yeah a def. cop. Waiting til the summer. i've been watching this phone for around a year now. hopefully I can still get it.
After the extra pics, this phone may need to be copped. Windows Mobiletoo? I don't know about other people but I love WM. I'm assuming it's a new version. Or maybe just a new layout. Anyway, this one is definitelygonna be one to consider. I had my eyes set on a Curve. I had a bad feeling that it would be a disappointment like the Instinct. Doesn't really seem likeit tho. Imma have to read up a little more on this before I make a decision. All I know is, eff the Treo700.
Tonystarks2984 - were you required to extend your contract for another 2 years to get that price? Seems like a lot of Slickdealer's aren't able totransfer their sero plans over to the new phone, what did you tell the rep at best buy ? thanks
Originally Posted by illmatickal

Tonystarks2984 - were you required to extend your contract for another 2 years to get that price? Seems like a lot of Slickdealer's aren't able to transfer their sero plans over to the new phone, what did you tell the rep at best buy ? thanks
Yea it was an upgrade with a 2yr extention..I dont mind I wanna keep sero for as long as I can.

We did run into a lil problem when she initially tried to upgrade me, she had to call sprint. Normally even on sprints website now they want u to upgrade thephone using that sero store so thats why she had issues.

She just called in and asked if my phone was due for an upgrade and that was it. She asked me what plan I had for best buy records, told her and she was likeahhh u know about that. Did the transaction and hooked up the discount.

I dont know why ppl are having issues, I guess I just got a good rep. She used to work directly for sprint so she was tellin me mad stuff.
I have insurance on my Mogul. When they stop producing it, and my phone gets "stolen/lost" will I be able to pay the $50 replacement fee and get thePro instead?
Originally Posted by Jorh XD

I have insurance on my Mogul. When they stop producing it, and my phone gets "stolen/lost" will I be able to pay the $50 replacement fee and get the Pro instead?
Highly doubt it. My boy still has the 6700 and the other day his keyboard malfunctioned. He brought it in and they told him they still had 6700sin stock so he couldnt get the mogul.

If they still got the 6700s and those came out yrs ago, im pretty sure they gonna have mogul in stock for a hot min.
i called here in the chi and im going to get it to night
i can finally put my mogul to bed
^Im almost certain you can. The Best Buy by my house also has it in stock..I think Im gonna pick this up 2mo. Keep the updates coming TonyStarks..
Originally Posted by Hoosier Bad Boy 11

Can you send pictures on this device without doing the whole e-mail thing ?
Yea. When u click send while having a picture on the screen u have several options. One of them is sprint picturemail and it works good so far. It sends and recieves in a threaded sms sort of way. So no longer do you have to go to the sprint website to open the picture, u can open it right on thephone.

Ram test
Havent fully messed with the phone yet..but I did install beejive. Whats funny bout that is that it recognized I was on the touch pro and set that as my awaymessage..couple ppl was tight lol.

It was a good time to test out the ram. So I had Beejive, Opera, Sprint TV open at the same time. all of those used about 49% of the ram. Everything stillran smooth, could go through the menus and file elxplorer with the same speed as if nothing was open.

Then for the hell of it, I decided to open Sling Player mobile as well. That pushed the usage of the ram to about 52%. Now im starting to see it slow down. The touchflo doesnt moves as quickly and everything is starting to crawl. Still useable but just slower.

In reality tho I wouldnt have all these programs running all at once...but with my mogul just having opera and beejive would take about 80% so I coulndt reallyuse anyother program or it would just freeze at some point.

So the ram def makes a diff and considering that Touchflo also uses a bit of the ram all the time...its def worth the upgrade. Since I had the phone nofreezing whatsoever, this was the first occurance of slowdown that I witnessed and thats cause all the apps I had open are normally ram hogs.

Oh quick tidbit bout the cam. Its very good. What bugged me out was when I went to take a pic..that joint used autofocus lol. I was like
then it turns green when its ready to shoot like a reg cam.

Youtube is Crystal clear. My by got his G1 yesterday so we did a swap today to check out each others phones. The first thing he did was fire up youtube andwas pissed. I looked at his and his vid was kinda fuzzy. He was barking that since Google owned youtube, his should look like mine
. (G1 is not a bad phone tho. That barcode scanner thing and the street view iscrazy...but ill stick wit my pro...Crank

Opera Browser is pretty good. Havent tried a flash site yet but did browse niketalk and it moved fairly quickly. Still havent installed skyfire yet.

