I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

He's not serious with this thread, he just wanted to see what you guys would say.

If you cared about your children you would want them out of the hood at any cost.

My kids aren't going to grow up in the hood.

If it wasn't clear enough, let em try to simply it.

"Hood", "ghetto", elite", etc. are more than just locations or descriptions of a persons level of wealth. They are mind states. My children will be well cared for and provided for but they will have experience being around family, friends, locations and events that exemplify the essence of a "hood" upbringing.

There are upper-middle class families that chose to live in the "hood" for their own reasons. You know the kid that always has the newest jordans and clothes in a school full of students who live in the projects...Except I am not going to have my children in the hood 24/7 as their home, they will attend the best public schools in their district, I will not spoil my kids or myself with unnecessary extravagance by living in a mansion in the sticks and I will make sure that they remain grounded by gaining an authentic experience with the best of "the other side of the tracks".

i dont know if that was clear to anyone but i see what you're saying...

but that isn't necessarily "hood." what you're saying is you want to raise your kids with good morals and to not be naive of the rest of theworld.

it has nothing to do with being hood... maybe growing up in the hood was your path to that, but the means does not necessarily equal the end there...

and i think the rest of this thread is a little confused on the point u were trying to make, evidenced by the 10 pages of people arguing whether or not it wasbetter to grow up behind a white picket fence as opposed to a slum. i thought you were saying you wanted to RAISE your kids in the ghettos so they wouldunderstand life. to which I was going to tell you, that's stupid.
Originally Posted by iBlink

How exactly do you plan on getting the message "we have money, but for the sake of your upbringing, our family will not put that great of an emphasis on that fact" accross to your kids?

Are you essentially going to "tone it down" when it comes to things like houses, cars, etc?


Thats what I said in the first posts but certain people seem to have a hard time reading.

I said that I would live a middle-class lifestyle in a place like Queens, which has "suburb" type communities and my children would go to the bestpublic schools but they would spend time in the hood around family and friends.
you clearly feel that there are more important things than material wealth. good.

but you see to have this highly-skewed idea of how much having certain things affects a child's development. you really think by not buying a big house youare somehow helping your kid out? like that's gonna mold him into a different person? seriously?
I am really having a hard time understanding where some of you are getting this idea that the hood=diversity. wth? You dudes are lost, or just plain liarstrying to argue any and everything.
Mangudai954 wrote:

Being that I was as well im always curious to hear what others have to say about their experience.

It was cool for the most part...at one point my lil brother was the only black kid riding the bus for like two years
I never had a problem talking to anyone so I was friends with everyone. Icould have named all the black kids in 8th when I was in 8th grade. Of course most of them came from a school that had closed down. As I got older tho me andmy non black friends drifted apart. I don't really talk to any of them any more but of course that has lil to do with race. In our HS the white kids ateon the second floor cafe and 'everyone else' ate downstairs. Why I dont know just the way it was. There were very little race problems at our schoolbut it was very segregated looking back.

Would you care to share your experiences sir?
Originally Posted by mdresident

I am really having a hard time understanding where some of you are getting this idea that the hood=diversity. wth? You dudes are lost, or just plain liars trying to argue any and everything.
You just have the meaning of hood skewed .
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kidposite

@ you people saying that only the "hood" has diversity
I'm convinced most people in this thread including OP don't know what the "hood" is. If you did you wouldn't wish it on anyone much less your children. Stupidity.

You don't know what "hood" is or you wouldn't have attached "the" in front of it.

And again...you are a "devil" worshiper.

The height of stupidity.
You keep saying that but you're not defending your position, and also the way some one types on the internet doesn't dictate their lifeexperiences.

A person who has never witnessed or seen the hard life can never understand how it truly is.
I know having AIDS is bad, but I don't need to go out there and raw dog crack @!+*$! and catch it. You can know about things and not have toexperience it or be exposed to it. You won't know about it as thoroughly as those who lived it, but you can understand it to a degree.
You just reinstated my point...I seriously hope that in all your hood glorification you catch a stray slug before you can ever conceive a child
OP has a good point.

