Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Trust me you guys dont want instant replay in basketball. Honestly how would you instant replay that charge? How would you define the charge...its reallysubjective already and then you want to instant replay it. Good...lord that would be conspiracy theories to the max.

you can replay buzzer beaters, out of bounds play, or 3 pt shots with toes on the line...but seriously can you instant replay a personal foul?
Instant replay might be a good idea, might not be a good idea... it depends on how Stern implements it... if that'll ever happen.

Here's my suggestion... How about adding 4th referee to the crew? I don't know where he'd/she'd be place on the sidelines/baseline, but if theyever get that worked out, I think that'd be better. I mean 3 sets of eyes miss calls/guess on calls often. I guess adding a 4th set of eyes should help.
Refs don't even get together and talk about the calls because that "slows down the game."

Having a 4th referee in that situation would not change what happened. Delaney saw what he saw.
funny how the spread last night had the warriors at +3 and some others had them at +2.5. what was the score when the delaney call was made? lakers 121 andwarriors 119. a difference of 2 points. then the warriors had to foul to extend the game and the final score became 123 to 119. a difference of 4 points.conspiracy?
Originally Posted by BDavis5

funny how the spread last night had the warriors at +3 and some others had them at +2.5. what was the score when the delaney call was made? lakers 121 and warriors 119. a difference of 2 points. then the warriors had to foul to extend the game and the final score became 123 to 119. a difference of 4 points. conspiracy?

Just when we thought things were safe you post this.

Come on man, I highly doubt any official is going to try anything now, especially after what happened to the other ref.
Just take the L and move on
yea i highly, highly doubt a ref would try to do something like that given what happened to donaghy....i'd only say there's a 0.0001% chance of thatbeing the case. what just happened was piss-poor judgment by Delaney in making the call.
Originally Posted by BDavis5

funny how the spread last night had the warriors at +3 and some others had them at +2.5. what was the score when the delaney call was made? lakers 121 and warriors 119. a difference of 2 points. then the warriors had to foul to extend the game and the final score became 123 to 119. a difference of 4 points. conspiracy?

hmmm, makes a lot of sense, and Bob Delenay was also in the Mafia, but as an undercover cop....but still.
There's still some bickering about this game.

Once the Lakers tip-off tonight's game, and the Warriors follow on Thursday, this thread will die, but 'til then....
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate on Wade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? I don't know but who is the way it is.

How old are you? I mean really. This sounds like a 4 year olds argument. You guys did it so we should be able to do it...LOL Grow up!

Plus its the wrong argument. If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans and they had every right too. I just don't understand why you guys are still on one play. One play in the regular season. I know you are going to say this will affect you making the playoffs....well if you won more games you wouldn't have to worry about it.

Tupac003, you're one of the few Laker fans i respect on here but I think you missed his point. I think he was referring more to the hypocrites who say not to hate on D Fish because it was the ref's fault for calling that foul so they should be hating on the refs, yet these are the SAME people that hate on D Wade when it's the Ref's fault for calling the foul.
Also, I gotta disagree with this statement : "If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans" Let's be real. On Niketalk, EVERY D Wade post is overwhelmingly clogged up with hate from members with Laker sigs.
I understans that but it seemed to me that he was grouping laker fans together. Not everybody hated wade. Most did but not all. But to be honest Icould care less. Its crazy to me that this thread is still open with folks talking about the spread of the game is the reason why he made the call....
Come on. Get over it please.
Like i said do you think i give two @%@% what YOU are anybody else think? Its mostly the people who hate the lakers and kobe that stay saying some pathetic @%@% like that... Go cry me a $$$***# river and Ill swim in it....
You're still typing out of your rectum. Maybe that's just what you do.
funny how the spread last night had the warriors at +3 and some others had them at +2.5. what was the score when the delaney call was made? lakers 121 and warriors 119. a difference of 2 points. then the warriors had to foul to extend the game and the final score became 123 to 119. a difference of 4 points. conspiracy?
I have bet everyday for 6 years... I have people I know down in Vegas that swear the refs change almost 50 percent of NBA games and 75 percent ofcollege games. This was the first thing that came through my mind as the ref called what he called. Vegas influences sports way more than anyone would wantto believe. And its only going to get worse.

For those who find this hard to believe, I want you to sit down and study a ref one game, and it will become very clear who Vegas wants to win that game early. If anyone watched the Pistons Suns game earlier that night it was clear Vegas had Pistons at -2. The calls at the end of the game to get it to that pointwere ridiculous...and guess what, they covered.

Sports fans dont want to believe that this is true, and I understand that. I didnt either for so long. But as my people said, referees are easily influenced. They are underappreciated, underpaid, and vulnerable.
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

funny how the spread last night had the warriors at +3 and some others had them at +2.5. what was the score when the delaney call was made? lakers 121 and warriors 119. a difference of 2 points. then the warriors had to foul to extend the game and the final score became 123 to 119. a difference of 4 points. conspiracy?
I have bet everyday for 6 years... I have people I know down in Vegas that swear the refs change almost 50 percent of NBA games and 75 percent of college games. This was the first thing that came through my mind as the ref called what he called. Vegas influences sports way more than anyone would want to believe. And its only going to get worse.

For those who find this hard to believe, I want you to sit down and study a ref one game, and it will become very clear who Vegas wants to win that game early. If anyone watched the Pistons Suns game earlier that night it was clear Vegas had Pistons at -2. The calls at the end of the game to get it to that point were ridiculous...and guess what, they covered.

