I agree with dreClark. Mods actually need to positively contribute for once and sticky an Official GOAT Discussion Thread. Keep this nonsense from clutteringthe forum.

LilStarZ07 wrote:

I would address everything that was said but I don't feel like it so here's a summary ...

BIG >>>> JAY, therefore if BIG was alive jay wasn't doin #!%# ...

NAS >>>> JAY, therefore JAY can't be called the greatest ...

EM >>>> ALL when it comes to rapping talent ...

RD, Blueprint 1&2 as one album, and Black Album (Production was YIKES!) are the only thing im checkin for JAY on ... everything else is filler and bragging about $#!@$#*! over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...

illmatic >>>>>>>>>> RD
and what does Em ryhme about thats so special?? suicide, killing baby mom', poppin pills etc.....


You should learn the difference between YOUR FAVORITE & who the GOAT is....

It may not be JAY to some but it DAM SURE AINT EM.

EM is well appreciated, but this better than BIG, JAY,NAS, & PAC foolishness needs to stop.
Originally Posted by MJsaver

LilStarZ07 wrote:

I would address everything that was said but I don't feel like it so here's a summary ...

BIG >>>> JAY, therefore if BIG was alive jay wasn't doin #!%# ...

NAS >>>> JAY, therefore JAY can't be called the greatest ...

EM >>>> ALL when it comes to rapping talent ...

RD, Blueprint 1&2 as one album, and Black Album (Production was YIKES!) are the only thing im checkin for JAY on ... everything else is filler and bragging about $#!@$#*! over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...

illmatic >>>>>>>>>> RD
and what does Em ryhme about thats so special?? suicide, killing baby mom', poppin pills etc.....


You should learn the difference between YOUR FAVORITE & who the GOAT is....

It may not be JAY to some but it DAM SURE AINT EM.

EM is well appreciated, but this better than BIG, JAY,NAS, & PAC foolishness needs to stop.

as ive said before, i love arguing about music with people who cant read or comprehend anything
... but as for your statement ...

what does jay rap about? and what makes that better in the world of almighty rap than what em raps about? when it comes down to it the only thing that you candefinitively argue about is the technical side of rapping which em RAPES jay on, end of discussion there ... subject matter is simply opinion ...

as for the rest of what you said, i admit em is my favorite rapper, but if you could read or comprehend what i have posted in here before, its because he hasthe better rapping skills ... in this very thread i said i can understand if you take bigs 2 albums over ems i would agree ... same with pac ... but i draw theline with jayz because in my opinion he is a worse rapper in the technical aspect of rap than all of the people listed above and add on top of that NAS andmany others ...

if it makes you feel any better instead of my top 15 ill put jay in my top 10 ... at #10 ...
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Is Nas a Christian or Muslim or 5%er ?
Dude be confusing the hell outta me

What does his religion have to do with anything?

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by YardFather

I respect Jay and acknowledge that he is great but,

>>>> Hov.

Honestly there is nothing Jay-Z can do that Ghost can't do better.

I don't get why people fail to mention him when it comes to greats.

Because of songs like 'Nutmeg'.

The thing that makes Ghost so great to listen to, is the same reason why people don't put him up amongst the greats

Now this is a great hip hop tragedy

If you don't bring me some mutha %#%# in cognac I'll Kill You!!!!

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by YardFather

I respect Jay and acknowledge that he is great but,

>>>> Hov.

Honestly there is nothing Jay-Z can do that Ghost can't do better.

I don't get why people fail to mention him when it comes to greats.

Because of songs like 'Nutmeg'.

The thing that makes Ghost so great to listen to, is the same reason why people don't put him up amongst the greats

Now this is a great hip hop tragedy

If you don't bring me some mutha %#%# in cognac I'll Kill You!!!!
Am I lying though?

Bring up Ghost, and watch how many _'s say 'He rap about all this wild, crazy ##+$ that don't make sense'
im done with the music section in NT

first yah bring big,pac,nasm scarface,AZ, rakim, em and now ghostface

you guys are unbelievable, this will be my last comment in this thread,

Jay > ____________

in every category rap wise
good ... youre the one who said jay has 10+ classics ... #+!# just the music forum log off NT for life ...

but as for ghost ... i love how $+%*** can digest his $++* but cant digest ems ++#% ... laughable
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

good ... youre the one who said jay has 10+ classics ... #+!# just the music forum log off NT for life ...

but as for ghost ... i love how $+%*** can digest his $++* but cant digest ems ++#% ... laughable

I don't get what you're trying to say. Do you mean digest the material in the traditional sense? As in understand it?

You made a FEW good points...
(maybe decent) the one thing I did have a problem with was the Deathrow smashing Bad Boy...

Do me one better.... Name 10 artists that went Gold or Platinum from 88-93 on the east coast... Now from 94-98 do that same thing... And compare that to thewest... Since Death Row was "smashing" Bad Boy and all...
Didn't Ready To Die outsell Me Against The World while both Pac and BIG were livin??

