Highest Paid Musicians of 2015

Definitely answered it 
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what does thinking he is a rap jesus have to do with acknowledging what he is

he has what 73 songs in the Hot 100 since 2009? that's insane

Wayne's run wasn't nearly the run Drake has had but he def is a legend
man I can't

if you don't see what Drake is then it's just blind hate

I clearly said I acknowledge that Drake is very successful..Dude sells tons of albums, is a big celebrity, and makes more cash in a day than I'll make in my lifetime..So now that you can, once again, see that I've given Drake his due let's get back to what else I said..He's rap's current "it" guy..But will he still be in 5 yrs?..10 yrs?..Rap is a very finicky genre that tends to pick up and drop trends super quick..In 5 yrs are people still gonna be dying to listen to a dude rap-sing emotional rap songs?..I doubt it..And even if he manages to stay at or near the top of rap, which he currently is, he still won't be on the level of the other artists I mentioned..
man I really can't

Drake has more top 100 songs then the freakin Beatles

Drake is above rap if you can't see that then I can't lead you to the light
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Ohhh now I remember. He's that dude that Taylor Swift wouldn't do an ad campaign with cause they weren't married? Still haven't heard his music, I don't go to raves.
man I really can't

Drake has more top 100 songs then the freakin Beatles

Drake is above rap if you can't see that then I can't lead you to the light

The music industry when the Beatles was hot is TOTALLY different than it is now. I dont think downloads and streams was counted back then.

Yes, Drake is the man NOW, but to say hes a legend now is a bit of a reach.
Also, y'all don't support rappers. Y'all just steal their music so how are they supposed to make money? NT doesn't believe in compensating artists.

Future is the hottest rapper out but that doesn't equal millions.
Jay z is a hip hop god... We are calling a pop star the hip hop god of this generation? I can't stand drake but I can see him sticking around in a kanye esque way. How ye keep the newest cats writing for him drake is gonna be the same way. The weeknds, Travis Scotts of the world are born everyday and as long as they got money they will pen those tracks
man I really can't

Drake has more top 100 songs then the freakin Beatles

Drake is above rap if you can't see that then I can't lead you to the light

:rofl: Please don't compare Aubrey to The Beatles..

The Beatle 1 album has sold more units than Drake's entire catalog..

And be honest, how hard is it to get a song in the top 100 these days?..How many singles do you have to sell in a week to make the top 100?..
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Can't take Justin Beiber serious. I don't care if he young, that's the same as the "I was drunk" Riley KKKooper excuse lol. He was old enough to know what the KKK is. Everything about the kid screams culture vulture. On top of that his music ain't that good IMO. It's plenty of real R&B artist out that are better than him.

Man I don't know if ya'll are serious, or just forgot how much of a dickhead you were at 15. By that logic, ya'll baggy pants wearing, female dogging, school skipping, weed smoking, foul mouth degenerates should not have access to jobs. If you really thought about it, you've said as bad. I won't keep being overly critical of a kid, they're not influencers, they're influenced. To keep pushing that is like being in the same category as those who justify young black kids murders by police because they weren't exactly straight a students.


Bruh you sound crazy. You comparing wearing baggy clothes and skipping school to racial slurs and saying I'm a join the KKK. You comparing justifying black kids being killed to me saying I don't take him serious. I never said the kid should be killed for what he said. You sound like a house _ for real. If y'all wanna love Bieber and give him a pass go 'head. I'm cool on that.
I throw in the towel, some people just choose to see this little picture and not the big picture

Drake will be irrelevant in a few years, probably doing bar tours opening for Hurricane Chris
Oh Im a hater because I dont think hes rap Jesus. ok

So let ask you this...is Wayne a legend???

what does thinking he is a rap jesus have to do with acknowledging what he is

he has what 73 songs in the Hot 100 since 2009? that's insane

Wayne's run wasn't nearly the run Drake has had but he def is a legend

I think you're letting you fandom cloud your mind..I'm not a Drake fan at all, but I can easily acknowledge that dude is very successful..But let's not pretend he's on the level of Jay, Kanye (who I hate more than any person in music ever), Beyonce, Katy, Taylor, Madonna, Adele, Timberlake, Bieber, 1D, or Nicki..Drake ain't selling out arenas/stadiums like these other artists..And Drake's albums ain't putting up these people's numbers..He's definitely the latest "it" guy in rap, but that's it..Drake ain't the global brand that these others are

man I can't

if you don't see what Drake is then it's just blind hate

oh so "he" is wayne? Ill take that

So stillin729 stillin729 you see Wayne as a legend?

