ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - What's your position NT?

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by likethematrix


These are some of the most hateful and ignorant posts I've seen on NT.  They remind me of how the Nazis are depicted in blaming the Jews for everything they perceived as being wrong in their life and society. 
reminds me of that one puerto rican dude on here who absolutely hates mexican immigrants. where did that guy go?
 i think alot of people use the whole illegal immigration subject to mask their true feelings. That they are racists.

all we need to hear now is "im not racist. some of my best friends are latino" 

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by likethematrix


These are some of the most hateful and ignorant posts I've seen on NT.  They remind me of how the Nazis are depicted in blaming the Jews for everything they perceived as being wrong in their life and society. 
reminds me of that one puerto rican dude on here who absolutely hates mexican immigrants. where did that guy go?
 i think alot of people use the whole illegal immigration subject to mask their true feelings. That they are racists.

all we need to hear now is "im not racist. some of my best friends are latino" 

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by likethematrix


These are some of the most hateful and ignorant posts I've seen on NT.  They remind me of how the Nazis are depicted in blaming the Jews for everything they perceived as being wrong in their life and society. 
reminds me of that one puerto rican dude on here who absolutely hates mexican immigrants. where did that guy go?
 i think alot of people use the whole illegal immigration subject to mask their true feelings. That they are racists.

all we need to hear now is "im not racist. some of my best friends are latino" 

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.

Wow, a lot of ignorance here where I'm just at loss for words!

I overstayed my visitors visa with my mom and we eventually got legalized status and we're now citizens. Most of you guys have no idea what most of us go through and are just ignorant and have one small biased point of view that represents just a small minority of immigrants. A lot of us assimilate into the culture but we keep our old culture as well because to most of us US culture is very bland with a very small amount of history and tradition compared to where we come from. I refuse to forget my native language, and you best believe that my children will know it as well.

But then again I emigrated here from Europe into the northeast so we were looked at differently as pretty much 75% of the population of NYC is either 1st, 2nd, or a 3rd generation immigrant so there really is no hatred towards them for the most part unlike southern US.
Wow, a lot of ignorance here where I'm just at loss for words!

I overstayed my visitors visa with my mom and we eventually got legalized status and we're now citizens. Most of you guys have no idea what most of us go through and are just ignorant and have one small biased point of view that represents just a small minority of immigrants. A lot of us assimilate into the culture but we keep our old culture as well because to most of us US culture is very bland with a very small amount of history and tradition compared to where we come from. I refuse to forget my native language, and you best believe that my children will know it as well.

But then again I emigrated here from Europe into the northeast so we were looked at differently as pretty much 75% of the population of NYC is either 1st, 2nd, or a 3rd generation immigrant so there really is no hatred towards them for the most part unlike southern US.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.
do you consider busting your %%! working 9-5? 
Cause some of the people I work with work from 7am to 1am. Now thats busting your %%!.

and they pay taxes. they probably pay more taxes then you. They work harder than you. so is it still not fair?

i still bet u wouldnt trade ur 9-5 job for the immigrants job that work in the farms though.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.
do you consider busting your %%! working 9-5? 
Cause some of the people I work with work from 7am to 1am. Now thats busting your %%!.

and they pay taxes. they probably pay more taxes then you. They work harder than you. so is it still not fair?

i still bet u wouldnt trade ur 9-5 job for the immigrants job that work in the farms though.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.
How do you feel about those US Citizens taking advantage of the welfare system?  You are busting your *** to also pay for them.  Do you know what percentage of the welfare funding goes to the US Citizens vs. the undocumented?  Did you know that the majority of the taxes we, U.S. Citizens, pay goes to our defense and only a small portion goes to welfare funding?  Majority of the undocumented immigrants pay taxes one way or another.  
I go to work and school full-time.  Higher education is teaching me to think more analytically and critically, I hope that you are learning those skills too.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.
How do you feel about those US Citizens taking advantage of the welfare system?  You are busting your *** to also pay for them.  Do you know what percentage of the welfare funding goes to the US Citizens vs. the undocumented?  Did you know that the majority of the taxes we, U.S. Citizens, pay goes to our defense and only a small portion goes to welfare funding?  Majority of the undocumented immigrants pay taxes one way or another.  
I go to work and school full-time.  Higher education is teaching me to think more analytically and critically, I hope that you are learning those skills too.
im just curious in regards to the people who say ship all the illegal immigrants out, how would the U.S go about hunting them all down and shipping them out? please respond.

