Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate on Wade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? I don't know but who is the way it is.
I never recall me hating on D-Wade for getting calls from the refs. If you can find where I(me being a Laker fan and all) hate on D-Wade for gettingcalls, I would love to see it.

My stance on D-Wade is simple. I loved him his rookie year, he was great. Hard-nosed, took it to the rim, was a great player, etc.
But something happened to him. Now, instead of going to the hole to score, he takes it in, not to make a shot, but to get bailed-out by the refs, it's adamn shame.
But if the refs keep calling it, why would he stop? Easy points with free throws leads to a win. I'm not going to blame him for taking advantage of it.
Try not to choke when you say it.

Are you implying that Monta Ellis choked???
Come on now.

If you really think people hate Laker fans more than other fans just because, there's no one anyone can change your opinion. If it's just a generalattitude you have, then it's pointless trying to convince you otherwise. But anyway in sports, Lakers=Yankees=Cowboys (in a way)...I already mentionedthey're a big market team with many more fans than other teams. With a bigger amount of fans, there's bound to be a bigger amount of good AND bad fans.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by dland24 response to your thread analysis:

-Baron does NOT flop all the time. Just because there is that Okur instance does not make it something that happens frequently.
-Lamar Odom only played like a star because he 1-played the Warriors and 2-is taking away Bynum and Gasols stats. When they return, Lamar returns to earth as an average player.
-Kobe was NOT double and triple teamed all game.....what game were YOU watching?!?!? Buike did a hell of a job on him. Kobe will always get his points. His % is the story of the defense played on him.

And for the record.....I dont believe Laker fans are DUMB like a lot of other Warrior fans have said. I just think they are being ridiculous for trying to push our buttons after the end of the game. I know its been said before, but if the tables were turned, there would have been a riot in LA. *edit- sorry i didnt read your retraction of the flopping statement before posting this.
1.) Your right, Baron doesn't flop all the time, but your lying if you say he never flops.
2.) Lo has been tearing it up since Gasol was traded here. Gasol was traded on Feb 1st.
Since than, LO averaged 14.5 points and 11.6 boards as the 3rd option in Feb
and 16.8 points with 13.1 boards
in March with Gasol being injured for half of March.
He has done so much better since Gasol got here it's ridiculous. He's not going to be putting up 20 and 20 with Gasol and Bynum back, but he is stepping his game up with the pressure on no longer being Kobe's Pippen as Pippen was to MJ, which is what he was paid like and what people expected him to produce.
3.) Kobe was double teamed all of of OT, I was pissed about, I was discussing with this my friend throughout OT. It happened

Don't forget the 70+ percentage he has been shooting
Ryda421 wrote:

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by dland24 response to your thread analysis:

-Baron does NOT flop all the time. Just because there is that Okur instance does not make it something that happens frequently.
-Lamar Odom only played like a star because he 1-played the Warriors and 2-is taking away Bynum and Gasols stats. When they return, Lamar returns to earth as an average player.
-Kobe was NOT double and triple teamed all game.....what game were YOU watching?!?!? Buike did a hell of a job on him. Kobe will always get his points. His % is the story of the defense played on him.

And for the record.....I dont believe Laker fans are DUMB like a lot of other Warrior fans have said. I just think they are being ridiculous for trying to push our buttons after the end of the game. I know its been said before, but if the tables were turned, there would have been a riot in LA. *edit- sorry i didnt read your retraction of the flopping statement before posting this.
1.) Your right, Baron doesn't flop all the time, but your lying if you say he never flops.
2.) Lo has been tearing it up since Gasol was traded here. Gasol was traded on Feb 1st.
Since than, LO averaged 14.5 points and 11.6 boards as the 3rd option in Feb
and 16.8 points with 13.1 boards
in March with Gasol being injured for half of March.
He has done so much better since Gasol got here it's ridiculous. He's not going to be putting up 20 and 20 with Gasol and Bynum back, but he is stepping his game up with the pressure on no longer being Kobe's Pippen as Pippen was to MJ, which is what he was paid like and what people expected him to produce.
3.) Kobe was double teamed all of of OT, I was pissed about, I was discussing with this my friend throughout OT. It happened

Don't forget the 70+ percentage he has been shooting

I didn't.

