Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

Originally Posted by MJsaver


Jays wordplay was crazy on his 1st album...Certified Classic

...cant go that far and say lyrically RD was better i just cant can't do it

i mean READY TO DIE is CLASSIC for sure.....
but it didnt have the word play withe the metaphors and slick talk that REASONABLE DOUBT HAD..

Ready To Die was a classic because of the vivid stories that BIG described and the fact that it brought NY back..
It also had lyrics but not on the level of Reasonable Doubt.
...but you have posted in this thread more than anyone...

It is all opinion. You can all try and swing it like it's fact, but "best ever" will never be a unanimous choice.

I like Jay's music, as I like countless others. I don't need someone to be the best in their genre to enjoy their music.
Honestly, MMLP is the only Em album that I actually turn on and listen to. I have the rest, but they'll have to come on in a shuffle.

So, I'll take pretty much every Jay album (except KC) over the other 4...even Vol. 3
I didn't mean to come off as a douche

I enjoy his music too. Last thing I heard about BP3 was September 09.

How am I a stan? I'm not saying anything outlandish. YOU on the other hand "Jay has 10 classics"
Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

And what the hell has Jay been raping about?
Everything from Katrina to the death of a close family member.
He ran out of subject matter so he used a movie to go back to his old ways...
And? When you try to do something different than you usually do and it doesn't go as expected, what do you expect him to do? If Dwight Howardstarted trying to become a perimeter specialist and he saw it wasn't working, best believe that next season his !$# would be right back on the block. Wherehe is most comfortable and most effective.
If your a true fan of hip hop, or music in general, you can look past the subject matter and just enjoy it for what it is.

Why are you acting like I said EM sucks or some *@@$? Em is an ELITE rapper, on of my favorite and like I said, has the most talent of any MC inthe game. I look past the subject matter to see this. But that doesn't mean that I will completley look past it when analyzing him and his standing amongstthe greats. That would be a disservice to them.
How many of us can actually relate to anything these guys are rapping about anyway?
Many of us actually. People always act like you have to have sold 4543252345 Ki's and killed 10 _'s to relate to rappers. Umm, no notreally. Number 1, 99.99% of these _'s NEVER did the amount of *@@$ that they said they've done. It's impossible. Number 2, Many of us havefriends/family that lived that life. We experience it through them 1st hand. The rise and falls, the high's and lows. Balling in the club one week, lockedup for 15+ the next month. I haven't touched a KI in my lifetime and I STILL can understand and feel a song like 'Regrets'. I can feel 'SoonYou'll Understand'
I love Jay, he's one of the best MC's EVER, RD is one of the greatest albums of all time but the man is overrated. ESPECIALLY on NT.
EVERYTHING is overrated on NT. From Girls to cars. Why would rappers be any different?
Nice well thought out post, no sarcasm. Honestly, I assumed you were an Em hater, but it seems I was wrong. Kudo's to you sir.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

If you wanna come in here and say biggies 2 albums > ems top 2 I would tend to agree ... pacs catalogue > ems catalogue I would tend to agree ... but the unwaranted jay-z love is disgusting on here ... he's a good rapper ... that's it
I could easily say the same about EM.

hmm you sound like a HOV hater,,

so you'll defend your boy EM against JAY...but not B.I.G and PAC...

Seriously i like EM, but youre going overboard...
Most people couldnt name 2 Em albums if they tried, why is that?? and he sold a bajillion records.

For real EM was like a phase that hip hop went thru... THE NICE, LYRICAL , & CRAZY WHITE DUDE..

As we see know that phase is clearly over.
I respect Jay and acknowledge that he is great but,

>>>> Hov.

Honestly there is nothing Jay-Z can do that Ghost can't do better.

I don't get why people fail to mention him when it comes to greats.
I think it's pretty safe to say that. RD is considered by most his best work and that album wasnt really making that much noise when it came out.

That's true and all, but you gotta remember it's not about how fast you come out the gate but how you finish down the stretch or how you cross thefinish line


I was saying this back in '96, glad I aint the only one that feels this way.

With BIGs untimely passing Jay just filled in that void... With NaS livng there was NO void... So now the 4 or 500K that might have cared about an AZ release just get NaS *@#+... and the 4 or 5 million people that were BIG fans are left searching for a replacement... Enter Jay Z and Dame Diddy...

Nay, your rationale or train of thought is way off the tracks champ. Using your logic, I can say had Pac not passedaway Biggie wouldn't have made a 2nd album, or that he wouldn't even been as large was he was when LAD dropped. Say what you want to, but Death Rowsmashed Bad Boy during that timeframe and you know it. See we can play the game of "what if" or "had this occured back in the day" all wewant to here on the boards. The fact of the matter is whether a void was left by Pac or Biggie or both you still have to FILL the void. Meaning you have toobtain the title or the notoriety to even be considered amongst those greats. It's not like anybody just said "oh Jay's from Brooklyn let'sjust say he's the best out right now", nah that wasn't the case champ. You have to earn your spot and that's exactly what Jay did, EARNED HISSPOT. Album after album, song after song, new doors beings opened one after another and such you still have to show and prove.