A person who has never witnessed or seen the hard life can never understand how it truly is.
This thread reminds me of why I distanced myself from NT in the first place. 12 pages of unneccessary arguing and babbling, going off topic and studying thedefinition and different uses of a word, can you all just let the guy live and let him raise his kids the way he wants?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

He's not serious with this thread, he just wanted to see what you guys would say.

If you cared about your children you would want them out of the hood at any cost.

My kids aren't going to grow up in the hood.

If it wasn't clear enough, let em try to simply it.

"Hood", "ghetto", elite", etc. are more than just locations or descriptions of a persons level of wealth. They are mind states. My children will be well cared for and provided for but they will have experience being around family, friends, locations and events that exemplify the essence of a "hood" upbringing.

There are upper-middle class families that chose to live in the "hood" for their own reasons. You know the kid that always has the newest jordans and clothes in a school full of students who live in the projects...Except I am not going to have my children in the hood 24/7 as their home, they will attend the best public schools in their district, I will not spoil my kids or myself with unnecessary extravagance by living in a mansion in the sticks and I will make sure that they remain grounded by gaining an authentic experience with the best of "the other side of the tracks".

i dont know if that was clear to anyone but i see what you're saying...

but that isn't necessarily "hood." what you're saying is you want to raise your kids with good morals and to not be naive of the rest of the world.

it has nothing to do with being hood... maybe growing up in the hood was your path to that, but the means does not necessarily equal the end there...

and i think the rest of this thread is a little confused on the point u were trying to make, evidenced by the 10 pages of people arguing whether or not it was better to grow up behind a white picket fence as opposed to a slum. i thought you were saying you wanted to RAISE your kids in the ghettos so they would understand life. to which I was going to tell you, that's stupid.

Nah fam.

Thats stupidity.

I was pretty clear with my statements people are just choosing to overlook what I wrote.

my children will not be raised in the lifestyle of other children in my tax bracket.

They will be hood.

As a person that has been able to see both sides of the coin...I absolutely abhor the culture and the morals of the upperclass.
Im not going to raise them in the hood. Probably an outer lying middle class area like certain parts of Queens and other neighborhoods that surround the ghettos of America.

You can raise well rounded kids in the burbs but somethings you need to experience first hand. Like interacting with aggressive children, seeing other peoples living conditions and how it affects or doesn't affect the person that they are...I want my children to be strong and appreciative of the things that they have access to. To be fair in their dealings with others and not scared of the real world outside of their bubbles.
I'm not going to have my kids ducking strays and stealing to eat...maybe thats how some of y'all imagine the hood....but they will spend time with family friends who are in less than optimal living arrangements, they will go to the best public schools, they will ahve to work for the things that they want, they will go to BBQs in Crotona Park and spend time at Orchard Beach.

There is no substituting these type of experiences.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

OP has a good point.

A person who has never witnessed or seen the hard life can never understand how it truly is.
No one has answered why you have to witness these things to be a humble, genuine, well rounded person.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

I am really having a hard time understanding where some of you are getting this idea that the hood=diversity. wth? You dudes are lost, or just plain liars trying to argue any and everything.
You just have the meaning of hood skewed .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

I am really having a hard time understanding where some of you are getting this idea that the hood=diversity. wth? You dudes are lost, or just plain liars trying to argue any and everything.
You just have the meaning of hood skewed .

You are an idiot, you obviously never even stepped foot in the hood. Have u been to a city like dc, or bmore. That stuff is disgusting dog, i don't knowwhat kind of hoods they have where you are from, but its really grimey out here. (well obviously not in my neck of the woods)
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kidposite

@ you people saying that only the "hood" has diversity
I'm convinced most people in this thread including OP don't know what the "hood" is. If you did you wouldn't wish it on anyone much less your children. Stupidity.

You don't know what "hood" is or you wouldn't have attached "the" in front of it.

And again...you are a "devil" worshiper.

The height of stupidity.

"hood" the adjective and "the hood", the noun or place carry the same essence.

and about the devil thing...learn how to read or just in case you missed my first response.

Yea, this is the second dumbest thing you've said on this thread.

