Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Originally Posted by LA Laker Devotee

LO7 for the game deciding layup

Oh and by the way, that was a non-call, we were lucky to get away with that one. Props to Warriors, I sure as hell don't want to play them in a seven game series...

hahaha yeah you would. any team with (powerful) bigs who can finish in the paint/lane and clean the glass would love to play the warriors. come off it.
How many Warrior fans was feeling a BDiddy three at the top of the key before the foul call? I just know it was a double screen play to free up BD for the shotfor the win, and he was about to hit that !#*.
Bad way to end a game. Kinda had me heated too. You just don't make a call like that at the end of the game. You can't clearly say who that foul wasfrom coming from that refs view but the ref near the end bounds should have said something, he had a clear view and that foul should have been on Fish. But ohwell, the Warriors were up for must of the game but the Lakers came through and held in OT.

To the dude above me, yeah that was a play setup for Boom Dizzle for sure. Too bad we couldn't have had a better finish. Maybe we'll see the Lake showin the playoffs.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I've learned that to truly be a fan of your team, you gotta be objective with it. The same amount of praise deserves the same amount of criticism. Because I damn well know, during the offseason, I wanted to choke the hell out of Kobe.
I've wanted to choke the hell out of Kobe every offseason since '97... for not going somewhere else.

He's been winning me over little by little since that PHX playoff series 2 years ago, though; little by little.

Last summer was definitely a step back, though.

But the way he's played this season has been Damn. Near. PERFECT for me.

Seriously. Team Kobe > Selfish Kobe all day every day.

You already know how I felt about Kobe during the offseason. [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I still remember my one man campaign of Kobe for Arenas.[/color]

stop it. you know i was the first one to pull up a trade scenario to bring agent zero over!
floppin fish once again. Reminds me of the lakers kings series whenbibby crowded up on kobe, and kobe elbowed bibby in the face, knocked him to the ground, and then got two FT.....Lakers fans are used to sayin 'stopcryin, U MAD' because refs always help them
This is foolish, just admit defeat and stop blaming the shouldn't have even come to that, be grateful we saw a great game (actually a greatminiseries)
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

I hope the people in here calling Fisher classless were also calling Jordan classless for his pushoff in the last shot.

If not, shut it.

Not sure what one has to do with the other. As usual, there's always an increasing amount of delusional Laker fans who I believe pay more attention tothe pretty colors of their team's uniform more than the games and individual players themselves.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

I hope the people in here calling Fisher classless were also calling Jordan classless for his pushoff in the last shot.

If not, shut it.

Not sure what one has to do with the other. As usual, there's always an increasing amount of delusional Laker fans who I believe pay more attention to the pretty colors of their team's uniform more than the games and individual players themselves.

I'm pretty sure every laker fan could give a rats @+! what you think about them.

The most hated franchise in the nba is the lakers. Not because of their fans but because of their SUCCESS..

Jealousy breeds hate...

As far as Bob Fitzgerald goes, I remember when that douche bag use to be the coffee boy/reporter for knbr. I miss the days of Greg Papa doing warriors games.His pimp hand was strong and he didnt let jim the goof barnett go out of control like he does now. Bob and Jim are some douche bags forreal..
I know Lakers fan aint in here talkin about W's fans complaining about the refs.


Anytime the Cavs beat the Lakers, yall the first ones HOLLERIN
Originally Posted by J0E HUSTLE

I know Lakers fan aint in here talkin about W's fans complaining about the refs.


Anytime the Cavs beat the Lakers, yall the first ones HOLLERIN
Excuse me....

I mean I am from LAand we do have one fo the worst education systems in the world...But this is a lakers warriors thread..

What to the cavs have anything to do with this? Go spread your hate somewhere else.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by J0E HUSTLE

I know Lakers fan aint in here talkin about W's fans complaining about the refs.


Anytime the Cavs beat the Lakers, yall the first ones HOLLERIN
Excuse me....

I mean I am from LAand we do have one fo the worst education systems in the world...But this is a lakers warriors thread..

What to the cavs have anything to do with this? Go spread your hate somewhere else.
No hate, I'm just saying for you SOME of you guys to get on dudes complaining about the officiating, you act as if ya'll have never done it.This ain't got nothing to do with the

DFish pulled Monta down on top of him.
Great game last night, sucks the call ruined it for everyone, but there was a lot of non calls in the game. Refs do weird shi some times. Like the laneviolation on the first attempt. That is the first time in my life I have ever seen that. And they blew the whistle after the shot had been missed. So,whatever.
The Baron drive to the basket that cut Kobe's eye and was called a block. Of all the flopping in the league, Kobe is not known as a flopper on D, he hadposition, got elbowed in the face, ran thru, and then called for a foul. So.....

Lotta bad calls in the game, just this one was at the very end and that's unfortunate. Of course were it reversed Laker fans would be going crazy. But noneed to wish death on Fish, and most certainly not on his family, come on.

This would be a great series if we meet in the playoffs in any round, but it will be a lot different series if the Lakers are healthy. Warrior fans gottaacknowledge that. You think Odom was a beast the last two games, imagine when his sidekicks Pau and Andrew come to play. Can stop LO with your best big man,try stopping him with your 3rd best big guy.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Also, Barnett lives for the 2 for 1.

Every game ending a quarter, "The Warriors can trade 2 for 1 here!"