regarding illegal immigration, i compare it to steroids in baseball, in the 80's and early 90's the U.S pretty much turned it's back on illegal immigration and benifited from the cheap labor. illegal immigrants knew this and came, now all of a sudden it's a big deal, when if they were enforcing things hard in the first place, not as many would be coming. kinda similar to how baseball turned it's back and let the steroid era happen when they were raking in $$$$$ in the late 90's only to make a big stink later about something they allowed.

personally, i think they should do more to encourage legal immigration and have a somewhat easier policy to those that play by the rules, and they should just give whoever is already here some type of amnesty, and start tightening the borders from here on out.

maybe it's just me but i'd rather round up U.S citizens that are constantly in and out of the prison system committing violent crimes and just being overall stains on society, and people who are on welfare with no desire whatsoever to work then hector the illegal immigrant working in the field from 7am-1am to feed his family. (yes im aware some illegal immigrants commit crimes as well) and they should be kicked the F out along with the U.S citizen stains on society i mentioned.

hell if we wanna talk "American Citizens" though, the only real true American Citizens i know of got their land raped and stolen from them by Christopher Columbus and later on by the pilgrims and were then cheated and forced to be relocated during the Andrew Jackson administration

at the end of the day this was a country built off of immigration, the U.S needs to focus on legal immigration being the norm though.
im just curious in regards to the people who say ship all the illegal immigrants out, how would the U.S go about hunting them all down and shipping them out? please respond.

regarding illegal immigration, i compare it to steroids in baseball, in the 80's and early 90's the U.S pretty much turned it's back on illegal immigration and benifited from the cheap labor. illegal immigrants knew this and came, now all of a sudden it's a big deal, when if they were enforcing things hard in the first place, not as many would be coming. kinda similar to how baseball turned it's back and let the steroid era happen when they were raking in $$$$$ in the late 90's only to make a big stink later about something they allowed.

personally, i think they should do more to encourage legal immigration and have a somewhat easier policy to those that play by the rules, and they should just give whoever is already here some type of amnesty, and start tightening the borders from here on out.

maybe it's just me but i'd rather round up U.S citizens that are constantly in and out of the prison system committing violent crimes and just being overall stains on society, and people who are on welfare with no desire whatsoever to work then hector the illegal immigrant working in the field from 7am-1am to feed his family. (yes im aware some illegal immigrants commit crimes as well) and they should be kicked the F out along with the U.S citizen stains on society i mentioned.

hell if we wanna talk "American Citizens" though, the only real true American Citizens i know of got their land raped and stolen from them by Christopher Columbus and later on by the pilgrims and were then cheated and forced to be relocated during the Andrew Jackson administration

at the end of the day this was a country built off of immigration, the U.S needs to focus on legal immigration being the norm though.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Originally Posted by HARM

Illegal immigrants damn sure can count money ..

but don't speak a lick of english
 Yeah.  Most of them are arrogant about it and feels as if they don't need English.  You spend American money, so make an effort to at least learn the language.
very few of them feel arrogant about it. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
we also pay taxes, make it an effort to change your views and learn the facts.
What taxes?
How are you an Illegal and Pay taxes?

Sales tax?

Psht ..

everyone pays that ..

Yesterday I was in the super market and asked Illegal where an item was at ..

+@*#+ looked at me like 
 and pointed to customer service, said " No ingles" ..

And it ain't just mexicans either asians too , russians I can go on 

Bmore has a heavy illegal alien rate ( hell maryland in general )
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Originally Posted by HARM

Illegal immigrants damn sure can count money ..

but don't speak a lick of english
 Yeah.  Most of them are arrogant about it and feels as if they don't need English.  You spend American money, so make an effort to at least learn the language.
very few of them feel arrogant about it. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
we also pay taxes, make it an effort to change your views and learn the facts.
What taxes?
How are you an Illegal and Pay taxes?

