball game
Besides, it wasn't even Fisher's fault. Fish is a known flopper and actor and one of the best in the L at it. Warriors fans, your boy Bdiddy flopsall the time. I'm sure everyone has seen the vid with Okur

Also, LO is playing like a bonafide star. 20 and 20 game
atta' boyLamar.
Sidenote- Lamar is still the definition of unclutch, missing fts that would've sealed the game,etc.

Sasha should only be allowed to shoot. Never should I see Sasha dribbling the ball, at all. If I'm not mistaken, he got it stolen twice in OT.
He can shoot lights out though.

, what more can I say. Everytime he got the ball in Ot, he wasdouble, triple teamed. Old Kobe would 've looked for a shot, but not this Kobe. Trusting your teamates FTW.
Watching a game live is so much more different than on TV. Phil was always in Vlad's face at almost every timeout, Ronny,Farmar, and Luke looked prettypissed out there as well.
Luke and Sasha were yelled at so many times. It was great.

Props to the W's for a good game. Baron Davis was great, Monta didn't look as good as he usually does though.( If he hit that ally-oop in the 2nd, theroof would've exploded.)

Anyway, I can't wait for LA to be back to 100%.
I agree with SoHi 23... except for one small thing...
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Warriors fans, your boy Bdiddy flops all the time. I'm sure everyone has seen the vid with Okur

One video of Davis flopping with Okur is your proof to say he "flops all the time"? I might give you one more flop, Jason Terry last year'splayoffs in front of the Warriors bench. But other than that, he doesn't flop at the same rate like a Manu or a Nash or a lesser extent of a Fisher.

Example 1: When there's a fast break and Davis is the only player back on defense, he tries to contest shots more often than not. Trust me, hedoesn't stand there waiting take a charge. You'll see him jump up and contest the shot while moving a little backwards to avoid contact and the foul.You know what Fisher would have done in a similar situation, most likely stand there and take a charge.

Example 2: When he's defending the post and being backed down, do you see him flop backwards at the same rate as a Manu or one of the other top floppersin the league? No. More often than not, he'll hold his ground.
So yeah, don't put Davis in the same category as one of the constant floppers in the league. That's all I ask. Ok, carry on with this thread
A good Lakers fan is nowhere near as good of guy as a good ________s fan.
A bad Lakers fan is far worse than a bad _______s fan.

Okay...I think you're misunderstanding my point. And you're thinking we're looking down on laker fans a lot more than we are. Itwas the bad Laker fans that turned the thread around, they provoked the responses we had, saying we were salty because of the crappy foul call. Yeteveryone on BSPN is agreeing it was a terrible call in the situation.

But despite that, you're TOTALLY misunderstanding my point.
It's hard to really describe it online, but using your analogy, it's absolutely blasphemy, at least to me. A good Lakers fan=a good (insert NBAteam)'s fan, fans like SoHi,Tupac,kb8sandiego, just to name a few. A bad Lakers fan=bad (insert NBA team)'s fan. But perhaps it's cuz there are aLOT more Laker fans than any other team because it's such a big market team, and of course you guys have the best overall player in the NBA.

Seriously, you're thinking we're looking down on Laker fans a lot more than you think. You're really overexaggerating the Laker hatred,and interpreting my posts as that, when it's not what I'm trying to say at all.

And for the record.....I dont believe Laker fans are DUMB like a lot of other Warrior fans have said. I just think they are being ridiculous for trying to push our buttons after the end of the game. I know its been said before, but if the tables were turned, there would have been a riot in LA. *edit- sorry i didnt read your retraction of the flopping statement before posting this.
In essence that's what I mean. Nothing else about "Laker fans suck" or anything of that nature.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I agree with SoHi 23... except for one small thing...
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Warriors fans, your boy Bdiddy flops all the time. I'm sure everyone has seen the vid with Okur

One video of Davis flopping with Okur is your proof to say he "flops all the time"? I might give you one more flop, Jason Terry last year's playoffs in front of the Warriors bench. But other than that, he doesn't flop at the same rate like a Manu or a Nash or a lesser extent of a Fisher.

Example 1: When there's a fast break and Davis is the only player back on defense, he tries to contest shots more often than not. Trust me, he doesn't stand there waiting take a charge. You'll see him jump up and contest the shot while moving a little backwards to avoid contact and the foul. You know what Fisher would have done in a similar situation, most likely stand there and take a charge.