Don't mean to stir things up further but Eminem > Jay-Z

Nah, nice try though. At the end of the day Jay will be remembered alot more and mentioned more than Em will. It's just that simple.

jays albums are NO WHERE NEAR as good as yall make them out to be ...

I'll tell you this much, Jay's albums are better than Em's albums. It's kinda funny, whenever we have a Top 20 or Top 25 albums of all time on here or on any hip hop publication or website, I see at least 1 Jay album, but never see a Em album, but yet somehow you dudes expect me and others to believe Em's albums are better than Jay's......
you people kill me ... at least I admit em is my favorite rapper and will defend him whenever ... BUT ... yall sittin here telling me jay would be anything more than AZ is right now if BIG were still around? Really? Its not about HOV being better than AZ or vice versa, its about fan base and appeal ... if you have a $%*@@ with the talent of BIG spitttin around the same subject matter and BETTER than jay and from NY, why would you listen to Jay? Almost the same goes for the AZ/NAS argument but obviously NAS is still alive ... I think the problem is people are too young to speak on this @$%$ ...

#1 - Did you call Big a _ ?!
#2 - Y'all don't KNOW what would've happened and speculating on it is just stupid. When crowning the greats you don't say 'What if' youlook at 'What is'. And the fact is, Big is DEAD.
#3 - I don't think I'm too young at all. Are YOU too young to speak on it?
For those of you that don't know RD was a regular old NY rap album that 'BIG was on' when it came out ... Nothing more and nothing less ... Hell id even argue that if BIG were still alive RD wouldn't be %++% ridden so hard like it is today ... not saying it isn't a great album, but call it what it is ...
It most certainly was not simply 'A regular old NY rap album that big was on'. May not have been on some 36 Chambers type $*@*, butdon't act like it was on soe Fat Joe - Don Cartegena type $*@*
When BIG was alive BIG > HOV ... When PAC was alive, it was BIG and PAC battling for fans and 'best rapper alive' titles ... and now we got #@@@+$ like lil wayne and jay-z talkin about that @$%$ ... %!%# outta here ...
How long was Big alive when Jay was active in the game? One Maybe 2 years? Did Nas come in and immidealtey knock G. Rap, Kane and Ra out of theconvo? I don't think he did.

And Pac was one of the greatest rappers alive at the time of his death? Get the @+%@ outta here. Nas was over Pac for that title around that time (and stillis).
Nas was good enough to carve his own niche ... illmatic was the @$%$ ... and im not talkin about sales or what have you im talkin about amongst rap fans and the rap industry ...
Nas didn't carve out his own niche. You don't hear the heavy influences in his rhymes? You don't hear the KRS-One in his subjectmatter? You don't hear the Rakim in him? You serious?
And the only reason I even bring Eminem into the discussion is because subject matter aside I firmly believe his flow and ability to ride a beat is at the very least as good as BIG and better than PAC and NAS
I'm pretty sure I said the same thing.
and most certainly HOV ...
@ 'Most certainly Hov'

He might be better than Nas, but Most certainly better than hov? What kinda $*@* is that? Even Jay haters will tell you that Jay's flow is ridiculous. Ifanything, that's the thing that he has over Nas. (Not trying to spark a Nas/Jay battle here, I'm just saying)
If everyone were alive today, eminem would definitely be relevant because he brought something no one brought to rap before ... jay z ...................... eh
Got the winning lottery numbers?
Originally Posted by YardFather

I respect Jay and acknowledge that he is great but,

>>>> Hov.

Honestly there is nothing Jay-Z can do that Ghost can't do better.

I don't get why people fail to mention him when it comes to greats.
Because of songs like 'Nutmeg'.

The thing that makes Ghost so great to listen to, is the same reason why people don't put him up amongst the greats
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I think it's pretty safe to say that. RD is considered by most his best work and that album wasnt really making that much noise when it came out.

That's true and all, but you gotta remember it's not about how fast you come out the gate but how you finish down the stretch or how you cross the finish line


I was saying this back in '96, glad I aint the only one that feels this way.

With BIGs untimely passing Jay just filled in that void... With NaS livng there was NO void... So now the 4 or 500K that might have cared about an AZ release just get NaS *@#+... and the 4 or 5 million people that were BIG fans are left searching for a replacement... Enter Jay Z and Dame Diddy...