He shot 62.319% in Feb.(which is amazing by the way) and is shooting 57.143% in March(still really damn good).

You know what's interesting. LO shot 62 % in fg % in Feb, he shot 66.66% from the free throw line in the same month.
Has a player(who actually plays substantial minutes) ever had a higher fg% than ft%?
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by dland24 response to your thread analysis:

-Baron does NOT flop all the time. Just because there is that Okur instance does not make it something that happens frequently.
-Lamar Odom only played like a star because he 1-played the Warriors and 2-is taking away Bynum and Gasols stats. When they return, Lamar returns to earth as an average player.
-Kobe was NOT double and triple teamed all game.....what game were YOU watching?!?!? Buike did a hell of a job on him. Kobe will always get his points. His % is the story of the defense played on him.

And for the record.....I dont believe Laker fans are DUMB like a lot of other Warrior fans have said. I just think they are being ridiculous for trying to push our buttons after the end of the game. I know its been said before, but if the tables were turned, there would have been a riot in LA. *edit- sorry i didnt read your retraction of the flopping statement before posting this.
1.) Your right, Baron doesn't flop all the time, but your lying if you say he never flops.
2.) Lo has been tearing it up since Gasol was traded here. Gasol was traded on Feb 1st.
Since than, LO averaged 14.5 points and 11.6 boards as the 3rd option in Feb
and 16.8 points with 13.1 boards
in March with Gasol being injured for half of March.
He has done so much better since Gasol got here it's ridiculous. He's not going to be putting up 20 and 20 with Gasol and Bynum back, but he is stepping his game up with the pressure on no longer being Kobe's Pippen as Pippen was to MJ, which is what he was paid like and what people expected him to produce.
3.) Kobe was double teamed all of of OT, I was pissed about, I was discussing with this my friend throughout OT. It happened

Don't forget the 70+ percentage he has been shooting
I didn't.

He shot 62.319% in Feb.(which is amazing by the way) and is shooting 57.143% in March(still really damn good).

I concure ! (but I remember hearing Stu Lantz mentioning the fact that he shot 70+ percentage for a month), must've have been for a certain number ofgames...but either way
Try not to choke when you say it.
Are you implying that Monta Ellis choked???
Come on now.

Bro... think you're giving too much credit for coming up with a clever 'jab'. You should know I couldn't come up with that.

And I don't talk trash anyways, so even if I had thought of that, I wouldn't have said it.

And even if I did think of it and did decide to talk trash for a second, I would have definitely said something like "Just playing Warriors/Ellis fans.
If you really think people hate Laker fans more than other fans just because, there's no one anyone can change your opinion. If it's just a general attitude you have, then it's pointless trying to convince you otherwise.
Some of you need to learn a few simple rules about debating.

When did I ever say that I thought people hated on the Lakers 'just because'?
And if you're going to go back to that quote I said rhetorically, you needto realize that it was said... rhetorically. "Lakers fans are more annoying and less productive because... well... just because."

Yeah, that wasn't meant to be my thoughts; it was a rhetorical statement.

I know good and well why people hate my team and it's fans.
I already mentioned they're a big market team with many more fans than other teams. With a bigger amount of fans, there's bound to be a bigger amount of good AND bad fans.
SoHi 23:
Has a player(who actually plays substantial minutes) ever had a higher fg% than ft%?

Wouldn't every awesome center who's terrible at FTs be an answer to your question? Like Shaq? I would guess that he has had multipleseason where his FG% was higher than his FT%.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

SoHi 23:
Has a player(who actually plays substantial minutes) ever had a higher fg% than ft%?
Wouldn't every awesome center who's terrible at FTs be an answer to your question? Like Shaq? I would guess that he has had multiple season where his FG% was higher than his FT%.

Wow, I feel stupid.
I totally forgot about Shaq and other Centers
at me
^ Lakers vs. Heat 2 years ago went HARD.

Obviously, that was ezBoard back then, so it's long gone, but I would guess that it topped 50 pages.
What happened in the last 3 pages between Ska and some other dudes?

Oh, and for the record, Lamar is a good player
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate on Wade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? I don't know but who is the way it is.

How old are you? I mean really. This sounds like a 4 year olds argument. You guys did it so we should be able to do it...LOL Grow up!