That's because Jimbo stays pointing out the obvious.
I went to bed running a fever last night. I was stuuuuupidly heated after that call by Delaney.

But, word to the dude that said being a W's fan isn't good for the health.

We just have to take it, though. There's nothing we can do to change it. We'll settle it in the playoffs, Lakers.
Good games, too.
hey!!!! whats with the title change on the thread? [jay-z] I thought this was America people! [jay-z]

But yeah, I'm sure you're familiar with this, stickied at the top of the page: PLEASE READ: Use only the ACTUAL team names, cities, and player's names in the thread title

The whole point behind that thread is this: it's useless to make a thread with a title that fails to let people know what the thread is about. If I want tomake an official Chevy Corvette thread, it would get more of the right people if have a title that PLAINLY shows the thread's purpose. Something like'Official Corvette thread vol. Chevy > Ford' or 'NikeTalk's CHEVY CORVETTE thread! w/ pics of my Stingray' would be a lot more effectivethan 'My new ride! Post pics if you have one of these. Domestic, FTW!'

You know?

Somewhere in the thread title, we need something that PLAINLY shows what the thread is for, so all I did was add 'Lakers @ Warriors' to the beginningof what you had.
Man, i still say that NBA should incorporate the instant replay rule.... there were plenty of calls last night that were a little iffy.....
Boy, That game was the NBA's finest last night. Some great performances on both teams.

And how are the teams and fans rewarded for such said performances?

Referee's deciding the game.

No hate against the Lakers, but from an un-biased opinion, Fish pulled Monta down.
At worst, thats a no call. At worst.

Its sad to see such a game be decided by the officials. We have seen this kind of picture way too many times. I guess we should be used to it by now.

I would love to see a seven game series between these two teams. It would be the best entertaining basketball that an NBA fan has seen in years.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

hey!!!! whats with the title change on the thread? [jay-z] I thought this was America people! [jay-z]

But yeah, I'm sure you're familiar with this, stickied at the top of the page: PLEASE READ: Use only the ACTUAL team names, cities, and player's names in the thread title

The whole point behind that thread is this: it's useless to make a thread with a title that fails to let people know what the thread is about. If I want to make an official Chevy Corvette thread, it would get more of the right people if have a title that PLAINLY shows the thread's purpose. Something like 'Official Corvette thread vol. Chevy > Ford' or 'NikeTalk's CHEVY CORVETTE thread! w/ pics of my Stingray' would be a lot more effective than 'My new ride! Post pics if you have one of these. Domestic, FTW!'

You know?

Somewhere in the thread title, we need something that PLAINLY shows what the thread is for, so all I did was add 'Lakers @ Warriors' to the beginning of what you had.

yeah i understand. i thought it was a better title thought since it was turning it a lakers fans vs. warriors fans thread. i was mad for about 5mins, but then i got over it. its funny how fans take it so seriously, and you see baron laughing after the game. its just a game people.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

God I hate Derek Fisher, and wish only death to him and his family.


Originally Posted by jumpman247

Whatever dude, Fisher pulled Ellis down, it was the worst call of the year so far.

Fisher needs to tear his ACL, and MCL, I'm sick of him. I hate him, I hated him when he played for the Lakers the first time, and I hated him when he played for my Warriors, thought it was a horrible idea signing him for all that money. I hated him when he was on Utah, and I hate him ever more now.
He's no better then Bruce Bowen, and now he has a balled head just like him

If I ever see him in real life I'm going to tell him just how I feel, even though he can probably beat me up, I'd sue him for my injuries, and stick the dude for his paper.


So random.
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Seriously the 2 worst things I have seen this season are:

#1: Jazz fans @ Utah being salty @ DFish and throwing stuff on court during the 2 Laker road games there this seaon.

#2: Seeing some Warrior fans come in here after the game and wishing death on DFish and his family.



Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

kobe - "game over, game over"
He said that??

That cocky, pompous, disrespectful, +%%$#!


he said it in between free throws. warriors were yapping at him trying to get into his head.


I guess that's acceptable then.



Picture of the year! That's my word.
[Tom Jackson] YOU GOT JACKED UP! [/Tom Jackson]

I went to sleep when this thread was on pg 32. I wake up this morning, it's on 49!

Like most have said, should've been a no-call.

But I think if you ask most players in the L, they'll say "that was a good play... veteran move... etc".
We've seen a lot of our favorite players flop at one time or another. Diddy (in that youtube clip), AI, Wade, Manu, Nash, etc... So I'm not mad at whatFish did. Blame the refs if anything.

All this bickering though has over-shadowed a FANTASTIC performance by LO.
23 points, 21 rebounds, 5 blocks, 5 assists, 2 steals.

@ the Laker fans who always hate on him.

And how could there be 50 pages and NO video footage.

NT is slipping.

Anyway, I'll do my part and provide some pics.













What a game...I damn near threw my beer at the bartender last night because of it. Would have been all bad. We can't think about that game and how we gotscrewed. It's done.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

I would love to see a seven game series between these two teams. It would be the best entertaining basketball that an NBA fan has seen in years.
It's interesting how I see this said about any team the Warriors would play in the Playoffs this year. Warriors/Lakers, Warriors/ Suns,Warriors/Hornets...I think it's safe to say that the Warriors are exciting period.
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