Sales tax?

Psht ..

everyone pays that ..

Yesterday I was in the super market and asked Illegal where an item was at ..

+@*#+ looked at me like 
 and pointed to customer service, said " No ingles" ..

And it ain't just mexicans either asians too , russians I can go on 

Bmore has a heavy illegal alien rate ( hell maryland in general )
Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Disclaimer: I'm Asian and a legal citizen of the United States.

So with the recent "coming out the closet" type situations among prominent figures regarding their illegal status here within the United States, where do you guys stand on this topic?

For those that don't follow the news:

Most Recently: Prominent Journalist Reveals His Illegal Status -

Reintroduced to Congress: The DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act -

Under the 2009 version of the senate bill[14] DREAM Act beneficiaries must:
Have proof of having arrived in the United States before age 16.[15]
Have proof of residence in the United States for at least five consecutive years since their date of arrival.
Have registered with the Selective Service if male.
Be between the ages of 12 and 30 at the time of bill enactment.
Have graduated from an American high school, obtained a GED, or have been admitted to an institution of higher education.
Be of "good moral character"[16]
During the first six years, qualifying illegal immigrants would be granted "conditional" status and would be required to (a) graduate from a two-year community college or complete at least two years towards a four-year degree or (b) serve two years in the U.S. military. After this six year period, those who meet at least one of these three conditions would be eligible to apply for legal permanent resident status. During this six year conditional period, they would not be eligible for federal higher education grants such as Pell grants but they would be able to apply for student loans and work study.[17]
If they have met all of the conditions at the end of the 6-year conditional period, they would be granted permanent residency, which would eventually allow them to become U.S. citizens.[18]
It is not known how many of those were eligible go on to complete the further requirements. One organization estimated that only 7,000–13,000 college students nationally can fulfill the further obligations.[19] A different analysis found that over 2 million illegal aliens could benefit under the Act.[20]
The bill also restores the option for states to determine residency for purposes of higher education benefits by repealing Section 505 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1623).[14] The majority of states interpret this provision as disqualifying illegal immigrants students from certain higher education benefits such as in-state tuition rates.[21] Some states have enacted laws aimed at making unauthorized state residents eligible for in-state tuition rates without violating this IIRIRA provision.[22] However, some students paying out-of-state tuition have filed lawsuits in these states, claiming state education officials violated this federal law.[23]

^ Look at that last sentence... ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are suing in US COURTS because they believe states violated FEDERAL LAW.


It is to my understanding that US laws, whether federal or state, are made to protect CITIZENS and for CITIZENS to abide by.

If someone maintains an illegal status within our country, how are they able to sue in our own US courts?

If I'm not mistaken, our LAWS and RIGHTS are extended to the citizens of our nation, NOT people that reside here illegally.

To those of us that are LEGAL US CITIZENS:

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants taking advantage of our Welfare, Medicaid, etc... programs?
Free dental, Free prescriptions, Free healthcare, Subsidized rent, etc... while many US households are left uninsured and are denied access to such things.

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants attending our schools and institutions of higher learning?
Think about it... for those colleges that have quotas, what if YOU (a legal US citizen) were denied admittance to a school of your choice because an illegal immigrant took your spot?

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants QUALIFYING for in-state tuition?
If you're paying out-of-state tuition as a legal US citizen, is it right for an illegal immigrant to pay in-state tuition let alone that they're here in the first place?

AND THAT's NOT EVEN SCRATCHING THE SURFACE... The list of questions can go ON & ON...

Please share your opinions NT...

Honestly, I don't even know why I bother paying taxes when illegal immigrants are reaping it in.


First: Let me start off by saying OP you are an IDIOT!

Now lets break down your post:

^ Look at that last sentence... ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are suing in US COURTS because they believe states violated FEDERAL LAW.