Plus its the wrong argument. If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans and they had every right too. I just don't understand why you guys arestill on one play. One play in the regular season. I know you are going to say this will affect you making the playoffs....well if you won more games youwouldn't have to worry about it.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate on Wade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? I don't know but who is the way it is.

How old are you? I mean really. This sounds like a 4 year olds argument. You guys did it so we should be able to do it...LOL Grow up!

Plus its the wrong argument. If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans and they had every right too. I just don't understand why you guys are still on one play. One play in the regular season. I know you are going to say this will affect you making the playoffs....well if you won more games you wouldn't have to worry about it.

Tupac003, you're one of the few Laker fans i respect on here but I think you missed his point. I think he was referring more to the hypocrites who saynot to hate on D Fish because it was the ref's fault for calling that foul so they should be hating on the refs, yet these are the SAME people that hate onD Wade when it's the Ref's fault for calling the foul.
Also, I gotta disagree with this statement : "If anybodys fans hated on wade it was themavs fans" Let's be real. On Niketalk, EVERY D Wade post is overwhelmingly clogged up with hate from members with Laker sigs.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

is it that hard to implement a instant replay system for the nba?

That would be the most idiotic thing ever.
The game would be so slow. Part of the thing that makes the NBA fun is the fast pace of the game.
Do you know how many coaches would dispute calls. It would never ever work in the NBA.
Yeah, it wouldn't work because of Mike D'Antoni

I do feel that something like you can review plays with other 1:00 left in a close game could work though. I mean, timeouts are taken in every possessionusually in a close game, and I think if there's an iffy foul call, it should be reviewed. But then again, I don't think the NBA would ever do that.
Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

... Because the game is played so fast already in the final minutes with the fouls and the timeouts.

If you think that it gets slow at that point, imagine how it would be with a replay system.

I don't know maybe you could use the NFL challenge system type thing, but I don't think the NBA would allow it.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate on Wade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? I don't know but who is the way it is.

How old are you? I mean really. This sounds like a 4 year olds argument. You guys did it so we should be able to do it...LOL Grow up!

Plus its the wrong argument. If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans and they had every right too. I just don't understand why you guys are still on one play. One play in the regular season. I know you are going to say this will affect you making the playoffs....well if you won more games you wouldn't have to worry about it.

Tupac003, you're one of the few Laker fans i respect on here but I think you missed his point. I think he was referring more to the hypocrites who say not to hate on D Fish because it was the ref's fault for calling that foul so they should be hating on the refs, yet these are the SAME people that hate on D Wade when it's the Ref's fault for calling the foul.
Also, I gotta disagree with this statement : "If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans" Let's be real. On Niketalk, EVERY D Wade post is overwhelmingly clogged up with hate from members with Laker sigs.
Thank you. That was all I was trying to say. I ain't saying we have the right to hate on Fisher because of this or anything like that. And some ofy'all are in straight denial if you think only Mavs fans hate on Wade
What a game yesterday, my friend sat right behind the Lakers bench.

"Warriors Fans Crying" - Had to handle them at work today.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Big Sloppy Panda

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Boy, That game was the NBA's finest last night. Some great performances on both teams.

And how are the teams and fans rewarded for such said performances?

Referee's deciding the game.

No hate against the Lakers, but from an un-biased opinion, Fish pulled Monta down.
At worst, thats a no call. At worst.

Its sad to see such a game be decided by the officials. We have seen this kind of picture way too many times. I guess we should be used to it by now.

I would love to see a seven game series between these two teams. It would be the best entertaining basketball that an NBA fan has seen in years.

This game would have been over had they called that charge on baron davis that gave kobe a cut under that eye. nobody wants to point that out though right?
As for a 7 game series against these two, the warriors would only win 1 game max. Bynum, gasol, and ariza are out. They most likely will be back for the playoffs...

Kobe turned and put his arms out in front, so that negated the charge.
Didnt see the play. I stepped out for a minute durring the game. So therefore, I cant comment on it. From the pictures though, I see he got hit butgood
some one lock this thread .... a lost is a lost even tho we lost in a unfair way.....but yea.... there nothing to do about it so just get on with it and lookforward not backward.
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