January Wrestling Thread/Tonight NXT 8PM EST/RIP Mean Gene Okerlaud

They could've put the belt on Samoa, Shinsuke, Sheamus, Orton, Miz, Cesaro, or Big E..They chose not to because AJ's run was very successful..Big merch seller that the casual fan, the kids, and the smarks all get behind..
So they kept the belt on AJ because they had nobody else to give it to then......
Damn sorry about your loss.

Truly sorry to hear this..Breaks my heart when I hear of someone taking their own life..My grandfather also took his life after battling depression/mental health issues..I pray for you and your family..

Sorry to hear this man. Inbox always open if you need to talk.

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity

Condolences to you and your family. Really sorry to hear about that man.

Sorry about your loss brother. Keeping your fam in my thoughts.

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity I am sorry about your cousin. Stay strong.

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. Stay strong.

Always reminds me that life is precious.

Sorry to hear, man. Condolences to you and your family. RIP to your cousin |l.

Sorry to hear about that. Stay strong homie, NTWT is here for you.

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity that is terrible to hear. You know NTWT has your back tho. Once again my sincere condolences. Damn man. :smh: :frown:

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity I send my condolences to you and your family

@King of Trash Style They should start with you

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity sorry for your loss. My prayers to you and your family.

Sincere condolences to you and your family CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity :frown:|l

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity

Sorry for your lost, man.

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity my sincere condolences brother. You and your family will be in my prayers.

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family

Stay up CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity , you know NTWT is here for support

CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity Keep your head up man

I appreciate all the condolences, kind words and support. Still seems unreal and still just kinda processing everything.
This same thing could be said about the Universal title, if he isn't booked to defend the belt he can't defend the belt.....

Real talk: AJ kept the title for as long as he did because they had no one else to give it to
:lol: @ comparing to Brock and Universal Title situation

They didn't book Nakamura to defend because he sucked, wasn't important, and nobody cared about him.
ROH Level at best, and I think that is a stretch.

So I would say a PWG type of thing.

See how long it even lasts.

But I don't know what their TV deal (if they even have one) will look like

I think it'll be really successful at first and then fizzle out..I could never take it serious if Cody, The Bucks, Marty, or Hangman is ever champions..
No, they could've put it on anyone but AJ was having a very successful run so they didnt want to end it..
But now they suddenly ended that lucrative run? Was it because he suddenly became less lucrative or was it because somebody with momentum finally came along?
But they now they suddenly ended that lucrative run? Was it because he suddenly became less lucrative or was it because somebody with momentum finally came along?
I think they just ended the title run just to do something different.

But I know I know NOTHING about the reasons why they do what they do
So we're putting the blame for the AJ vs Samoa Joe feud on AJ too? Because Joe and long feuds don't go well together. See Finn Balor and Nakamura in NXT
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