Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Oh, so posts are being edited and even censored now? Go Niketalk!
I'm pretty sure every laker fan could give a rats @+! what you think about them.

The most hated franchise in the nba is the lakers. Not because of their fans but because of their SUCCESS..

Jealousy breeds hate...
Like I said, I like the Lakers and enjoy watching them play so your assumption is crap. It's actually fans such as yourself with an overinflated sense of self (as if you actually contributed to the team's success) that I and many others don't care for.

Third, whatever it was, you whining isn't going to change it. However, I'm sure it might make you feel better to just whine knowing it won't change a thing, so knock yourself out.
Yeah, ok. Give yourself a pat on the back for that.
^ First of all, we have the right to edit posts we feel don't follow OUR guidelines; not YOUR guidelines, but OUR guidelines.

Second, what was edited/censored?

Third, whatever it was, you whining isn't going to change it. However, I'm sure it might make you feel better to just whine knowing it won't changea thing, so knock yourself out.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by jumpman247

God I hate Derek Fisher, and wish only death to him and his family.


Originally Posted by jumpman247

Whatever dude, Fisher pulled Ellis down, it was the worst call of the year so far.

Fisher needs to tear his ACL, and MCL, I'm sick of him. I hate him, I hated him when he played for the Lakers the first time, and I hated him when he played for my Warriors, thought it was a horrible idea signing him for all that money. I hated him when he was on Utah, and I hate him ever more now.
He's no better then Bruce Bowen, and now he has a balled head just like him

If I ever see him in real life I'm going to tell him just how I feel, even though he can probably beat me up, I'd sue him for my injuries, and stick the dude for his paper.


So random.
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Seriously the 2 worst things I have seen this season are:

#1: Jazz fans @ Utah being salty @ DFish and throwing stuff on court during the 2 Laker road games there this seaon.

#2: Seeing some Warrior fans come in here after the game and wishing death on DFish and his family.



Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

kobe - "game over, game over"
He said that??

That cocky, pompous, disrespectful, +%%$#!


he said it in between free throws. warriors were yapping at him trying to get into his head.


I guess that's acceptable then.



Picture of the year! That's my word.
[Tom Jackson] YOU GOT JACKED UP! [/Tom Jackson]

I went to sleep when this thread was on pg 32. I wake up this morning, it's on 49!

Like most have said, should've been a no-call.

But I think if you ask most players in the L, they'll say "that was a good play... veteran move... etc".
We've seen a lot of our favorite players flop at one time or another. Diddy (in that youtube clip), AI, Wade, Manu, Nash, etc... So I'm not mad at what Fish did. Blame the refs if anything.

All this bickering though has over-shadowed a FANTASTIC performance by LO.
23 points, 21 rebounds, 5 blocks, 5 assists, 2 steals.

@ the Laker fans who always hate on him.

And how could there be 50 pages and NO video footage.

NT is slipping.

Anyway, I'll do my part and provide some pics.














Thanks for the pics SHUGES!

The one with Monta going to the rackis

And I agree, all the bickering in regards to the bad call is overshadowing the outstanding performance by LO.
Great game, and WOW 50+ pages for a single game that isnt a playoff game! This beats most teams season threads HAHA!
Man...i dont even wanna think about what would happen if we played the Lakers in the playoffs.

I mean, just think about this, we let Lamar Odom get 20+ rebounds on us........................................

AND he's their FREAKIN SMALL FORWARD when Bynum and Gasol get back. That's one SCARY !+* thought.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Man...i dont even wanna think about what would happen if we played the Lakers in the playoffs.

I mean, just think about this, we let Lamar Odom get 20+ rebounds on us........................................

AND he's their FREAKIN SMALL FORWARD when Bynum and Gasol get back. That's one SCARY !+* thought.

Ineed my dude, indeed.

20+ rebs back to back nonetheless for the dude.

Harrington + Biedrins gotta do a better job of protecting the glass.
But I think if you ask most players in the L, they'll say "that was a good play... veteran move... etc".
We've seen a lot of our favorite players flop at one time or another. Diddy (in that youtube clip), AI, Wade, Manu, Nash, etc... So I'm not mad at what Fish did. Blame the refs if anything.
I agree, the refs even let it go and then made the call when whoever fell on Fish's knee. Baron should have broke free from Kobe's holdthough. Kobe played it well but Baron needs lessons from Reggie Miller. Anyone remember his push off and 3 against MJ in the east finals in 98 I think?

edit here's the clip.... MJ got bodied, I remember being so mad!
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Wow! The crying is still going on. Just get over it guys, you lost.

don't click in here anymore then. i think you pretty much said what you had to, since you posted in here like 30x already.
Honestly, we should just lock this thread up. Nothing positive can happen from this
, I've kinda accepted the fact it was a terrible call but justgotta move on and there's nothing that can be done. Nothing constructive can be made from leaving this thread open. Let it die...

if we meet again in the playoffs....S+T is seriously going to implode.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Wow! The crying is still going on. Just get over it guys, you lost.

don't click in here anymore then. i think you pretty much said what you had to, since you posted in here like 30x already.

