Husband of almost 4 years, known her most of my life. Time to let her go...:(

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

You're seriously letting all that go because of your parents? C'mon man,be smarter. If they can't accept who you love,forget them.
%+% kind of advice is this? his parents raised his %@%, and apparently he loves and respects his parents a ton, props to them. hos come and go, but your parents are your blood.
if the girl you like doesn't bring the same kind of respect to your parents, what kind of mother would she be? 

nonsense talk. 
Originally Posted by iLLbanianKid13

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Op are u Albanian? If u are is she?

Yeah we're both Albanian married her over there and brought her here. It's hard to let go someone you sleep breathe eat f... everyday with. I can say f... my parents but thats not how we're raised I just want everyone to be happy. 
props to you bro. i broke up with my ex-gf b/c she disrespected my parents too (we were both asians and she just didn't bring that proper respect around my parents and elders in my family).
I know it's tougher b/c she's your wife, but your parents are old and about to live their last fwe years, props to you for wanting to take care of them as they live their last few years.

i know most guys would choose their wives over their parents. 
YO I am astonished at a majority of the replies stated here...straight flabbergasted.

OP I can def see where your coming from...I'm siding with you on this one....personally:

my parents who have been there all my life > a wife of 4 years
my parents who took care of me for a majority of my life > a wife of 4 years

you people have no sense of loyalty it seems.

BUT with that said OP I wish that you and your parents and your wife to work through this...I can totally understand taking care of your parents...these heathens in this thread think that after you leave the house the 'rents are on their own...what type of @@@++* up %%@$ is that? Especially if your parents took good care of you and you respect them for NEED to help them out when they should ever need it.

OP your wife is good-looking, and if I can give you some does seem like you didnt think this one out all the way...but what do I know i'm not in your position and can't speak for you...I would say gather them all together and make the effort to patch things up...The wifey is mad because living with your parents that have probably been mean to her is not a good look, and you have to understand that. Its not easy to move into a living situation with people you dislike. You really need to push forward and help them make ammends before you ditch either.

Don't turn your back on people that have looked out for you and have had your best interests in their heart, your wife and the 'rents. Best possible scenario is that your able to still help them out with the mortgage without moving in so try your hand at that.
Why can't OP work on things w. his wife from the comfort of their OWN home and send money back to his parents when they need it? It seems like he wants him and his girl to move back in to help with the mortgage payment.

*May sound harsh, but why are your parents moving to a house where they'd need help w. their mortgage? Seems foolish IMO.
im confused. did OP lose his wife because he couldnt dunk?? seriously, whats going on???
How long were you guys dating before getting married? There was not a clue that this kind of issue would come up before getting married?

Tell your parents that this is the woman you love and that you chose to spend the rest of your life with. Tell your wife that your parents built the foundation upon which you became an adult, that it is alright if she does not agree with everything they say, but to voice her opinion respectfully. If neither of them get it....Well "You're better off on your own."
op clearly cares more about his ability to handle balls with other gentleman and using his parents garage basketball hoop daily than solving his marriage crisis. anyway I can get up in that pass-the-wife lineup? I'm in Philly.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

YO I am astonished at a majority of the replies stated here...straight flabbergasted.

OP I can def see where your coming from...I'm siding with you on this one....personally:

my parents who have been there all my life > a wife of 4 years
my parents who took care of me for a majority of my life > a wife of 4 years

you people have no sense of loyalty it seems.

BUT with that said OP I wish that you and your parents and your wife to work through this...I can totally understand taking care of your parents...these heathens in this thread think that after you leave the house the 'rents are on their own...what type of @@@++* up %%@$ is that? Especially if your parents took good care of you and you respect them for NEED to help them out when they should ever need it.

OP your wife is good-looking, and if I can give you some does seem like you didnt think this one out all the way...but what do I know i'm not in your position and can't speak for you...I would say gather them all together and make the effort to patch things up...The wifey is mad because living with your parents that have probably been mean to her is not a good look, and you have to understand that. Its not easy to move into a living situation with people you dislike. You really need to push forward and help them make ammends before you ditch either.

Don't turn your back on people that have looked out for you and have had your best interests in their heart, your wife and the 'rents. Best possible scenario is that your able to still help them out with the mortgage without moving in so try your hand at that.

Thanks for the positive feedback man like you said thats the best thing to do is if we all sit down and have a conversation and take it from there.
Originally Posted by iLLbanianKid13

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

YO I am astonished at a majority of the replies stated here...straight flabbergasted.

OP I can def see where your coming from...I'm siding with you on this one....personally:

my parents who have been there all my life > a wife of 4 years
my parents who took care of me for a majority of my life > a wife of 4 years

you people have no sense of loyalty it seems.

BUT with that said OP I wish that you and your parents and your wife to work through this...I can totally understand taking care of your parents...these heathens in this thread think that after you leave the house the 'rents are on their own...what type of @@@++* up %%@$ is that? Especially if your parents took good care of you and you respect them for NEED to help them out when they should ever need it.

OP your wife is good-looking, and if I can give you some does seem like you didnt think this one out all the way...but what do I know i'm not in your position and can't speak for you...I would say gather them all together and make the effort to patch things up...The wifey is mad because living with your parents that have probably been mean to her is not a good look, and you have to understand that. Its not easy to move into a living situation with people you dislike. You really need to push forward and help them make ammends before you ditch either.

Don't turn your back on people that have looked out for you and have had your best interests in their heart, your wife and the 'rents. Best possible scenario is that your able to still help them out with the mortgage without moving in so try your hand at that.

Thanks for the positive feedback man like you said thats the best thing to do is if we all sit down and have a conversation and take it from there.
That's a bunch of garbage.....  I love my parents.... They spent my entire childhood either working 2 jobs (my mom) or working 7 days a week nonstop without vacations (my dad)...