The earpiece is low. Even when the volume is turned all the way up. I still have my plastic over the main screen and I thought that was the problem..but Iremoved it to test it and its still pretty low. I seen ppcgeeks got a fix for that so ima test it out.

Another issure is, dont know if the weather app is down on sprint side..but since I got the phone, I havent been able to get the weather runnin. Checked theboards and its not only me so hopefully they fixed that soon.

The onscreen keyboard is pretty good too. Like I said earlier I have big hands so I didnt expect to be using it at all. But since I had the phone, I foundmyself using it more than the actual keyboard. Based on the fact that today I could only do one handed operations. For sendin texts and all its very good.Suprising.

umm thats all for now I guess. Wrote mad stuff but I hope some of yall get it so yall can share opinions soon.
played with the A&T version called the "Fuze"....its the TRUTH...really thinking about droppin my iphone for this
I really, really, really want this phone and have wanted it since I first saw it. Unfortunately, I'm only eligible for a $75 upgrade right now. If I renewfor 2 years, can I get this phone at BB for the same price as TonyStarks?
hmm. gotta go check out AT&T's version myself
. damn. it waseither this or spend an extra $300 and get the Samsung Omnia
..anybodyheard anything on that joint?
Originally Posted by illfrozn

I really, really, really want this phone and have wanted it since I first saw it. Unfortunately, I'm only eligible for a $75 upgrade right now. If I renew for 2 years, can I get this phone at BB for the same price as TonyStarks?
This is what I need to know! I'm only like 8-9 months deep on my contract on this Pearl.
Originally Posted by Tonystarks2984

Originally Posted by Hoosier Bad Boy 11

Can you send pictures on this device without doing the whole e-mail thing ?
Yea. When u click send while having a picture on the screen u have several options. One of them is sprint picturemail and it works good so far. It sends and recieves in a threaded sms sort of way. So no longer do you have to go to the sprint website to open the picture, u can open it right on the phone.

Ram test
Havent fully messed with the phone yet..but I did install beejive. Whats funny bout that is that it recognized I was on the touch pro and set that as my away message..couple ppl was tight lol.

It was a good time to test out the ram. So I had Beejive, Opera, Sprint TV open at the same time. all of those used about 49% of the ram. Everything still ran smooth, could go through the menus and file elxplorer with the same speed as if nothing was open.

Then for the hell of it, I decided to open Sling Player mobile as well. That pushed the usage of the ram to about 52%. Now im starting to see it slow down. The touchflo doesnt moves as quickly and everything is starting to crawl. Still useable but just slower.

In reality tho I wouldnt have all these programs running all at once...but with my mogul just having opera and beejive would take about 80% so I coulndt really use anyother program or it would just freeze at some point.

So the ram def makes a diff and considering that Touchflo also uses a bit of the ram all the time...its def worth the upgrade. Since I had the phone no freezing whatsoever, this was the first occurance of slowdown that I witnessed and thats cause all the apps I had open are normally ram hogs.

Oh quick tidbit bout the cam. Its very good. What bugged me out was when I went to take a pic..that joint used autofocus lol. I was like
then it turns green when its ready to shoot like a reg cam.

Youtube is Crystal clear. My by got his G1 yesterday so we did a swap today to check out each others phones. The first thing he did was fire up youtube and was pissed. I looked at his and his vid was kinda fuzzy. He was barking that since Google owned youtube, his should look like mine
. (G1 is not a bad phone tho. That barcode scanner thing and the street view is crazy...but ill stick wit my pro...Crank

Opera Browser is pretty good. Havent tried a flash site yet but did browse niketalk and it moved fairly quickly. Still havent installed skyfire yet.

The earpiece is low. Even when the volume is turned all the way up. I still have my plastic over the main screen and I thought that was the problem..but I removed it to test it and its still pretty low. I seen ppcgeeks got a fix for that so ima test it out.

Another issure is, dont know if the weather app is down on sprint side..but since I got the phone, I havent been able to get the weather runnin. Checked the boards and its not only me so hopefully they fixed that soon.

The onscreen keyboard is pretty good too. Like I said earlier I have big hands so I didnt expect to be using it at all. But since I had the phone, I found myself using it more than the actual keyboard. Based on the fact that today I could only do one handed operations. For sendin texts and all its very good. Suprising.

umm thats all for now I guess. Wrote mad stuff but I hope some of yall get it so yall can share opinions soon.

where are you getting all the applications from
pm if possible
hopefully scoop mine up this week
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