The group suing in US Courts are AMERICAN CITIZENS.  They are suing, saying it is not fair to offer in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, who live in the state they are applying to college in, before offering in-state tuition to to out of state AMERICAN CITIZENS.

THE IIRIRA provision states that a state can not offer a benefit to any person based on their immigration status that it does not first offer to every single United States Citizen, of any state.  So that is what the case is about.  However the "in-state tuition for illegal alien" bills don't work based off of immigration status.  The requirements for these bills is that the individual applying for the benefit of in-state tuition must have attended high school for a certain amount of time in that state, and graduated high school, which therefore allows anyone to benefit fromm these bills regardless of immigration status.

For example, if your an American Citizen, who attended and graduated high school in California, ended up moving and establishing residency in New York, you would still qualify for in-state tuition in California using your New York address, because you meet the requirements for the bill.

The idea is that the individual lived and paid taxes through sales tax, income tax, etc.. in the state for a substantial amount of time that they should be offered a tuition break.

It is to my understanding that US laws, whether federal or state, are made to protect CITIZENS and for CITIZENS to abide by.

If someone maintains an illegal status within our country, how are they able to sue in our own US courts?

If I'm not mistaken, our LAWS and RIGHTS are extended to the citizens of our nation, NOT people that reside here illegally.

Let me know where the constitution says "We the US CITIZENS"......

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants taking advantage of our Welfare, Medicaid, etc... programs?
Free dental, Free prescriptions, Free healthcare, Subsidized rent, etc... while many US households are left uninsured and are denied access to such things.
Welfare and Medicaid both require a valid government issued ID and Social Security # which an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT would have neither of.

"Free dental? Free prescriptions? Free healthcare? Free Subsidized Rent? etc..."

Just think about it for half a second.

Whens the last time you seen a dude with braces standing outside Home Depot?
Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Disclaimer: I'm Asian and a legal citizen of the United States.

So with the recent "coming out the closet" type situations among prominent figures regarding their illegal status here within the United States, where do you guys stand on this topic?

For those that don't follow the news:

Most Recently: Prominent Journalist Reveals His Illegal Status -

Reintroduced to Congress: The DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act -

Under the 2009 version of the senate bill[14] DREAM Act beneficiaries must:
Have proof of having arrived in the United States before age 16.[15]
Have proof of residence in the United States for at least five consecutive years since their date of arrival.
Have registered with the Selective Service if male.
Be between the ages of 12 and 30 at the time of bill enactment.
Have graduated from an American high school, obtained a GED, or have been admitted to an institution of higher education.
Be of "good moral character"[16]
During the first six years, qualifying illegal immigrants would be granted "conditional" status and would be required to (a) graduate from a two-year community college or complete at least two years towards a four-year degree or (b) serve two years in the U.S. military. After this six year period, those who meet at least one of these three conditions would be eligible to apply for legal permanent resident status. During this six year conditional period, they would not be eligible for federal higher education grants such as Pell grants but they would be able to apply for student loans and work study.[17]
If they have met all of the conditions at the end of the 6-year conditional period, they would be granted permanent residency, which would eventually allow them to become U.S. citizens.[18]
It is not known how many of those were eligible go on to complete the further requirements. One organization estimated that only 7,000–13,000 college students nationally can fulfill the further obligations.[19] A different analysis found that over 2 million illegal aliens could benefit under the Act.[20]
The bill also restores the option for states to determine residency for purposes of higher education benefits by repealing Section 505 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1623).[14] The majority of states interpret this provision as disqualifying illegal immigrants students from certain higher education benefits such as in-state tuition rates.[21] Some states have enacted laws aimed at making unauthorized state residents eligible for in-state tuition rates without violating this IIRIRA provision.[22] However, some students paying out-of-state tuition have filed lawsuits in these states, claiming state education officials violated this federal law.[23]

^ Look at that last sentence... ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are suing in US COURTS because they believe states violated FEDERAL LAW.


It is to my understanding that US laws, whether federal or state, are made to protect CITIZENS and for CITIZENS to abide by.

If someone maintains an illegal status within our country, how are they able to sue in our own US courts?

