How fit or unfit are you and what are you doing to change that?

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Im currently in the process of losing weight. Been goin to the gym for about 2 & 1/2 months now. I was hella fat at the beginning and ppl was clowning on me or smirking at me at the gym when I was 266lb being only 5'6. But then now 2.5 months later I am down to 209 and still going. I've mostly been doing cardio like the elliptical, stairmaster, raised seat bike for like 45 minutes in the morning then another 45 minutes at night. I also do like crunches and some other $$%. Diet is mostly baked chicken breasts, salmon, fruit/vegetable smoothie, sometimes subway sandwiches, gatorade, and fruits. I bet I lost muscle mass from all this cardio but I think when I get down to 200 Imma start hitting the weights.
I'll bet if you hit the weights now, you'll get crazy gains while losing the rest of your bodyfat.

The more muscle mass you put on, the more calories you burn while not in the gym, aka your resting metabolic rate is higher. Doing so also fills in the loose skin you probably have from losing so much weight so quickly. I would totaly put you on a 4 day weight training program while you do cardio per week.

Another thing, once I got down to 220 or so, I stopped worrying about my weight and started paying attention to the mirror and overall body fat percentage. The scale isn't always as acurate if you want to measure progress, depending on how much muscle you've gained through working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. You'll notice you weight the same, but you look a little slimmer in the mirror because of the muscle you gain.

Are you that asian guy who posted his pic in the last pyp who was hella big in his graduation pic then lost weight and got buff? Also, I haven't gottenany loose skin yet and I guess I'll start getting on the weights next week. I got a friend at the gym who's BUFF and he's bout tohelp me out.
Originally Posted by jakecuevas

7% body fat

16 years old...

wish to become
3% body fat

(i am playin football and hittin gym hard) + protein shakes like crazy
son said he tryin to gain height.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by jakecuevas

7% body fat

16 years old...

wish to become
3% body fat

(i am playin football and hittin gym hard) + protein shakes like crazy
son said he tryin to gain height.
Foamposite boots may help
My brother and I have big builds so I can't get crazy with the weight loss but at 5'9" I was 262 lbs last year I went down to 180 but lost it tofast without lifting and didn't like the way I looked though I felt 10x better. I went back up to 220 and started to lose the weight slower this timearound and started to lift and I still do 4 (45min) days on the elliptical (damn I hate that thing lol). I am down to 212 and I want to get around 195 beforemay. It's crazy because it sucks for the first 2 weeks but when you catch that grove and you feel better about yourself it becomes fun. Now I feel horribleif I don't go to the gym where this time last year I couldn't stand going at all.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Im currently in the process of losing weight. Been goin to the gym for about 2 & 1/2 months now. I was hella fat at the beginning and ppl was clowning on me or smirking at me at the gym when I was 266lb being only 5'6. But then now 2.5 months later I am down to 209 and still going. I've mostly been doing cardio like the elliptical, stairmaster, raised seat bike for like 45 minutes in the morning then another 45 minutes at night. I also do like crunches and some other $$%. Diet is mostly baked chicken breasts, salmon, fruit/vegetable smoothie, sometimes subway sandwiches, gatorade, and fruits. I bet I lost muscle mass from all this cardio but I think when I get down to 200 Imma start hitting the weights.
I'll bet if you hit the weights now, you'll get crazy gains while losing the rest of your bodyfat.

The more muscle mass you put on, the more calories you burn while not in the gym, aka your resting metabolic rate is higher. Doing so also fills in the loose skin you probably have from losing so much weight so quickly. I would totaly put you on a 4 day weight training program while you do cardio per week.

Another thing, once I got down to 220 or so, I stopped worrying about my weight and started paying attention to the mirror and overall body fat percentage. The scale isn't always as acurate if you want to measure progress, depending on how much muscle you've gained through working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. You'll notice you weight the same, but you look a little slimmer in the mirror because of the muscle you gain.

Are you that asian guy who posted his pic in the last pyp who was hella big in his graduation pic then lost weight and got buff? Also, I haven't gotten any loose skin yet and I guess I'll start getting on the weights next week. I got a friend at the gym who's BUFF and he's bout to help me out.
Right on brother. Aint no time like right now.
I've never been in really great shape.. I've been chubby sine elementary, but I've never been super obese. like rolls all over being seen thru myshirt and shht. I've carried my weight pretty well just off the clothes that I use to wear.

Best shape of my life was probably junior yr of HS 5'9 a pretty solid 205lbs. Worst shape was after HS 5'9 ballooned all the way up to 265 I think.

Right now i'm down to 227lbs roughly at 5'9 I'm 23.

I've been hitting the gym pretty frequently since mid December, but i really haven't seen any significant results. I usually try to do 20 mins ofcardio (treadmill), and everything else is pretty random..

All my fat is in my upper body, chest, and stomach.