I will be a great one should we meet. I hope it happens.
Some pics from last night's game.
Oracle was rocking, playoff-atmoshpere.
There were quite a few Lakers fans and alot of MVP chants as well,
Onto the pics, I took quite a few but I'm not going to post alot of them

I need a new camera
Fisher tripped on Harringtons foot, and when trying to regain balance stepped on Diddy's foot... You try to stay up when Monta Ellis is trying to run youoff a pick... It wasn't even a flop, both players just lost balance... No Call...
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Wow! The crying is still going on. Just get over it guys, you lost.

don't click in here anymore then. i think you pretty much said what you had to, since you posted in here like 30x already.

I didn't know you were part of Team 8tothe24. Thanks for the following and concern over my well-being.
I love you supposed Laker fans that are so upset over the win last night. Good call or bad, Lakers were still up 2 and GS still had to score. Furthermore; if you want to go down that road, bad calls happen all the time and to say that GS didn't get any calls their way throughout the night is ajoke. City fans need to move on to the next game and Laker fans should be happy with the win. Have a good day.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

nice seats, i sat there before....didn't really like the view. sec.108?

Yeah, 108.
I will be pulling much better seats for next year's 2 games and maybe even the playoffs
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I've learned that to truly be a fan of your team, you gotta be objective with it. The same amount of praise deserves the same amount of criticism. Because I damn well know, during the offseason, I wanted to choke the hell out of Kobe.
I've wanted to choke the hell out of Kobe every offseason since '97... for not going somewhere else.

He's been winning me over little by little since that PHX playoff series 2 years ago, though; little by little.

Last summer was definitely a step back, though.

But the way he's played this season has been Damn. Near. PERFECT for me.

Seriously. Team Kobe > Selfish Kobe all day every day.

You already know how I felt about Kobe during the offseason. I still remember my one man campaign of Kobe for Arenas.

stop it. you know i was the first one to pull up a trade scenario to bring agent zero over!

And I thank God Laker fans are not GM's of the team. Ifthe fans had it their way this Laker team wouldn't exist and we'd probably be somewhere in the lottery.

Everybody needs to stop crying about the referees. It was a questionable call at that point of the game, but it wasn't a terrible call by any means. Justbecause your team ran out of chances to win the game doesn't mean it's a terrible call. Ellis ran through Fisher and ran him over, sorry dudes butthat's a foul on somebody. That's Ellis's own fault for being dumb enough to put himself in that situation. If I'm down to my last possessionI'm not gonna run into somebody and put the game in the refs hands.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

nice seats, i sat there before....didn't really like the view. sec.108?

Yeah, 108.
I will be pulling much better seats for next year's 2 games and maybe even the playoffs

yeah its best to get them right when they get their season tickets. tickets next year might be even crazier if the warriors make the playoffs again

Good pics SoHi.

I'd love to attend a Laker away game. Going to a game at Oracle may just be my first one.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego


Good pics SoHi.

I'd love to attend a Laker away game. Going to a game at Oracle may just be my first one.

Wouldn't phoenix be a closer route for you?

I'm looking into attending a couple of road games myself next year. Phoenix is #1 on my list, then Oakland.

Although it doesn't really count, I've never gone to a Laker road game at Staples
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego


Good pics SoHi.

I'd love to attend a Laker away game. Going to a game at Oracle may just be my first one.

Wouldn't phoenix be a closer route for you?

I'm looking into attending a couple of road games myself next year. Phoenix is #1 on my list, then Oakland.

Although it doesn't really count, I've never gone to a Laker road game at Staples

I guess you could say so, but Oracle looks to be more of a fun crowd with the abundance of Laker fans there. Plus I got family in the Bay so I couldprobably kill two birds with one stone.
I'd like to hit up a Knick/Lakers game at MSG. Damn that would be dope to watch the Lakers in the Mecca.
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