If I'm not mistaken, our LAWS and RIGHTS are extended to the citizens of our nation, NOT people that reside here illegally.

To those of us that are LEGAL US CITIZENS:

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants taking advantage of our Welfare, Medicaid, etc... programs?
Free dental, Free prescriptions, Free healthcare, Subsidized rent, etc... while many US households are left uninsured and are denied access to such things.

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants attending our schools and institutions of higher learning?
Think about it... for those colleges that have quotas, what if YOU (a legal US citizen) were denied admittance to a school of your choice because an illegal immigrant took your spot?

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants QUALIFYING for in-state tuition?
If you're paying out-of-state tuition as a legal US citizen, is it right for an illegal immigrant to pay in-state tuition let alone that they're here in the first place?

AND THAT's NOT EVEN SCRATCHING THE SURFACE... The list of questions can go ON & ON...

Please share your opinions NT...

Honestly, I don't even know why I bother paying taxes when illegal immigrants are reaping it in.


First: Let me start off by saying OP you are an IDIOT!

Now lets break down your post:

^ Look at that last sentence... ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are suing in US COURTS because they believe states violated FEDERAL LAW.

The group suing in US Courts are AMERICAN CITIZENS.  They are suing, saying it is not fair to offer in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, who live in the state they are applying to college in, before offering in-state tuition to to out of state AMERICAN CITIZENS.

THE IIRIRA provision states that a state can not offer a benefit to any person based on their immigration status that it does not first offer to every single United States Citizen, of any state.  So that is what the case is about.  However the "in-state tuition for illegal alien" bills don't work based off of immigration status.  The requirements for these bills is that the individual applying for the benefit of in-state tuition must have attended high school for a certain amount of time in that state, and graduated high school, which therefore allows anyone to benefit fromm these bills regardless of immigration status.

For example, if your an American Citizen, who attended and graduated high school in California, ended up moving and establishing residency in New York, you would still qualify for in-state tuition in California using your New York address, because you meet the requirements for the bill.

The idea is that the individual lived and paid taxes through sales tax, income tax, etc.. in the state for a substantial amount of time that they should be offered a tuition break.

It is to my understanding that US laws, whether federal or state, are made to protect CITIZENS and for CITIZENS to abide by.

If someone maintains an illegal status within our country, how are they able to sue in our own US courts?

If I'm not mistaken, our LAWS and RIGHTS are extended to the citizens of our nation, NOT people that reside here illegally.

Let me know where the constitution says "We the US CITIZENS"......

- How do you feel about illegal immigrants taking advantage of our Welfare, Medicaid, etc... programs?
Free dental, Free prescriptions, Free healthcare, Subsidized rent, etc... while many US households are left uninsured and are denied access to such things.
Welfare and Medicaid both require a valid government issued ID and Social Security # which an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT would have neither of.

"Free dental? Free prescriptions? Free healthcare? Free Subsidized Rent? etc..."

Just think about it for half a second.

Whens the last time you seen a dude with braces standing outside Home Depot?
If you're going to live here then do it legally. This is going to lead to some form of tracking being instituted.
If you're going to live here then do it legally. This is going to lead to some form of tracking being instituted.
Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by KingJay718

 Yeah.  Most of them are arrogant about it and feels as if they don't need English.  You spend American money, so make an effort to at least learn the language.
very few of them feel arrogant about it. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
we also pay taxes, make it an effort to change your views and learn the facts.
What taxes?
How are you an Illegal and Pay taxes?

Sales tax?

Psht ..

everyone pays that ..

Yesterday I was in the super market and asked Illegal where an item was at ..

+@*#+ looked at me like 
 and pointed to customer service, said " No ingles" ..

And it ain't just mexicans either asians too , russians I can go on 

Bmore has a heavy illegal alien rate ( hell maryland in general )

Harm check out this article thats from your neck of the woods.....

I know some illegals pay taxes using a tax identification number...