The first: "Assuming being hood is gonna instill decent values in your children"

Second: "Assuming religion or the lack thereof has anything to do with morality or being a decent human being"

I've been on NT long enough to explain my beliefs and I won't do it here, you're either late or were too dumb to understand the first time.
But wul that still equate to them being hood? I mean, you said you're going to come into wealth, so it's a fair assumption to say that you'll bepart of the upper class.

Like I said, your kids can witness it, but if they don't live through it, they'll never truly experience it. You'll have all your bills and stuffpaid on time, while they wonder why their friend's dad couldn't foot the water bill. Ultimately, it's not the same.

Your kids may be humbled by it all, but can you honestly say you've raised them to be "hood"?
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

You just reinstated my point...I seriously hope that in all your hood glorification you catch a stray slug before you can ever conceive a child

Come on Dre..that was corny.

He got sonned and tried a corny insult that further proved the basis of the thread.
I have grown up in one of the wealthiest areas in the US... Northern VA. Nothing quite like the people out here. However, there is such a mix of cultures andfinancial statuses here, that you can experience a large bit of the spectrum, but I will admit that I have not been to or lived in some of the rougher parts ofthis nation. I know there is a lot more to life, and I try to appreciate all that I have been given and to have grown up in an affluent area like this one.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

OP has a good point.

A person who has never witnessed or seen the hard life can never understand how it truly is.
wrong, a person will still not understand how it truly is unless they live it, otherwise you are just on the out looking in. If you guys arehoping to scare your kids into being successful so they will not end up in the hood, then just drive through it once or twice.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

I have grown up in one of the wealthiest areas in the US... Northern VA. Nothing quite like the people out here. However, there is such a mix of cultures and financial statuses here, that you can experience a large bit of the spectrum, but I will admit that I have not been to or lived in some of the rougher parts of this nation. I know there is a lot more to life, and I try to appreciate all that I have been given and to have grown up in an affluent area like this one.

i guess we lucked out cuz i grew up there too...i def. plan on raising my kids in NOVA...Fairfax is beautiful...
Originally Posted by iBlink

But wul that still equate to them being hood? I mean, you said you're going to come into wealth, so it's a fair assumption to say that you'll be part of the upper class.

Like I said, your kids can witness it, but if they don't live through it, they'll never truly experience it. You'll have all your bills and stuff paid on time, while they wonder why their friend's dad couldn't foot the water bill. Ultimately, it's not the same.

Your kids may be humbled by it all, but can you honestly say you've raised them to be "hood"?
Very good point made.
You are an idiot, you obviously never even stepped foot in the hood. Have u been to a city like dc, or bmore. That stuff is disgusting dog, i don't know what kind of hoods they have where you are from, but its really grimey out here. (well obviously not in my neck of the woods)

Dude , you are so clueless . Look at my screenname ! I'm from CHICAGO , a city with one of the highest death rates in the US .

Stepped foot in the hood ? I LIVE in the hood . You're just making yourself look more dumb .
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kidposite

@ you people saying that only the "hood" has diversity
I'm convinced most people in this thread including OP don't know what the "hood" is. If you did you wouldn't wish it on anyone much less your children. Stupidity.

You don't know what "hood" is or you wouldn't have attached "the" in front of it.

And again...you are a "devil" worshiper.

The height of stupidity.

"hood" the adjective and "the hood", the noun or place carry the same essence.

and about the devil thing...learn how to read or just in case you missed my first response.

Yea, this is the second dumbest thing you've said on this thread.

The first: "Assuming being hood is gonna instill decent values in your children"

Second: "Assuming religion or the lack thereof has anything to do with morality or being a decent human being"

I've been on NT long enough to explain my beliefs and I won't do it here, you're either late or were too dumb to understand the first time.

I heard you little spiel about your infatuation with the principles of LeVayan Satanism but you're a moron if you think that any sole religion has amonopoly of those tenets.

You hate religion so much that you adopt satanism...another religion.

"Id do good %%%+ like take kids from the ghetto

Show them what they could have if they never settle

Take every white kid from high class level

Show em what christmas like growin up in the ghetto"
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