Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I'm intrigued as well, and since it's not in Houston I know it's not a woman with 3+ kids I've already dated
So I made plans with this chick to hang out today, I asked what was a good time she said she'll be free after 9:30, I said cool.

Explain to me how she just hit me up like are we still hanging out this morning. She meant 9:30am, what kinda no job having single mother am I about to go out with?

Who the hell goes on dates at 930 in the morning on a weekday?
 She's lucky she's cute, but this has L written all over it.
I met a female off of POF a few years back. Shorty would never give me a concrete time for us to hang, she would always have an excuse anytime I tried to line up a date. One Saturday morning she called me at 6 AM, 4 times, back to back..I answer and she says "Oh....It sounds like you're sleeping" Kinda with an attitude..I'm like yo its 6 AM, WTF do you want? She said she wanted to see if I wanted to hang out with her right now..I hung up and texted her to never call my phone again.
I know dudes ain't typically looking to pay for **** but has anyone messed with Ashley Madison?? :nerd:
We spent a good part of the night together, didn't smash. She wants to hang out again right now.

She's actually really cool but ol girl got a lot of baggage.  Her baby daddy was abusive so they split years ago, he's in jail,
she's adopted and got parent issues.......

She's cute so I'm debating putitng on the superman costume. 
I'm not going to discourage you because I don't know her..But based on my experience, these situations have been a handful and not worth it. How long is he in jail for? Did she tell you?
no idea 
 He went to jail after their second kid. 
 and has been in ever since. 

She's fun, I'm pretty sure its in the bag as far as smashing goes but I don't know how long I should drag this out. I wouldn't mind a friends with benefits type set up but I know it's only a matter of time until she start asking me to meet the babies. 
What happened to all them bad chicks you were bagging on BeautifulPeople.com?????

How did you go from landing those type of chicks to these bottom of the barrel situations???

Its like we are listening to a different LIARBLOOD now...since then...hmmmm
Anyone know about this site? It looks like it has potential.....you have to get voted in first so in theory that means no fatties. 

Beautiful people.com

Good luck, it's looks like I'm gonna get in a few more hours.
I said I'm skinny by my standards, my family and friends 
 when they compare me now to what I was like 2 years ago. I went from 240 range to 215 at some point a few months ago. Now i'm a healthy 225-230. At no point did any of those look scrawny. I'm athletic to average build. 

I don't know who you guys think I am but I am far from fat and far from "Scrawny" 

Anyhow tryna get at this chick on the site.


Step your game up 
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What happened to all them bad chicks you were bagging on BeautifulPeople.com?????

How did you go from landing those type of chicks to these bottom of the barrel situations???

Its like we are listening to a different LIARBLOOD now...since then...hmmmm
Lol I don't get how you're constantly trying to call people out or say someone is lying about something when we post semi normal stuff..But you posting ish about tying up ******* in your basement and peeing on them while they lick your butthole...hmmm
Lol I don't get how you're constantly trying to call people out or say someone is lying about something when we post semi normal stuff..But you posting ish about tying up ******* in your basement and peeing on them while they lick your butthole...hmmm
I don't have to lie about anything though.....

He good he can fight his own battles...why you getting emotional?
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I don't have to lie about anything though.....

He good he can fight his own battles...why you getting emotional?
Exactly lol, none of us have to lie and why is there a battle to even be fought? We all in here just giving advice and sharing our experiences, but you playing Mr. Myth buster..Seems like you're the one with the emotions running, relax, just stating what I see you're doing, you out there pulling up dudes post history
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Aye man ain't nothing like a chick u could vibe with and have good conversation. The model type is great but if we can't talk about **** I'll get bored extremely fast and stop talking to you. If you can entertain me and make me laugh that leaves room for some extra lbs and a little baggage
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