At the end of the day, I think its more of a racial issue than an illegal issue.... Some people just don't like the fact some people won't adopt american culture... Most of the people on this issue of illegal immigration just think Latinos are the only one.  That is not the case... Many people from other countries over stay their Visa and that by definition makes them illegal here...
Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by KingJay718

 Yeah.  Most of them are arrogant about it and feels as if they don't need English.  You spend American money, so make an effort to at least learn the language.
very few of them feel arrogant about it. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
we also pay taxes, make it an effort to change your views and learn the facts.
What taxes?
How are you an Illegal and Pay taxes?

Sales tax?

Psht ..

everyone pays that ..

Yesterday I was in the super market and asked Illegal where an item was at ..

+@*#+ looked at me like 
 and pointed to customer service, said " No ingles" ..

And it ain't just mexicans either asians too , russians I can go on 

Bmore has a heavy illegal alien rate ( hell maryland in general )

Harm check out this article thats from your neck of the woods.....

I know some illegals pay taxes using a tax identification number...

At the end of the day, I think its more of a racial issue than an illegal issue.... Some people just don't like the fact some people won't adopt american culture... Most of the people on this issue of illegal immigration just think Latinos are the only one.  That is not the case... Many people from other countries over stay their Visa and that by definition makes them illegal here...
i think all illegals need to get kicked out the country, cause this is just lame.. allowing them to stay and letting other people that want to do it the legal way have more problems with it..

they should just let everyone live wherever they want as long as they pay taxes that everyone else pays
i think all illegals need to get kicked out the country, cause this is just lame.. allowing them to stay and letting other people that want to do it the legal way have more problems with it..

they should just let everyone live wherever they want as long as they pay taxes that everyone else pays
Originally Posted by EZ Primo

Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

very few of them feel arrogant about it. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
we also pay taxes, make it an effort to change your views and learn the facts.
What taxes?
How are you an Illegal and Pay taxes?

Sales tax?

Psht ..

everyone pays that ..

Yesterday I was in the super market and asked Illegal where an item was at ..

+@*#+ looked at me like 
 and pointed to customer service, said " No ingles" ..

And it ain't just mexicans either asians too , russians I can go on 

Bmore has a heavy illegal alien rate ( hell maryland in general )

Harm check out this article thats from your neck of the woods.....

I know some illegals pay taxes using a tax identification number...

At the end of the day, I think its more of a racial issue than an illegal issue.... Some people just don't like the fact some people won't adopt american culture... Most of the people on this issue of illegal immigration just think Latinos are the only one.  That is not the case... Many people from other countries over stay their Visa and that by definition makes them illegal here...

Maryland collected 275 mill on state, sales and property taxes from illegals?? 

It's hard to believe it  .. What I see with my own 2 eyes is vastly different from what I just read

And how do they get Tax Identification # with no papers saying their a citizen?

It's not a race thing with me .. I just think they should learn to speak and use English ..

I don't see whats wrong with that ..
Originally Posted by EZ Primo

Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

very few of them feel arrogant about it. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
we also pay taxes, make it an effort to change your views and learn the facts.
What taxes?
How are you an Illegal and Pay taxes?

Sales tax?

Psht ..

everyone pays that ..

Yesterday I was in the super market and asked Illegal where an item was at ..

+@*#+ looked at me like 
 and pointed to customer service, said " No ingles" ..

And it ain't just mexicans either asians too , russians I can go on 

Bmore has a heavy illegal alien rate ( hell maryland in general )

Harm check out this article thats from your neck of the woods.....

I know some illegals pay taxes using a tax identification number...

At the end of the day, I think its more of a racial issue than an illegal issue.... Some people just don't like the fact some people won't adopt american culture... Most of the people on this issue of illegal immigration just think Latinos are the only one.  That is not the case... Many people from other countries over stay their Visa and that by definition makes them illegal here...

Maryland collected 275 mill on state, sales and property taxes from illegals?? 

It's hard to believe it  .. What I see with my own 2 eyes is vastly different from what I just read

And how do they get Tax Identification # with no papers saying their a citizen?

It's not a race thing with me .. I just think they should learn to speak and use English ..

I don't see whats wrong with that ..
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