Dudes are legit ignoring the parts they want to keep the argument going. You guys arguments against Drake are super weak, especially in the face of facts. No one's being a super fan here, but c'mon man.
Dudes are legit ignoring the parts they want to keep the argument going. You guys arguments against Drake are super weak, especially in the face of facts. No one's being a super fan here, but c'mon man.

And what facts am I ignoring?
Can't take Justin Beiber serious. I don't care if he young, that's the same as the "I was drunk" Riley KKKooper excuse lol. He was old enough to know what the KKK is. Everything about the kid screams culture vulture. On top of that his music ain't that good IMO. It's plenty of real R&B artist out that are better than him.

Man I don't know if ya'll are serious, or just forgot how much of a dickhead you were at 15. By that logic, ya'll baggy pants wearing, female dogging, school skipping, weed smoking, foul mouth degenerates should not have access to jobs. If you really thought about it, you've said as bad. I won't keep being overly critical of a kid, they're not influencers, they're influenced. To keep pushing that is like being in the same category as those who justify young black kids murders by police because they weren't exactly straight a students.


Bruh you sound crazy. You comparing wearing baggy clothes and skipping school to racial slurs and saying I'm a join the KKK. You comparing justifying black kids being killed to me saying I don't take him serious. I never said the kid should be killed for what he said. You sound like a house _ for real. If y'all wanna love Bieber and give him a pass go 'head. I'm cool on that.

You're a half brained idiot. A house _? are you serious? You're a hypocrite. No one said give him a pass, but stop being a ******* small minded hypocrite. Maybe that's too much to ask. Dude sang an offensive, childish diddle as a child. I hope someone digs into your past when you were a kid and punishes you severely for your transgressions. I would legitimately break your ******* jaw for calling me that over something so small because you're not intelligent enough to articulate something with some sense.
The Raptors have a Drake night every year...

People who don't even listen to rap love Drake...

Drake gonna be around for a minute. Like dude said, he has an eye for talent and knows how to temporarily leech off people to extend what he got going on.

If I were him, I'd become raps Justin Timberlake by going out on top at 30 to do acting and then do an album every 3-4 years.
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bruh what you underlined is an edit

My bad then.

Dudes are legit ignoring the parts they want to keep the argument going. You guys arguments against Drake are super weak, especially in the face of facts. No one's being a super fan here, but c'mon man.

And what facts am I ignoring?

You want to write off someone with 70 something top 10 hits as irrelevant. Think about that.
Drake has had 4 consecutive #1 albums if you count the mixtape from this year and 73 Hot 100 hits

is that just suddenly going to stop after 6 years?
Drake has had 4 consecutive #1 albums if you count the mixtape from this year and 73 Hot 100 hits

is that just suddenly going to stop after 6 years?

There's been way more successful artists than Drake that released 1 bad album and didn't recover..So for you to automatically assume that his current success will sustain itself is not too smart..Besides how many rappers can you name that have had a successful career after being in the industry for 10 yrs +..It's not that big of a list..
The Raptors have a Drake night every year...

People who don't even listen to rap love Drake...

Drake gonna be around for a minute. Like dude said, he has an eye for talent and knows how to temporarily leech off people to extend what he got going on.

If I were him, I'd become raps Justin Timberlake by going out on top at 30 to do acting and then do an album every 3-4 years.

None of that makes you a musical legend doe.
It's always interesting to see how people are influenced by the bubble they live in

I don't remember the last time a drake song came on the radio here, his new music is awful
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