Nay, your rationale or train of thought is way off the tracks champ. Using your logic, I can say had Pac not passed away Biggie wouldn't have made a 2nd album, or that he wouldn't even been as large was he was when LAD dropped. Say what you want to, but Death Row smashed Bad Boy during that timeframe and you know it. See we can play the game of "what if" or "had this occured back in the day" all we want to here on the boards. The fact of the matter is whether a void was left by Pac or Biggie or both you still have to FILL the void. Meaning you have to obtain the title or the notoriety to even be considered amongst those greats. It's not like anybody just said "oh Jay's from Brooklyn let's just say he's the best out right now", nah that wasn't the case champ. You have to earn your spot and that's exactly what Jay did, EARNED HIS SPOT. Album after album, song after song, new doors beings opened one after another and such you still have to show and prove.

Don't mean to stir things up further but Eminem > Jay-Z

Nah, nice try though. At the end of the day Jay will be remembered alot more and mentioned more than Em will. It's just that simple.

jays albums are NO WHERE NEAR as good as yall make them out to be ...

I'll tell you this much, Jay's albums are better than Em's albums. It's kinda funny, whenever we have a Top 20 or Top 25 albums of all time on here or on any hip hop publication or website, I see at least 1 Jay album, but never see a Em album, but yet somehow you dudes expect me and others to believe Em's albums are better than Jay's......

well said sir.
Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

Nice well thought out post, no sarcasm. Honestly, I assumed you were an Em hater, but it seems I was wrong. Kudo's to you sir.
Why would you say that? I did nothing but heap praise on him and criticized him where I see fit.

Not coming at you specifically, but you can't even criticize rappers w/o being viewed as a hater on here.
as long as you aren't a die hard jay rider or a eminem hater would I expect you to agree ... but it is what it is ... em is my favorite rapper but I give respect where it is due ... and no respect is due to jay when comparing their albums ...

That's pretty stupid, to be blunt about it.
If you wanna come in here and say biggies 2 albums > ems top 2 I would tend to agree ... pacs catalogue > ems catalogue I would tend to agree ... but the unwaranted jay-z love is disgusting on here ... he's a good rapper ... that's it

See, at first, I thought you were just doing your usual shtick, trying to rile people up.

But I'm starting to think you really believe all the hogwash that you spew.
no other rapper has been able to play both commercial and street lanes for over 10 albums and still stay relavent through the way hiphop has been changing. Jayis THAT DUDE.

at a time i wouldn't agree with you, but i've been listening to his discography lately and he's sick with it
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

Nice well thought out post, no sarcasm. Honestly, I assumed you were an Em hater, but it seems I was wrong. Kudo's to you sir.
Why would you say that? I did nothing but heap praise on him and criticized him where I see fit.

Not coming at you specifically, but you can't even criticize rappers w/o being viewed as a hater on here.

Impaired judgement from being up 32+ hours I guess
Seems like more jay hate in here than anything which is sad...aside from the fact his discography doesn't lacks glaring holes, and he murdered pretty much95% of his guest features, but every yr he was looked at as the best and every yr he delivered a very good-classic album...that is why I feel jay is def. Upfor the discussion of best to ever do it..Em is a great lyricist and I want to rock wit him, but after a few songs on an album, you pretty much get the samestuff regurgitated...my fav Em joints are Slim Slady LP, Infinite, and MM...in that order
I would address everything that was said but I don't feel like it so here's a summary ...

BIG >>>> JAY, therefore if BIG was alive jay wasn't doin #!%# ...

NAS >>>> JAY, therefore JAY can't be called the greatest ...

EM >>>> ALL when it comes to rapping talent ...

RD, Blueprint 1&2 as one album, and Black Album (Production was YIKES!) are the only thing im checkin for JAY on ... everything else is filler and braggingabout $#!@$#*! over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...

illmatic >>>>>>>>>> RD
Originally Posted by QuestLife

no other rapper has been able to play both commercial and street lanes for over 10 albums and still stay relavent through the way hiphop has been changing. Jay is THAT DUDE.

that has nothing to do with his actual rapping skills. that is due to his business sense... the commercialized songs on all his albums, Rocawearclothing, signing/promoting Kanye, marrying Beyonce (not saying that was a business move, but it kept him in the news), faking his retirement, etc etc... AGand Kingdom Come were both subpar efforts musically, but it was other stuff and not his actual music that kept him relevant.

I'll tell you this much, Jay's albums are better than Em's albums. It's kinda funny, whenever we have a Top 20 or Top 25 albums of all time on here or on any hip hop publication or website, I see at least 1 Jay album, but never see a Em album, but yet somehow you dudes expect me and others to believe Em's albums are better than Jay's......

whenever i look at a Top 5 albums of all time, I always see 1 Nas album, but never see a Jay album. so how do NTers argue that Jay has a better discographythan Nas????

(..your own logic, thrown back in your face.)
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