What has been discussed by the majority of NTer's who probably all love their parents it is not disloyal... It's being a grown up...  You are not dating her, you are married to her.... 4 years married at that... And you've known her for years before that...  

You are not taking care of your parents... Here's why... Did they buy the house with the intention that you will move back in?  Did you buy the house for them?   Do they desparately need the help to pay the mortgage?

If it is the last one it's your parents fault for getting a house they couldn't afford from the jump...

You are living in their basement paying rent... There's a fine line between helping your parents out & being unwilling to grow up (which you are the later)...

You were so hype to defend your basketball skills and Smush Parker to preserve your efame.. When you had to go to NT about being immature to leave your wife because she doesn't get along with your parents and won't move in with them when you have been married for 4 years, and are not facing the risk of being homeless...

You presumably made her your wife because you love her and want to spend your life with her... When you officially get married (guess what she is part of your family)

Admirable to want to help your parents... But you have a wife... You are not single... And not even newlyweds of like 2 weeks...  4 $**#*!% years.... 

People who defended you said "Ho's come and go" and you didn't even defend your wife... But you can defend Smush Parker, and your jumpshot....

It's the lack of immaturity that gets me.... You are set to leave your wife because a grown ##$ woman doesn't want to move in with your parents and help pay their mortgage... While you guys live in the basement..... And if your parents bought this house with this premise in mind then
  at you for going with it.... 

Independence is what all of us should obtain when we grow up..... 1. You clearly state you guys are not financially hurting where you need to move in with them  (as you would be basically paying rent to live with your parents anyways)...  2. Your parents just bought the house and don't seem to be hurting for payments...   3.
 at you for not seeing why your WIFE of 4 years would think this is the dumbest idea you've probably ever suggested....

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by Fade On You

@ have fun living with your parents

@ her name tattooed on you, simp. In here acting all tough "time to move on", "i almost popped her after we fought" "i have anger issues". Son you have her name TATTOOED above your nipple!!

I was waiting for someone to point that out lol.
@+##$#@ is pimps too
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar


Before you throw in the towel though. Lemme share my experience in a similar situation.

I had beef with my in-laws for a minute. My step-mother had beef with my wife. It was all over dumb +**% that got blown out of proportion. In my wife's case it was my mother being possessive of her son and upset over the fact that I didn't marry a black woman. In my in-laws case, it was them being upset over the fact that I was out in the streets too much and being a dickhead. All that was over 2 years ago and today you couldn't tell there was ever a problem.

My wife and I both grew up. She stopped telling our business to her folks and I stopped acting like I was still single. Our folks saw the bs we had to endure when we separated... I moved halfway across the country and it was the worst. During those six months I missed my wife and kids to the point of depression. I lost a lot of weight and +**% just got bad all around...

Anyway, we got back together slowly. It didn't happen overnight, but we both grew from it and our folks respect that we are together now.

If I could have done anything differently (could've done a lot differently actually), looking back, I would've sat down with the respective parties one on one and addressed the issue like a man instead of letting +**% spin out of control with the he said, she said.

It's sad that most marriages end this way now.
If you love her make it work. If you've known her that long, trust me when I say, you'll never find anyone who you feel as comfortable with and all the P in the world ain't gonna make you feel better if you know you could've done things differently.

Take you time and think it through.

edit: My step mom came to SD a month or so ago and gave a really nice toast to my wife at dinner. It was like we all closed the chapter officially and moved on. Felt good man.

It's good to see someone give sound advice around here
. But OP, yeah, you should have seen the potential of things like this happening before you got married. If they don't like each other there has to be some level of mutual respect at least.
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

You're seriously letting all that go because of your parents? C'mon man,be smarter. If they can't accept who you love,forget them.
%+% kind of advice is this? his parents raised his %@%, and apparently he loves and respects his parents a ton, props to them. hos come and go, but your parents are your blood.
if the girl you like doesn't bring the same kind of respect to your parents, what kind of mother would she be? 

nonsense talk. 
^herb talk
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Sounds like OP is not mature at all. Getting rid of a wife to help your parents? What a joke, seriously do her a favor and let her get with an adult.
Originally Posted by iLLbanianKid13

I already live by myself in a one bedroom appartment here in Maryland, my parents want to get a house. I'm trying to move back in with them and help them out paying morgage etc.... She's not buying that even if we lived in my peeps place we'd still get the basement and live our own life thats not working for her.

Are you kidding me......... 
You never should have been in a relationship in the first place, let alone be married

This thread has it all lmao

Girl troubles

Basketball trash talking

Dudes planning to ship the girl around

@op more worried about basketball than his wife
preface : i've read no replies.

so... the wife doesn't want to live in the basement of the house that your parents can't afford on their own?

and that's your reason for divorce? her lawyer is going to have a field day.

man up. be a husband. you didn't marry your parents, did you?
Aside from the blatant disrespect of shipping OP's wife like a mail order bride. 

And the Smush Parker Basketball skills. 

Have you also considered asking your dad, his thoughts if he were in the same situation with your mom? What would he have done? I think that's something else you should also consider. Either way best of luck with the whole scenario.
DoubleJs07 wrote:
Why can't OP work on things w. his wife from the comfort of their OWN home and send money back to his parents when they need it? It seems like he wants him and his girl to move back in to help with the mortgage payment.

*May sound harsh, but why are your parents moving to a house where they'd need help w. their mortgage? Seems foolish IMO.

yep a prime example of people living beyond their means.

Originally Posted by reeeem0

im confused. did OP lose his wife because he couldnt dunk?? seriously, whats going on???

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