Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Yo my boy be wilding on tinder [emoji]128514[/emoji], every time he match with a chick , he check if they have any snapchat in their bio then he send them a Meat pic , he told me 4/10 will either screenshot it & the rest will straight up block him lol . Dude literally wrote in his bio " you know why I'm here ".
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I don't believe in game for online dating lol, it's all about how you look, could be your face, muscles , how you dress whatever, and how good your pics. All that other stuff imo don't matter.
I don't believe in game for online dating lol, it's all about how you look, could be your face, muscles , how you dress whatever, and how good your pics. All that other stuff imo don't matter.
Listen yall

This is true to an extent..Only with the initial contact online though. Once you pull the number you're going to need some type of game for sure. It all depends on the type of woman and the area you're in. I'm in Miami, it's advanced difficulty level to pull a female and keep their attention with all the competition from scammers, models, club promoters, and even athletes (I've talked to about 5 females who had flings with pro football/basketball players they met on tinder). These females are definitely superficial and looking for attraction, that will get you their attention and the number, that's the easy part, getting in the panties now takes the gift of gab, if you don't have it, they are on to the next guy in their catalog of 10000 matches
I don't believe in game for online dating lol, it's all about how you look, could be your face, muscles , how you dress whatever, and how good your pics. All that other stuff imo don't matter.

I agree with this. It's like 95% looks (presentation might be a better word actually), 5% game.

And that 5% game is simply using common sense.
Listen yall

This is true to an extent..Only with the initial contact online though. Once you pull the number you're going to need some type of game for sure. It all depends on the type of woman and the area you're in. I'm in Miami, it's advanced difficulty level to pull a female and keep their attention with all the competition from scammers, models, club promoters, and even athletes (I've talked to about 5 females who had flings with pro football/basketball players they met on tinder). These females are definitely superficial and looking for attraction, that will get you their attention and the number, that's the easy part, getting in the panties now takes the gift of gab, if you don't have it, they are on to the next guy in their catalog of 10000 matches

Bra you hit it , right on the head with this . I've been saying this forever , if you don't have the swag & the mouthpiece you better be pushing a 5 series . Because in Miami you're competing with club promoters , scammers & athletes . It's weird once I leave the states or the city I get so much love .
I agree with this. It's like 95% looks (presentation might be a better word actually), 5% game.

And that 5% game is simply using common sense.

Yep lol have a dope bio and think someone gonna read that crap on tinder, you get matches base on looks or style, or if you some muscle fit dude
Yo my boy be wilding on tinder [emoji]128514[/emoji], every time he match with a chick , he check if they have any snapchat in their bio then he send them a Meat pic , he told me 4/10 will either screenshot it & the rest will straight up block him lol . Dude literally wrote in his bio " you know why I'm here ".


It matters when you meet up. IF you meet up.

Definitely. You can think you're hitting it off with a chick big-time, but really she just wants a pin-pal because she's mad at her boyfriend at the time and enjoys the convo.
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Yo my boy be wilding on tinder [emoji]128514[/emoji], every time he match with a chick , he check if they have any snapchat in their bio then he send them a Meat pic , he told me 4/10 will either screenshot it & the rest will straight up block him lol . Dude literally wrote in his bio " you know why I'm here ".

Your friend got the formula for success!
I don't believe in game for online dating lol, it's all about how you look, could be your face, muscles , how you dress whatever, and how good your pics. All that other stuff imo don't matter.

I agree.

Only thing that sucks is some of these chicks aren't into certain ethnicities. You could be a handsome Black dude and message a Black chick and she may not respond cause she's only into other races.

You could be a handsome white dude and message a White chick and she may not respond cause she's only into other races.
6 out of 10 profiles i run across in my area they always have in caps " Caucasian men only, no im not racist i just know what i want"
Y'all gotta get over women's preferences. We all got preferences. It's SOOOOO many chicks out here for dudes to be getting hung up on a chick that doesn't give them any rap.
Some dudes don't have the heart to approach women outside, so to them the selection of women they have with online dating sites/apps is all the see and have access to.

The women on apps and sites are only a tiny percentage of your cities potential
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I agree.

Only thing that sucks is some of these chicks aren't into certain ethnicities. You could be a handsome Black dude and message a Black chick and she may not respond cause she's only into other races.

You could be a handsome white dude and message a White chick and she may not respond cause she's only into other races.

6 out of 10 profiles i run across in my area they always have in caps " Caucasian men only, no im not racist i just know what i want"


yea they got dissed by 1 or 2 black dudes in middle school and been harboring resentment ever since

So I made plans with this chick to hang out today, I asked what was a good time she said she'll be free after 9:30, I said cool.

Explain to me how she just hit me up like are we still hanging out this morning. She meant 9:30am, what kinda no job having single mother am I about to go out with? :rofl:

Who the hell goes on dates at 930 in the morning on a weekday? :lol:  She's lucky she's cute, but this has L written all over it.

When was the last time you actually smashed? It seems you just set up these horrible unfruitful dates and complain about them :lol:
She said she's a consultant, that could literally mean anything. But like she sends me pics of herself in her sleeping clothes looking like she clearly just got up at like 11am. Maybe she works from home aka a stay at home mom. :lol:  

We are still on for tonite though, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm not even gonna bring up who's babysitting her children.:lol:
Baby daddy ?
She said she's a consultant, that could literally mean anything. But like she sends me pics of herself in her sleeping clothes looking like she clearly just got up at like 11am. Maybe she works from home aka a stay at home mom. :lol:  

We are still on for tonite though, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm not even gonna bring up who's babysitting her children.:lol:

I'm weirdly interested to know how this goes. LMAO

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