After BIG kicked the door down for the east, the tide of hip hop changed... Death Row did their #s but NO one outside of that camp and its affiliates was movinunits like that... Post 1994 East Coast hip hop, damn near everyone was goin GOLD, where 2 years prior they were being outsold 2 to 1 by west coast artists...I'm @ work but someone can look up the #s and check for validity...

Jay is my man, but even him being this GOAT yall say he is, he can't even keep the east alive... Him and all his popularity... Meanwhile BIG revived thecoast back in the 90s when people were actually making quality music... The east coast survived off of the templete LAD laid down, and Jay Z modled his careerafter it... Listen to his albums its CLEAR... With all his money, popularity and all he couldn't bring back the east... BIG did that 15 years ago....That's strictly FACT...
That's true and all, but you gotta remember it's not about how fast you come out the gate but how you finish down the stretch or how you cross the finish line
I get what your saying fam on some "slow and steady wins the race" type steez, but the way Big overshadowed him at the time, I didntbelieve Jay would have made it down the stretch if Big was still around. But that's just me.

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
Honestly fam in NYC at the time it really was. Only differnce with DC is that Jay is obviously a better rapper than Joe.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise


You made a FEW good points...
(maybe decent) the one thing I did have a problem with was the Deathrow smashing Bad Boy...

Do me one better.... Name 10 artists that went Gold or Platinum from 88-93 on the east coast... Now from 94-98 do that same thing... And compare that to the west... Since Death Row was "smashing" Bad Boy and all...
Didn't Ready To Die outsell Me Against The World while both Pac and BIG were livin??

After BIG kicked the door down for the east, the tide of hip hop changed... Death Row did their #s but NO one outside of that camp and its affiliates was movin units like that... Post 1994 East Coast hip hop, damn near everyone was goin GOLD, where 2 years prior they were being outsold 2 to 1 by west coast artists... I'm @ work but someone can look up the #s and check for validity...

Jay is my man, but even him being this GOAT yall say he is, he can't even keep the east alive... Him and all his popularity... Meanwhile BIG revived the coast back in the 90s when people were actually making quality music... The east coast survived off of the templete LAD laid down, and Jay Z modled his career after it... Listen to his albums its CLEAR... With all his money, popularity and all he couldn't bring back the east... BIG did that 15 years ago.... That's strictly FACT...
He said Death Row smashed Bad Boy not West Coast smashed East Coast. Death Row + DJ Quik + Ice Cube + MC Eith= West Coast during that time. EastCoast= Bad Boy +Wu + TS + BCC + Countless classic acts. So of course the East had more classics.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by MJsaver

LilStarZ07 wrote:

I would address everything that was said but I don't feel like it so here's a summary ...

BIG >>>> JAY, therefore if BIG was alive jay wasn't doin #!%# ...

NAS >>>> JAY, therefore JAY can't be called the greatest ...

EM >>>> ALL when it comes to rapping talent ...

RD, Blueprint 1&2 as one album, and Black Album (Production was YIKES!) are the only thing im checkin for JAY on ... everything else is filler and bragging about $#!@$#*! over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...

illmatic >>>>>>>>>> RD
and what does Em ryhme about thats so special?? suicide, killing baby mom', poppin pills etc.....


You should learn the difference between YOUR FAVORITE & who the GOAT is....

It may not be JAY to some but it DAM SURE AINT EM.

EM is well appreciated, but this better than BIG, JAY,NAS, & PAC foolishness needs to stop.

as ive said before, i love arguing about music with people who cant read or comprehend anything
... but as for your statement ...

what does jay rap about? and what makes that better in the world of almighty rap than what em raps about? when it comes down to it the only thing that you can definitively argue about is the technical side of rapping which em RAPES jay on, end of discussion there ... subject matter is simply opinion ...

as for the rest of what you said, i admit em is my favorite rapper, but if you could read or comprehend what i have posted in here before, its because he has the better rapping skills ... in this very thread i said i can understand if you take bigs 2 albums over ems i would agree ... same with pac ... but i draw the line with jayz because in my opinion he is a worse rapper in the technical aspect of rap than all of the people listed above and add on top of that NAS and many others ...

if it makes you feel any better instead of my top 15 ill put jay in my top 10 ... at #10 ...

Hov in your top 10 now huh, we must be sayin sometin right.

yes dog its all opinion youre 100% correct.

I just felt like you were saying, because HOV brags non-stop that EM was better.
When the stuff he raps about isnt much better.


take EMINEM for ex he made that wild n crazy stuff he rapped about sound cool because of how he raps.

I dont listen to HOV because he braggs, i listen because of HOW HE USES HIS WORDS.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
Honestly fam in NYC at the time it really was. Only differnce with DC is that Jay is obviously a better rapper than Joe.

But wouldn't that automatically make it more than just a regular old NY album?

Jay-Z caliber rappers put out albums like that on a regular basis?
naw as in, ghost goes off the dock about some *#$# ... sometimes i think he just put words that rhyme in a sentence cuz thats the pattern he was lookin for LOL... greatly appreciated though

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*


Reasonable Doubt was underated, but def not a reg album at that time...

i may be a lil older than a lot of yall so i remember that summer...