What exercises are best to burn fat in the chest, and how often should I do them?

I don't want to bulk up not one bit. i'm trying to get down to 180lbs-190lbs, but hell I'd take anything less than 210lbs right now.

i also take creatine, and I bought some Whey Protein but haven't trie it yet. should I drop both or just take one or the other?
creatine is for bulking mostly

take your whey protein after your workouts. 2 scoops mixed with a little more than 2 cups of water

right now i am 5'9 232 mostly all mucle. i asked 2 of my friends last night how mcuh they think i weight one said 170 the other said 185 tops. i dont look232 at all. right now my current plan is to follow my new diet that i just made, continue my supplement use, and now i am bulking until around march then doingkenny florians strentgh/condition + hypertrophy workouts and im doing muay thai along wtih my current brazilian jiu jitsu class. i am hoping to get to a lean205 by summer time. i can post up my work outs/exercise/diet plan
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I've never been in really great shape.. I've been chubby sine elementary, but I've never been super obese. like rolls all over being seen thru my shirt and shht. I've carried my weight pretty well just off the clothes that I use to wear.

Best shape of my life was probably junior yr of HS 5'9 a pretty solid 205lbs. Worst shape was after HS 5'9 ballooned all the way up to 265 I think.

Right now i'm down to 227lbs roughly at 5'9 I'm 23.

I've been hitting the gym pretty frequently since mid December, but i really haven't seen any significant results. I usually try to do 20 mins of cardio (treadmill), and everything else is pretty random..

All my fat is in my upper body, chest, and stomach.

What exercises are best to burn fat in the chest, and how often should I do them?

I don't want to bulk up not one bit. i'm trying to get down to 180lbs-190lbs, but hell I'd take anything less than 210lbs right now.

i also take creatine, and I bought some Whey Protein but haven't trie it yet. should I drop both or just take one or the other?
How's your diet? Why are you taking creatine when you don't want to bulk up?

How fast do you run on the treadmill during the 20 mins? Unless you're at the 7 level or running at least 2 miles, I don't think it's enough. Irun on the treadmill every time I go to the gym for 30 mins, it comes out to be a little more than 3 miles, just to warm up and get me ready to lift.

You said you've been hitting the gym since mid December, and not seeing significant results...that's because it's only been a month. Try checkingyour progress after 3 months to see if it changed.

If you want to lose weight, try attending those aerobic classes and such your gym offers. Again make sure your diet is on point, like Lurk previously stated.
My diet is laughable for the most part.. i don't have time to bake chicken or fish everyday. Easiest thing for me is fruits, and the steamed bags ofveggies from the grocery store. I snack a lot tho wheat thins, granola bars, maybe a bowl of cereal etc..

treadmill I can usually do 1.75 miles in 20 mins I know I need to get that up to 2 miles in less or right at 20 mins.. My boy said not to do more than 20 minsof hard cardio, and let weight lifting take care of the rest of the fat burning.

I also just bought taebo w/ the strength bands I want to do that 3-4 time a week on top of the gym 5x a week.

I guess I need to get my diet strict and on point and lay off the creatine for now?
my workout/diet/exercise/history/future lol

history: starting going to the gym last around around march. was a heavy 252 and didnt really start going to teh gym good until may-june then i stopped duringjuly and started again in mid october and now i am a good 232 look 180 though wear l-xl and 34-36

goals:to get to a lean/muscular 205 by summer

here my is my current workout/exercise
day 1 (monday)- skip lifting and go to bjj class (8-9). consists of core training, 4-5 5 minute sessions of grappling, and stretching. probably sweat out 2pounds per class.
day 2 (tuesday)- chest/triceps
3x Incline Bench press, dumbbells. R 8, 8, 8
3x Flat bench (Bar), R- 8, 8, 8
3x Dips. R- 8, 8, 8
3x Close Grip Bench R - 8, 8, 8
3x Cable Rope Pulldown R - 10, 10, 10
day 3 (wednesday)- back/biceps
3x Wide grip pull-ups (overhang bar). R- 8, 8, 8
3x Close grip Lat pull-downs (cable). R- 8, 8, 8
4x Dead lift (free bar). R 8, 8, 8
3x Barbell rows(free bar). R 8, 8, 8
3x Single Arm Preacher Curl R - 8, 8, 8
day 4 (thursday)- no lifting but go to bjj class (8-9)
day 5 (friday)- off
day 6 (shoulders/traps + maybe legs)
3x Dumbbell Military press. R- 8, 8, 8
3x Single arm cable rows. R 10, 10, 10 each arm.
3x Incline shoulder rows dumbbells. R- 10, 10, 10
3x shoulder shrugs (bar or bells) R 15, 15, 15
3x Squat R - 8, 8, 8
3x Leg Press 8, 8, 8
3x Calf Raise 15, 15, 15
3x Lunges i usually do them across the length of the room and back thats one set

