Originally Posted by MJsaver


Jays wordplay was crazy on his 1st album...Certified Classic

...cant go that far and say lyrically RD was better i just cant can't do it
AZ buzz was just as big (if not bigger) with Doe Or Die than Jays was with Reasonable Doubt... So I don't see how the comparison doesn't fit... Lets behonest in 96 no one gave a %!!* about Jay... He was prolly considered the 3rd or 4th best rapper outta BK back then.... AZ had a street following, and he wasstill on a major label and gettin radio play ("Hey AZ" anyone)... We were all around then so this aint an opinoin, its a FACT...

With BIGs untimely passing Jay just filled in that void... With NaS livng there was NO void... So now the 4 or 500K that might have cared about an AZ releasejust get NaS *@#+... and the 4 or 5 million people that were BIG fans are left searching for a replacement... Enter Jay Z and Dame Diddy...
Originally Posted by BlackTh0ught

Originally Posted by MJsaver


Jays wordplay was crazy on his 1st album...Certified Classic

AZ cant touch REASONABLE DOUBT in his wildest dreams..

*i do like AZ tho*

Death Before Dishonor>Reasonable Doubt
nice edit
Originally Posted by alleyzonjay

Originally Posted by BlackTh0ught

Originally Posted by MJsaver


Jays wordplay was crazy on his 1st album...Certified Classic

AZ cant touch REASONABLE DOUBT in his wildest dreams..

*i do like AZ tho*

Death Before Dishonor>Reasonable Doubt
nice edit

Part of a little social experiment I'm gonna be conducting over the next few months. 75% of NT's music forum speaks on what they know nothing about.Congrats, you passed.
I see y'all mentioning this whole Nas/A.Z. = Big/Hov comparison but I'm confused about something.

I mean I know y'all are all prophets and know w/ 100% certainty that had Big not died, Jay woulda been a Duke as opposed to the King of NY, but why arey'all comparing him to AZ, when he's better than AZ? The fact that he raps better than other MF'ers is why I hold him in such high regard. Nas ANDBig coulda died, AZ & Hov took their spots, and Hov STILL woulda been better than AZ at the end of the day because he is a better rapper.

I can possibly see the AZ/Jay possible career tracks, but that's for people who look at record sales and such over the skill/talent whatever that saidrapper has as a determining factor in the GOAT talk. And no one knows that for sure.

Oh, and FTR Vol 1 is Hov's 2nd best album.

Don't mean to stir things up further but Eminem > Jay-Z
Em might be the most talents rapper in the game but he's not better than Hov.

But he is too hot/cold to be the best
And Jay ISN'T hot/cold?

Or did I read that wrong and you mean Jay is too hot/cold to be the GOAT?
Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

And Jay ISN'T hot/cold?
Naw, he's really not, to be honest.

And I really don't think Jay is a much better flat out rapper than AZ...he just has certain things that AZ doesn't.
This is outrageous. Em has 1 bad album, Jay has 2 bad albums with R Kelly alone. I can't stand MEB/M16 but he's actually 100% correct when he says Jayis the most overrated MC of all time.
How is Em batting .800 w/ two duds out of six albums?

Jay is batting .700 AT WORST out of 10 albums.

9/10 IMO, but I can see 7/10.
He has 5 studio albums. Or did you feel compelled to count The Re-Up because I mentioned those 2 duds (that should count as 4 they were so bad) that Jay didwith R Kelly?


I'm done, seriously.
Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

Em batting .800, Jay lucky to be @ .500, in a hitters park.
and the albums wit kells weren't that bad...the1st best of both world was fire....the 2nd was ehhhh but it wasn;t bad
Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

He has 5 studio albums. Or did you feel compelled to count The Re-Up because I mentioned those 2 duds (that should count as 4 they were so bad) that Jay did with R Kelly?
The Eminem Show
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Encore[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Relapse.[/color]

6 albums, no?

Two duds in a row.

I didn't count the Re-up or D12 projects because those aren't Em solo projects. Why would I use group/collab/etc albums to judge an individual?

Relapse illustrates my point to a T. Em is the most talented, but he's content to rapping about nothing but Britney Spears and Felching.
Oh ok, I didn't know you were counting Infinite. In that case he's 5/6 and batting .833.

And what the hell has Jay been raping about? He ran out of subject matter so he used a movie to go back to his old ways...

If your a true fan of hip hop, or music in general, you can look past the subject matter and just enjoy it for what it is. How many of us can actually relateto anything these guys are rapping about anyway?

I love Jay, he's one of the best MC's EVER, RD is one of the greatest albums of all time but the man is overrated. ESPECIALLY on NT.
Jay> _____

i would consider em in my top 20 if he stops using that dumb accent so much

AZ has only one classic

jay has 10 +
you people kill me ... at least I admit em is my favorite rapper and will defend him whenever ... BUT ... yall sittin here telling me jay would be anythingmore than AZ is right now if BIG were still around? Really? Its not about HOV being better than AZ or vice versa, its about fan base and appeal ... if you havea $%*@@ with the talent of BIG spitttin around the same subject matter and BETTER than jay and from NY, why would you listen to Jay? Almost the same goes forthe AZ/NAS argument but obviously NAS is still alive ... I think the problem is people are too young to speak on this @$%$ ...

For those of you that don't know RD was a regular old NY rap album that 'BIG was on' when it came out ... Nothing more and nothing less ... Hell ideven argue that if BIG were still alive RD wouldn't be %++% ridden so hard like it is today ... not saying it isn't a great album, but call it what itis ...

When BIG was alive BIG > HOV ... When PAC was alive, it was BIG and PAC battling for fans and 'best rapper alive' titles ... and now we got #@@@+$like lil wayne and jay-z talkin about that @$%$ ... %!%# outta here ...

Nas was good enough to carve his own niche ... illmatic was the @$%$ ... and im not talkin about sales or what have you im talkin about amongst rap fans andthe rap industry ...

And the only reason I even bring Eminem into the discussion is because subject matter aside I firmly believe his flow and ability to ride a beat is at the veryleast as good as BIG and better than PAC and NAS and most certainly HOV ...

If everyone were alive today, eminem would definitely be relevant because he brought something no one brought to rap before ... jay z ...................... eh
Originally Posted by nnarum

Jay isn't the greatest... A lot of his albums suck.
thank you.. its easier to name his good albums than to point out all the trash ones.

Reasonable Doubt and Blueprint are great... The Black Album is solid, mainly due to the production.

all of Jay's other solo efforts are mediocre (or at least, underwhelming) and saturated with commercialized filler tracks.

no one can really argue this.
and by the way ... jays albums are NO WHERE NEAR as good as yall make them out to be ...

people comparing ems and jays albums I see ... only thing jay has over em is quantity ...



Any 5 jay albums ...

as long as you aren't a die hard jay rider or a eminem hater would I expect you to agree ... but it is what it is ... em is my favorite rapper but I giverespect where it is due ... and no respect is due to jay when comparing their albums ...

If you wanna come in here and say biggies 2 albums > ems top 2 I would tend to agree ... pacs catalogue > ems catalogue I would tend to agree ... but theunwaranted jay-z love is disgusting on here ... he's a good rapper ... that's it
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