Kanye to name next album "I Am God"

And the Ye hate continues... Watch this work be amazing, and then same dudes bashing Ye, will be D ridin...

5 percenters call themselves Gods also...

I always wondering what people think they are doing when they go to a concert, they are literally praising the artist on stage like a God... Kayne literally has a cult of fans.. Hip hop is a euphemism for new religion...

This thread was almost entirely worthless. Thank you for posting this.
How many times can you "miss the old ye" or what ever otther hatin *** words ya'll choose
When you can't make good music anymore and are out of fresh ideas, nothing else left to do but resort to cheap gimmicks to try and get over.
If Wu Tang and Nas and Jay Z and AZ and every other 5%er rapper can refer to themselves as "God" then why can't Ye?
Ye can go ahead and make the same mistake and spew the same lies as those other guys.
Dont get me wrong, Ive been listening to all those above mentioned, but when they refer to themselves as a god, I do take offense and do not agree with them. Im listening less and less to hip hop as I mature.

where is the college dropout kanye?
Kanye is sounding like a college dropout. Sadly, that was also his best album, in my opinion.
Irdc what its called just please let it sound like that White Dress single/ give me that late registration vibe |I
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

if you're going to quote the Bible, be sure to do it correctly. The "main character" as you mentioned, who was and still is an actual being, Jesus, never called any human a god.
Not sure it seems like you're agreeing

In that verse the Jews were calling Jesus a blasphemer for claiming to be god.

Then Jesus clearly says that isn't it written that I said that you all are gods.

Why are you trying to misinterpret the word of god?
:lol: He would do something like this just to **** with people.

I honestly dont care what the album title is, as long as the music is great Im good.
Why does everyone say "I miss the college dropout Kanye?" 

Do people realize how fickle rap music fans are? If Kanye released two college dropouts his career would look like Talib Kweli's and every other back pack rapper from that era was. I have a lot of respect for Talib but Kanye is a superstar today because he reinvented himself many times. 

I appreciate College Dropout for what it is but I don't want another one. 
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

if you're going to quote the Bible, be sure to do it correctly. The "main character" as you mentioned, who was and still is an actual being, Jesus, never called any human a god.
that ether
Jay-Z is not a 5%er 

Kuck Fanye an his filthy plastic cave bish
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