Aint no n'__ feat foxy was in every car radio and CD player...[ i never really liked that song]

When RD dropped me n my boys sat for like 4 hrs listening to it over n over...EVERY SONG IS SICK

Just because it didnt sell record numbers is misleading. PEOPLE WERE REALLY FELLING THAT ALBUM..
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
Honestly fam in NYC at the time it really was. Only differnce with DC is that Jay is obviously a better rapper than Joe.
But wouldn't that automatically make it more than just a regular old NY album?

Jay-Z caliber rappers put out albums like that on a regular basis?

see man im telling yall some good %#@* ... RD was a hot album but it wasnt RD like it is today, not even1/100th actually ... if BIG was around lord jay would be in trouble ... as i said before, its about appeal and fans, why would you check for jay when big wasbetter by a long hop, skip and an olympic jump? no reason to ...

Hov in your top 10 now huh, we must be sayin sometin right.

yes dog its all opinion youre 100% correct.

I just felt like you were saying, because HOV brags non-stop that EM was better.
When the stuff he raps about isnt much better.


take EMINEM for ex he made that wild n crazy stuff he rapped about sound cool because of how he raps.

I dont listen to HOV because he braggs, i listen because of HOW HE USES HIS WORDS.

if for you its how you rap and not necessarily what you rap about, then i think everyone would agree you would prefer eminem over jay ANY DAY OF THE WEEK ...its gott abe something else than that ... ems wordplay, delivery, flow etc... is TOP NOTCH ... i mean im arguing for em to be considered as one of the greatson the technical skills alone ... is his catalogue up there with people like pac and scarface and the such? maybe not
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
Honestly fam in NYC at the time it really was. Only differnce with DC is that Jay is obviously a better rapper than Joe.
But wouldn't that automatically make it more than just a regular old NY album?

Jay-Z caliber rappers put out albums like that on a regular basis?
see man im telling yall some good %#@* ... RD was a hot album but it wasnt RD like it is today, not even 1/100th actually ... if BIG was around lord jay would be in trouble ... as i said before, its about appeal and fans, why would you check for jay when big was better by a long hop, skip and an olympic jump? no reason to ...

You're not really telling me anything bro.

Why are you talking like you're 5+ years older than me?
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
Honestly fam in NYC at the time it really was. Only differnce with DC is that Jay is obviously a better rapper than Joe.
But wouldn't that automatically make it more than just a regular old NY album?

Jay-Z caliber rappers put out albums like that on a regular basis?
see man im telling yall some good %#@* ... RD was a hot album but it wasnt RD like it is today, not even 1/100th actually ... if BIG was around lord jay would be in trouble ... as i said before, its about appeal and fans, why would you check for jay when big was better by a long hop, skip and an olympic jump? no reason to ...

Hov in your top 10 now huh, we must be sayin sometin right.

yes dog its all opinion youre 100% correct.

I just felt like you were saying, because HOV brags non-stop that EM was better.
When the stuff he raps about isnt much better.


take EMINEM for ex he made that wild n crazy stuff he rapped about sound cool because of how he raps.

I dont listen to HOV because he braggs, i listen because of HOW HE USES HIS WORDS.

if for you its how you rap and not necessarily what you rap about, then i think everyone would agree you would prefer eminem over jay ANY DAY OF THE WEEK ... its gott abe something else than that ... ems wordplay, delivery, flow etc... is TOP NOTCH ... i mean im arguing for em to be considered as one of the greats on the technical skills alone ... is his catalogue up there with people like pac and scarface and the such? maybe not


I enjoy these hiphop duscussions, not many hiphop heads at my job lol.

I got EM in my TOP 5.

I just cant put him any higher, because the guys above him have to many classics

When you hear certain JAY,PAC,BIG, NAS songs.][ quite a few songs ]

people be like OOOOOOOOOOOOO S#$T!! [even those so called gargage albums u speak of]

Em has a few but not like them. HE IS INCREDIBLE THO.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, but don't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
Honestly fam in NYC at the time it really was. Only differnce with DC is that Jay is obviously a better rapper than Joe.
But wouldn't that automatically make it more than just a regular old NY album?

Jay-Z caliber rappers put out albums like that on a regular basis?

I'm not saying they're was an ubandance of Jay caliber rappers or anything, but dude was extremely overlooked. Wasnt no one reallychecking for dude like that. Even though he was older, he kinda came off like Big's son. Dudes would rather mess with Big. This album came and went andppl were still bumping RTD like it just came out.

Aint no n'__ feat foxy was in every car radio and CD player...[ i never really liked that song]
The song that saved Jay's career.
I feel you mjsaver, but for me I just feel em is ahead of them greats from a technical standpoint ... which is why i have him as my favorite rapper to listento at any given moment in time ... and he JUST moved ahead of scarface on my list off the strength of relapse because he displays his abilities to the pointwhere u just can't deny them ... if people listened to relapse with an open mind and didn't worry about 7% of the album being in an 'accent'and 12% of the album being about material that they just 'can't relate to' then they would see te skill that I do ...

My personal top 5 goes ...

1. Eminem
2. Scarface
3. Nas
4. Pac
5. BIG

For the record
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