Kanye to name next album "I Am God"

Lol! But no one has a problem with all the biblical references him and G.O.O.D have been putting out lately?? OH!? ****, Wrath of Cain, anyone?

I prefer Rich Black American though. Has a better ring to it. :smokin
Kanye West’s Upcoming Album Is Rumored To Have A Track Named “I Am A God”
Written by Nigel D. / 03.27.13

“We would never be so presumptuous or sacrilegious to call ourselves the supreme being,” the source said. While everyone will have to wait for the actual song to parse the specifics of the song’s message, the source hinted that the idea was generally that all people are manifestations of a higher power.

Full Story: HuffingtonPost

At first people thought Kanye West’s upcoming album would be called, “I Am God.” But according to sources, the album title has not been decided and there might be a single called, “I Am A God.” Malik Yusef of G.O.O.D. Music tweeted, “I am(A) GOD” FAMO #psalms 82.”

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I didn't plan on listening to the lp if he named it that cus of the out right arrogance, not cus of any spiritual disrespect. Turns out might just be a track. Him or anyone else claiming to be god is just idolatry. Not blasphemy, cus he not taking God's name in vain. God is more of a title, (A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality) like Lord (A man of renowned power or authority). Creating an idol tho is a sin, but that's between him and the creator.

Nevertheless, in 2Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called "the god of this world [lit. `age']." If only the true God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is really God, then what is a "god"? Exodus 20:3 says, "You shall have no other gods before Me." If there is only one God, how can there be "other gods"? The next verse answers the question, "You shall not make for yourself an idol..." A god is a created something or someone that is worshiped as if it were God. "gods," with a small g, are idols! Satan is the "god of this age" because he is worshipped (although unwittingly by some) as such, not because he has the essential attributes of godhood.
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how do you know he's not a 5%er, though?

bruce ratner was probably holdin up cue cards behind the camera for this puppet
Why does everyone say "I miss the college dropout Kanye?" 

Do people realize how fickle rap music fans are? If Kanye released two college dropouts his career would look like Talib Kweli's and every other back pack rapper from that era was. I have a lot of respect for Talib but Kanye is a superstar today because he reinvented himself many times. 

I appreciate College Dropout for what it is but I don't want another one. 

word...if Ye kept dropping CD's people would be *****ing about him droppin the same **** over and over again...

can't wait for this...hope we can get a summer release for the album, but knowing Ye, it'll probably drop in November...

either way, new Ye this year :pimp:
Why does everyone say "I miss the college dropout Kanye?" 

Do people realize how fickle rap music fans are? If Kanye released two college dropouts his career would look like Talib Kweli's and every other back pack rapper from that era was. I have a lot of respect for Talib but Kanye is a superstar today because he reinvented himself many times. 

I appreciate College Dropout for what it is but I don't want another one. 

word...if Ye kept dropping CD's people would be *****ing about him droppin the same **** over and over again...

can't wait for this...hope we can get a summer release for the album, but knowing Ye, it'll probably drop in November...

either way, new Ye this year :pimp:

I hope he sways more to the MBDTF Kanye, by the title it sounds more like Cruel Summer Kanye. :smh:

Cruel Summer was alright, but it was just like any other album out.

Either way, if this isn't up to standard, indicud and my name is my name will be out this year :pimp:
Hope he doesn't CS this, leaking a song every few months then drop the album with like 4-5 "new" songs.
I just want to go on record and say Cruel Summer was boo boo.
They messed up dropping every good song on the album months before it came out. Dudes were already tired of em.
The Morning, higher, and creepers were my favorites. The other songs just went into the norms like mmg and young money. Nothing new. MBDTF was completely new and creative and I think that's why I like it.
I get that. I didn't mind the change of pace, cuz I knew it was more of Ye throwing a house party, then a Kanye album with extra features. The album just felt old by the time it came out for me.

And yeah, Creepers was the one "album exclusive" that really stuck with me after the hype died down.
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That's a king not god champ

Are you familiar with ancient Kemet? 

Pharaohs were considered to be the living embodiment of a God In the physical form. 



A God is just a being that has asceneded to a higher plane of existance.

We live in one frequency, and a god is able to not only understand ours but exist on a higher frequency as well.

Like we're on level 3, in ancient Egypt the gods were beings that lived on levels 5-6 and up, and when they started getting Pharoah's those were people who were on level 4-5.

Why do you think "Jesus is Lord, The Holy Ghost, Son of God" and all that stuff? He was just a dude who had ascended to a higher level MUCH in the same way Osiris did (through death and ressurection and ascention to the next level).
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