How fit or unfit are you and what are you doing to change that?

unfit & doin nothing about it except playing intramural basketball
-20 yo

gained about 15 pounds since summer since i don't ride my bike to work and I sporadically exercise. my diet is decent, but could be cleaner. i've gotdecent muscle mass but i'd like to lose 20-30 pounds of fat. i've been slacking on going to the gym since my car is down right now. my goal is to getdown to ~180 by summer...i think its feasible. gonna cop me a 20kg kettlebell off ebay soon. i've been doing swings with a 35lb dumbbell n my torso ispretty strong now. mind-muscle link ftw tho, very important.
9 percent body fat..

i work out 7 times a week lol

lol i spent a couple of months in the hospital and spent a year on recovery

i shot up to 280's and lost like 90 pounds in a year lol
So ideally how many days should 1 do a full workout of cardio only? I did only cardio today, and I think I'm going to do it every other day. I'm tryingto gain FTR

I'm 5'11 and weight wise I dunno. On friday I weighed myself and I was 148, yesterday I weighed myself and I was 154.
I'm trying to get to at least 175-180
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I've never been in really great shape.. I've been chubby sine elementary, but I've never been super obese. like rolls all over being seen thru my shirt and shht. I've carried my weight pretty well just off the clothes that I use to wear.

Best shape of my life was probably junior yr of HS 5'9 a pretty solid 205lbs. Worst shape was after HS 5'9 ballooned all the way up to 265 I think.

Right now i'm down to 227lbs roughly at 5'9 I'm 23.

I've been hitting the gym pretty frequently since mid December, but i really haven't seen any significant results. I usually try to do 20 mins of cardio (treadmill), and everything else is pretty random..

All my fat is in my upper body, chest, and stomach.

What exercises are best to burn fat in the chest, and how often should I do them?

I don't want to bulk up not one bit. i'm trying to get down to 180lbs-190lbs, but hell I'd take anything less than 210lbs right now.

i also take creatine, and I bought some Whey Protein but haven't trie it yet. should I drop both or just take one or the other?

you should try the ad diet... itll work out for you..
6'2" - 165

I've tried to put on weight in the past, but my metabolism precludes that from happening. Instead, I decided to put in some time at my school's weightroom. I've been going for about 4 months now and am fairly pleased with the results. I should probably go harder, but my school work is more important...
Im 5'11" , 290
I used to be like 210-220, and that was a good look for my frame. I was WAY more active, but then started gettin chronic sinus infections that kept me fromhoopin after work which was my main source of excersize. I've been packin on the pounds ever since. I work out in spurts, but its boring as hell and Iquit after a couple weeks. I wish I could go back to playin hoop regularly, but I cant find any places that still have basketball in the eveningsconsistantly. Its really an excuse though cause Im at a point where I really NEED to get my health in order.
My diet is pretty bad too. Changing that is easier than working out regularly(for me) although it seems more expensive to eat healthier....but I think myhealth is worth it.

anyway, Im currently hittin the gym with my boy nightly. At this point, if I could get below 250 by August, I'd be estatic.
5"10, 165 lbs
i try to run about 10+ miles a week, hit the gym bout 3 times a week + 12 minute ab work outs daily
i say im somewhat fit
18 years old, 5' 9, 140 lbs... basically really no body fat . yea I'm having trouble gaining weight actually. Fast metab ftl. I would like to be atleast 150-160.

Any tips to gain weight? Im not going to kill myself with fast food 3 meals a day
17 years old, 5'8.75", 153ish pounds...haven't measured my body fat. I'd just like to turn more of my fat into muscle, get cut, and add a lilbulk..160 pounds with lower body fat than whatever i have right now and i'm good.

Um I plan on doing this by just cutting out junk food (even though I won't lose that much weight), playing basketball (started playing actively a week anda half ago), and just working out a little bit.
i'm 5'10", 185-190 lbs (i haven't weighed myself since last december, my weight scale here at school broke). i was at 215-220 in june soi've lost a considerable amount of weight since then, just by getting into a regular habit of going to the gym and eating better. recently my eating habitshaven't been too good, but it's still "good" in comparison to how i was a year ago. i'm hoping i can get back to it and limit mysnacking. i find i really don't eat all that much, but the late-night munchies kills me. and whenever i have snacks i say i'll eat in moderationit's never the case, so i'm trying to put all healthier-type foods in my room so i don't pig out.

my goal for now is to lose another 15 pounds, and drop down to 175.
I'm 5'11 or 6'0.
I weigh 170 last time I checked on sat. I'm trying to get to 160 or 150. I'm not in bad shape I'm just trying to get cut. All my muscle are on myarms. I need to get some abs though cause my stomach starting to look like a gut. Lol. I suck at diets, evreyday I eat bread. Ex donuts, pop tarts, pan dulce,bagels. Its crazy yet I want to loose wait. What should I do instead of eating bread evreyday?
Originally Posted by HyphySole

18 years old, 5' 9, 140 lbs... basically really no body fat . yea I'm having trouble gaining weight actually. Fast metab ftl. I would like to be at least 150-160.

Any tips to gain weight? Im not going to kill myself with fast food 3 meals a day

Highly doubt that. There is such a thing as being skinny & fat
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

I wanna gain 5-10 lbs....I gotta "shapen" up
I'm pretty sure if you gained 10 pounds, you wouldn't be too happy with yourself; if by "shapen" up, you mean bigger hips,breasts, and thighs.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by HyphySole

18 years old, 5' 9, 140 lbs... basically really no body fat . yea I'm having trouble gaining weight actually. Fast metab ftl. I would like to be at least 150-160.

Any tips to gain weight? Im not going to kill myself with fast food 3 meals a day

Highly doubt that. There is such a thing as being skinny & fat
well Im just not sure, because it was about 3 years ago my PE teacher measured my body fat. And he said 0 percent. I dont believe it either but Ihavent measured it after that.
6'0" last time i checked i was about 250 i think maybe less it's been a while but i'm happy with it and im in pretty good shape just dont looklike it
Originally Posted by AC4Three

6'2" - 165

I've tried to put on weight in the past, but my metabolism precludes that from happening. Instead, I decided to put in some time at my school's weight room. I've been going for about 4 months now and am fairly pleased with the results. I should probably go harder, but my school work is more important...
Light weight. 178 is where it's at.
I'm 5'7, 18, and about 130 something pounds. I know, light, but I'm working at it right now. I was really frail coming to college, but I gainedlike 10 lbs in the first quarter. I'm tryna get cut and have noticeable muscle. I've been hitting the gym for a couple months every other day so far,drinking protein and I do see a gain. I'm tryna get up to like 145 by the end of the quarter though, thing is I still want to grow in terms of height.
Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by AC4Three

6'2" - 165

I've tried to put on weight in the past, but my metabolism precludes that from happening. Instead, I decided to put in some time at my school's weight room. I've been going for about 4 months now and am fairly pleased with the results. I should probably go harder, but my school work is more important...
Light weight. 178 is where it's at.
Not the way you went about it.
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