Originally Posted by lurkin2long
im already very fit. im still going to eat clean the way i do now, with time will come more gains............its a lifestyle
wj4 props to the fitness threads as of late lol. i guess that costco deal got hittin the gym these days for real.
The last time I got anything close to fit was when I was still with my girl and she was a health freak who got me on the Whole Foods craze. It made me (and my wallet) skinny. This was around '03. I got out of shape after that, just eating and drinking whenever and not going to the gym, justdidn't care. When I started my Thai kick boxing training in the early fall, that sparked something inside of me, lol. I started eating better, stoppeddrinking, and would train 3-4 times a week. I also started running at night around here. Fast forward to early this month, I was sparring and got a prettystupid injury. The instep on my left foot is out of commission for a couple of months, I kicked with my left and it made contact with my partner's kneecap.
Like you, I think of it as a change of lifestyle. I still eat a piece of cake or ice cream, every now and then, but in moderation. I just came back fromlunch with moms, had fries with ranch, and a tri tip. However I don't do it often. I no longer wolf down 5-6 pieces of pizza or whatever now. I willadmit that when I first started, I was pretty damn series about what I ate. It would always be a small slice of chicken breast with a side of fruits orveggies, 2-3 times a day. The only thing bad that I'd eat would be a rice bowl at Panda Express on campus.
You're right, Lurk. That membership was a God send
This is pretty much all I can do until my instep heals 100%. I'd just roll to the gym at12AM and work out until 2AM. I'm not trying to get big like 50 or LL though. So my 2 hours at the gym usually consists of 30 mins on the treadmil,usually 3 miles run, to warm up. Then I shadow box and lift for an hour, and it's another 30 mins on the treadmil at full speed or on the bicycle. I dothat 6-7 times a week. And when I get home, I'm always starving, so I eat a bowl of watermelon and orange slices. The downfall is that it messed up mysleeping habit, this is why I post online at odd hours now. But my classes don't start until 4PM anyways so it's cool.