Breakfast (6:20-6:40 AM)- 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1 yogurt, 1 whey/casein protein shake
Calories: 350
Carbs: 46
Protein: 34
Fat: 4
Snack (~9-10 AM)- 1 ON Lift Bar
Calories: 250
Carbs: 33
Protein: 20
Fat: 4
Lunch: (11-11:30 AM)- 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 can of tuna , 1 Nature Valley Granola bar
Calories: 460
Carbs: 60
Protein: 32
Fat: 12
Snack ( 2:20-2:30 PM)- 1 ON Gold Meal Replacement
Calories: 300
Carbs: 20
Protein: 45
Fat: 4
Post Workout (8-9 PM): 2 scoops of ON whey protein
Calories: 240
Carbs: 6
Protein: 48
Fat: 2
Dinner (9-10 PM): not sure, itll be whatever my mom makes probably. things like chicken with brown rice and stuff like that
Before bed (10-11:30 PM)- 1 ON Casein shake
Calories: 110
Carbs: 3
Protein: 24
Fat: 0.5

Calories: 1710
Carbs: 168
Protein: 203 ( i think this might be too much for trying to cut? not sure though. my weight is at like 232 and im trying to get to around 205)
Fat: 26.5

links to the ON meal replacement/protein bars

future: cutting in april. hope to be 205 by summer

after my bulking phase is done i will cut most of my weight lifing and do the following

join a muay thai/mma class along with my bjj. and i am buying ufc fighter kenny florian's workout dvds (he goes to the same mma gym as me). there isstrength, cardio, and hypertrophy workouts and im going to do those to cut and hopefully get to my weight

wish me luck guys
Creatine promotes water retention. I usually gain around 5lbs when I'm on creatine. The amount of weight gain is unique in each case but weight gain occursin the vast majority of cases.
Creatine basically improves muscular endurance. You may have been able to to 5 reps on your last set but now you can do 7. This is how strength gains are madeon creatine.

If you just want to lose weight than creatine is not necessary. it's a hassle really because drinking more water than usual is almost a perquisite.

If you just want to lose weight than stick to the basics.
If you can work out 4 times a week stick with legs, chest, back, shoulders every 7 days.
If you can only work out 2 days a week than stick with a push/pull routine.
If you have 3 days than go with a legs/chest & shoulders/ back routine.

Normal cardio will help you lose weight if you do lots of it or you can try HIIT (High Interval Intensity Training) type cardio which requires less time butsimilar/better results.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

My diet is laughable for the most part.. i don't have time to bake chicken or fish everyday. Easiest thing for me is fruits, and the steamed bags of veggies from the grocery store. I snack a lot tho wheat thins, granola bars, maybe a bowl of cereal etc..

treadmill I can usually do 1.75 miles in 20 mins I know I need to get that up to 2 miles in less or right at 20 mins.. My boy said not to do more than 20 mins of hard cardio, and let weight lifting take care of the rest of the fat burning.

I also just bought taebo w/ the strength bands I want to do that 3-4 time a week on top of the gym 5x a week.

I guess I need to get my diet strict and on point and lay off the creatine for now?
You don't need to bake anything. Just cop the $20 George Foreman grill and go get some slices of chicken breast at the local market. Ittakes 2-3 for the chicken breast to be cooked on the grill. I think the biggest work you need to improve on is your diet.
I'm 6'3 170. I got up to 180 last year then slacked and lost weight due to my diet. I'm doing 200 push-ups daily to stay toned untill I hit the gymand start my rigorous diet.

I WANNA GET RIPPED AWWWW YEAH!!!! i have like no muscle right no
Age: 24
Weight: 158 Lbs.
Height: 5' 10"

I have been leaning out for about 4 months or so, I still have some muscle but I would like a little more. I will be starting to bulk up for the summer(minimal though maybe 5/10 pounds max). I dont want to be big, my goal is a swimmer/surfer body.
around 205+ when graduated HS in 04
dropped to the 180-190 range when college started, stayed at that range for a while......
was around 190 in beginning of Summer 07, and dropped to 163-165 by Jan 08
was at 155 sometime in the early sept of 08, gained more muscle mass from pushups and lifting
now currently at

5'7'' - 160lbs

did alot of cardio: ellipticals for an hour a day everyday since the Summer of 07 (I miss about 2-3 workout days a month, due to must have studying or chillingtoo late).
chicken is like 75% of my diet, chicken wraps, chicken sandwiches, replacement slim fast shake a day for either lunch or breakfast, drinking low caloriebeverages like crystal light, lean cuisine meals or healthy choice meals (only by them if on sale at stop and shop), special k, bananas, fruits etc....