Sports fans dont want to believe that this is true, and I understand that. I didnt either for so long. But as my people said, referees are easily influenced. They are underappreciated, underpaid, and vulnerable.

I'm an avid sports better and I noticed that too. Sad that sports has been clouded by all this though.
The thing on instant replay.

Once it starts, it will never start.

It will start with people asking for an instant replay in the fourth quarter. Then coaches will start complaining about not using it in the early parts of thefourth, therefore forcing a domino effect over the course of time.
Very soon, it will start to be instant replays on the tip off of a game.

I would love to have instant replay, but in the NBA, it will never happen.

Football and Hockey are the only sports that should use instant replay (excluding the Olympics of course)

The league does, however, share its findings on controversial calls when a member of the media asks. So I asked. And Stu Jackson answered.
"We did review," he said Tuesday. "The call was incorrect."
"After looking at the play, the foul was on (Derek) Fisher and not (Monta) Ellis. It appeared that Fisher pulled Ellis down."
There you have it.
Originally Posted by jayro81

The league does, however, share its findings on controversial calls when a member of the media asks. So I asked. And Stu Jackson answered.
"We did review," he said Tuesday. "The call was incorrect."
"After looking at the play, the foul was on (Derek) Fisher and not (Monta) Ellis. It appeared that Fisher pulled Ellis down."
There you have it.

I'll need a better source than

But, what do you Warriors fans want to do?
A Miami Heat/Atlanta Hawks type thing?
Just take the L and move on, don't bump this topic anymore.
SERIOUSLY. Lets' stop talking about this mess. smh at whoever upped the thread

My stance on the call is obvious, of course I think it's incorrect, but who cares now? the warriors have MUCH bigger fish to fry (
) than arguing over this call. sometimes stuff like thishappens.

Let's all move on from this and just call Sonitrol and lock this $+%+ up.
, this game is almost nearing a week ago
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Like i said do you think i give two @%@% what YOU are anybody else think? Its mostly the people who hate the lakers and kobe that stay saying some pathetic @%@% like that... Go cry me a $$$***# river and Ill swim in it....
You're still typing out of your rectum. Maybe that's just what you do.

I know you mad cuz nobody cares but just let it go.....
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Laker fans keep saying don't hate on Fisher, blame the refs and blah blah... What about when y'all hate on D.Wade because he gets calls? Why hate on Wade because he gets all the calls? Just hate on the refs. It is the same situation. Of course we are going to be mad at Fisher for flopping. Is it right? I don't know but who is the way it is.

How old are you? I mean really. This sounds like a 4 year olds argument. You guys did it so we should be able to do it...LOL Grow up!

Plus its the wrong argument. If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans and they had every right too. I just don't understand why you guys are still on one play. One play in the regular season. I know you are going to say this will affect you making the playoffs....well if you won more games you wouldn't have to worry about it.

Tupac003, you're one of the few Laker fans i respect on here but I think you missed his point. I think he was referring more to the hypocrites who say not to hate on D Fish because it was the ref's fault for calling that foul so they should be hating on the refs, yet these are the SAME people that hate on D Wade when it's the Ref's fault for calling the foul.
Also, I gotta disagree with this statement : "If anybodys fans hated on wade it was the mavs fans" Let's be real. On Niketalk, EVERY D Wade post is overwhelmingly clogged up with hate from members with Laker sigs.
Thank you. That was all I was trying to say. I ain't saying we have the right to hate on Fisher because of this or anything like that. And some of y'all are in straight denial if you think only Mavs fans hate on Wade
It was not just mavs fans...laker was ALL of niketalk. To the guy who said the majority of people who hated on d wade was laker fans and youseen nothing but laker sigs, thats complete BULL %#!$ and you know it. I remember when dwade hate threads always popped up. about 5-7 pages deep. about 5people with lakers sigs in the thread and then come the usual schmuck with the "laker fans always hate on players not named Kobe" as if the wholethread was created by laker fans. I dunno if its hillarious or just sad. Some of you gotta find better things to do than to hate on the Lakers... Its gettingpretty old....

To you guys talking about bad laker fans, there is no such thing as a bad fan unless you are taking it to the extreme, ie wishing death on players and showingup in game threads with extra screen names just to hate on a team that knocked you out of the playoffs a few years back.

A sports fan can think Dan %**+*** Marjle was the GOAT and it would not make him a bad fan. Who the *%%$ are you to say what that fan is supposed to think?
Originally Posted by Big Sloppy Panda

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Like i said do you think i give two @%@% what YOU are anybody else think? Its mostly the people who hate the lakers and kobe that stay saying some pathetic @%@% like that... Go cry me a $$$***# river and Ill swim in it....
You're still typing out of your rectum. Maybe that's just what you do.

I know you mad cuz nobody cares but just let it go.....

LOL. You seem to care a whole lot by the way you reply to my posts. Keep losing sleep. I won't tell.
This is the song that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because...

...this is the song that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because...

...this is the song that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because...

...this is the song that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because...
Originally Posted by jayro81

The league does, however, share its findings on controversial calls when a member of the media asks. So I asked. And Stu Jackson answered.
"We did review," he said Tuesday. "The call was incorrect."
"After looking at the play, the foul was on (Derek) Fisher and not (Monta) Ellis. It appeared that Fisher pulled Ellis down."
There you have it.


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