Example 2: When he's defending the post and being backed down, do you see him flop backwards at the same rate as a Manu or one of the other top floppers in the league? No. More often than not, he'll hold his ground.
So yeah, don't put Davis in the same category as one of the constant floppers in the league. That's all I ask. Ok, carry on with this thread

I knew someone would get me on that

He's not as bad a flopper as Ginobli and them, but you're lying if you say he doesn't flop.
I don't know if they showed it on TV, but during the game, I think the Lakers were on a fast break or something. One of the players walked by Baron andBaron straight fell to the ground and looked at the ref. The ref looked at him with
on his face and ran to the other side of the court.
It was pretty funny

But yeah, Bdiddy is still one of my favorite players in the league and doesn't flop all the time.
That's because Baron is a goof ball.

But you will NOT see Baron hit the deck in a crucial situation, especially on an imbound pass.

And if you disagree with me, I'll scuff your Kobe's next time you're at the Oracle. That's a promise. response to your thread analysis:

-Baron does NOT flop all the time. Just because there is that Okur instance does not make it something that happens frequently.
-Lamar Odom only played like a star because he 1-played the Warriors and 2-is taking away Bynum and Gasols stats. When they return, Lamar returns to earth asan average player.
-Kobe was NOT double and triple teamed all game.....what game were YOU watching?!?!? Buike did a hell of a job on him. Kobe will always get his points. His %is the story of the defense played on him.

And for the record.....I dont believe Laker fans are DUMB like a lot of other Warrior fans have said. I just think they are being ridiculous for trying to pushour buttons after the end of the game. I know its been said before, but if the tables were turned, there would have been a riot in LA. *edit- sorry i didntread your retraction of the flopping statement before posting this.
Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate onWade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? Idon't know but who is the way it is.
and about Baron flopping, that Okur one was
and so obvious of course. But that's like one isolated incident. I watch every Warrior game almost, and heisn't even close to the caliber of Raja, Manu, and those other guys. Even in that one, he didn't pretend to look innocent and wave his arms up alaBowen. He was more like, "damn that didn't work."
Originally Posted by dland24 response to your thread analysis:

-Baron does NOT flop all the time. Just because there is that Okur instance does not make it something that happens frequently.
-Lamar Odom only played like a star because he 1-played the Warriors and 2-is taking away Bynum and Gasols stats. When they return, Lamar returns to earth as an average player.
-Kobe was NOT double and triple teamed all game.....what game were YOU watching?!?!? Buike did a hell of a job on him. Kobe will always get his points. His % is the story of the defense played on him.

And for the record.....I dont believe Laker fans are DUMB like a lot of other Warrior fans have said. I just think they are being ridiculous for trying to push our buttons after the end of the game. I know its been said before, but if the tables were turned, there would have been a riot in LA. *edit- sorry i didnt read your retraction of the flopping statement before posting this.
1.) Your right, Baron doesn't flop all the time, but your lying if you say he never flops.
2.) Lo has been tearing it up since Gasol was traded here. Gasol was traded on Feb 1st.
Since than, LO averaged 14.5 points and 11.6 boards as the 3rd option in Feb
and 16.8 points with 13.1 boards in March with Gasol being injured for half of March.
He has done so much better since Gasol got here it's ridiculous. He's not going to be putting up 20 and 20 with Gasol and Bynum back, but he isstepping his game up with the pressure on no longer being Kobe's Pippen as Pippen was to MJ, which is what he was paid like and what people expected him toproduce.
3.) Kobe was double teamed all of of OT, I was pissed about, I was discussing with this my friend throughout OT. It happened
Did this dude just discredit Lamar when he has stepped up in the absence of our two best post players?

What the hell?


I thought that was something we credit players for doing.

Oh wait... he's a Laker... so he's not that good.

Carry on.

Like I said, it never stops.
Y'all just keep proving it with every third or fourth response.

Hate, hate, hate.

Getting 23 and 21 is ridiculous, whether or not other stars were on the floor.

And Stephen Jackson only hit those two shots the other night because Monta Ellis didn't have the chance to. So don't give him credit for being clutch,because the only reason he hit them is because no one else did.


Just give the man credit.
Forget that he's a Laker, and just say to yourself 'Man, great game. That's all I have to say. He playedawesome."

Try not to choke when you say it.
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