having to change my whole wardrobe (jeans, shirts) FTL
I'm 5'11, 190lbs. If I maintained my muscle but dropped to 180lbs, I would be lean, but these last 10lbs are stubborn as hell. I used to be a fat 185in high-school (no muscle, probably 25% body fat) and then I dropped to a sickly 160 in university (skinny-fat). Since September I decided to change my dietand bust my *!@ and I'm seeing results. I take no supplements what-so-ever aside from multivitamins and protein. I have taken Cell-Mass and other crap likethat in the past, but all it does is bloats you and does nothing for your strength gains. To be quite honest, I've been off creatine for over a month nowand I'm the strongest I've ever been. I'm close to joining the 1,000lb club - 375lb deadlift, 295lb squat (I neglected my legs hardcore when Ifirst started so I'm playing catch-up), 275lb flat bench (I just switched over from db's to the bar). My routine used to consist of 3x5 (HEAVY) butI've dropped the weights and switched to a 3x12 lately to switch things up. It's been working pretty well. As said many times, being fit is alifestyle. I work out at 6:30am because I am too busy after work. I don't like waking up that early, but it's necessary to get where I need to be. Ieat clean and have a couple of cheat meals a week. I'd like to say I don't drink, but I do a couple of times a month (and I get dumb with it too) whichis a shame because alcohol really prohibits protein synthesis. And as mentioned, DIET, DIET, DIET. Food is fuel. If you put sugar in your car's gas tank,how would it run? You gotta treat your body the same way.
5'6" 129 i used to weigh 115 in high school when i ran track and cross country, i don't want to get that skinny again, but i definitely don'twant to gain anymore weight.
i've decided to join my college's run club and get back in shape, i've also started going to cardio core classes and going to the gym 5 times aweek. by spring break (second week in March) i plan to be down to 120 and have my abs back.
Age: 22

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 224lbs.

Goal: I want to be 240lbs. by June then 260lbs by this time next year!
State your stats, ie height, age, weight, body fat percentage, etc. and what your goal is by late spring/early summer. And by let's say May or June whenthe weather gets warmer, resurrect the post and see if you've met your set goal.

6'3, Age 25, 30% BF, 320 lbs. Goal by late spring, early summer 280ish, 15-20 percent, running a few miles without stopping, dunking again, and fitting allmy older clothes. (SMH, at the best shape of my life I was 185 lbs and booming on people). High School Basketball 2 a day practices+high metabolism FTW.Getting older sucks. Edit: To get to my goals, I'm working out with a personal trainer MWF for an hour, and running with a friend who is training for amarathon Tue/Thurs. Hooping on Saturday nights. The hardest thing for me is diet, I work out hard as hell and just destroy any progress by eating crap. Got toget better control of my diet, I'm in 2 weddings this year, one of them as best man.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I've never been in really great shape.. I've been chubby sine elementary, but I've never been super obese. like rolls all over being seen thru my shirt and shht. I've carried my weight pretty well just off the clothes that I use to wear.

Best shape of my life was probably junior yr of HS 5'9 a pretty solid 205lbs. Worst shape was after HS 5'9 ballooned all the way up to 265 I think.

Right now i'm down to 227lbs roughly at 5'9 I'm 23.

I've been hitting the gym pretty frequently since mid December, but i really haven't seen any significant results. I usually try to do 20 mins of cardio (treadmill), and everything else is pretty random..

All my fat is in my upper body, chest, and stomach.

What exercises are best to burn fat in the chest, and how often should I do them?

I don't want to bulk up not one bit. i'm trying to get down to 180lbs-190lbs, but hell I'd take anything less than 210lbs right now.

i also take creatine, and I bought some Whey Protein but haven't trie it yet. should I drop both or just take one or the other?

if youre cuttin forget creatine
-24 yrs. old
-228 lbs.

I workout/run/hoop everyday.
My diet consists of whole grains, eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, nuts, chicken, some beef, turkey, lots of veggies, some fruits, rice, and whey protein for the mostpart.
I stopped drinking for the most part...but I still

I feel great, its all about having a healthy lifestyle.

My only goal right now is continue living healthy and fit.
for all you dudes who have lost 40+ pounds in like 2 months, what did you guys do? I'm joining the navy and have taken the asvab and all of that, but Ineed to shed about 40 or so pounds to go to get my scheduled date for bootcamp.
Age: 21

Height: 6'1

Weight: 210

Little chubby around the stomach and back, looking to get back to 190 by summer! Its gonna be a little hard becuase i have low blood sugar and i have to eat tosurvive
a little over a year ago i weighed 250 standing at 6'1
now im a solid 200 still at 6'1
i want to cut down to a very lean and ripped 175-185? imma aim for 185 first and see how i feel, look and how much i'm lifting. (hopefully my statsdon't go down)
good luck to everyone trynna achieve something! hopefully i look the way i plan to by the spring/summer.
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