Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I'm not a vaccine guy so there may be some technical inacurracies but my understanding of vaccines is that traditionally they're whole viruses that are weakened or killed that we take inside our bodies so the immune system will learn to build a defense against it for when we encounter the virus when it's not neutered (there are exceptions to this like subunit vaccines that only contain part of the virus like the tdap vaccine)

The kinds of vaccines that Pfizer and Moderna are making won't contain the whole virus. What they did was they took mrna and coated it in lipid so it won't break down until it gets inside our cells. After it's injected inside us and gets inside our cells, our body will read the Mrna instructions and mass produce a crap ton of the covid protein spike, and just the protein spike. The idea is that our immune system will recognize the covid protein spike as foreign and mount a defense that targets those protein spikes specifically.

There's some advantages to this. One, since the vaccines only contain part of the virus, the chances of us getting sick from it should theoretically be slim. Two, the body will be mass producing these protein spikes for weeks to give us a chance to mount a defense. With a traditional vaccine the nerfed virus might not be around for that long so the body may not develop a potent defense.

Reading this boosted my confidence in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (at least my confidence in not getting sick from it)... Whenever an mrna vaccine is made available to me (maybe they'll offer it to me work) I'll take it.


When I find the article that explains this I'll put a link on it below
thank you for breaking it down
Why do people think the vaccine is a cure and once taken, they are immune forever?
Length of time is unknown but perhaps a booster every year or so isn’t unreasonable. For reference, the most similar known virus is the original SARS and those who were infected still show strong immune response 17 years later.
There is also evidence of cross immunity between the two viruses.
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This is an amazingly comprehensive and informative discussion about vaccines and therapeutics that answered many questions I had in my mind and many I’ve seen posted here recently. It is a MUST WATCH for anyone who thinks they know or wants to know the current state of what’s really going on. It’s pretty high level, discussed in plain English and not difficult to understand for the average person.

I like masks.

Earlier this year, I stated my concerns and observations for wearing gloses and some of it applies to masks as well. I'm not particularly overjoyed, when I see someone correcting their mask, by pinching the nose and mouth area, before then touching a door handle with their bare hand. Maybe it has marginal effect, but it serves as a great visual reminder, that **** is ****** up right now. Also I have a reputable mask collection, so I'm going to keep wearing them long after I get the vaccine.
I like masks.

Earlier this year, I stated my concerns and observations for wearing gloses and some of it applies to masks as well. I'm not particularly overjoyed, when I see someone correcting their mask, by pinching the nose and mouth area, before then touching a door handle with their bare hand. Maybe it has marginal effect, but it serves as a great visual reminder, that **** is ****ed up right now. Also I have a reputable mask collection, so I'm going to keep wearing them long after I get the vaccine.
I have a feeling even if one of the vaccine proves to be highly effective this spring/summer we'll still be seeing the masses wearing masks well into 2022 and restaurants/stores/gyms etc. requiring them well into 22' as well. Obviously as we have seen though it'll be different state to state.
This is an amazingly comprehensive and informative discussion about vaccines and therapeutics that answered many questions I had in my mind and many I’ve seen posted here recently. It is a MUST WATCH for anyone who thinks they know or wants to know the current state of what’s really going on. It’s pretty high level, discussed in plain English and not difficult to understand for the average person.

I'll watch this later...some clues as to what specifics they talk about?
I'll watch this later...some clues as to what specifics they talk about?

There's way too much to cover quickly because they talk about EVERYTHING (even the transportation/storage issues we were discussing recently) related to vaccines, remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies, and even the potential interaction between them, say if you received monoclonal antibodies how long you should wait to get a vaccine because the antibodies could prevent the vaccine from working. They even discuss why the EUA of vaccines will be different than the EUA's for therapeutics such as remdesivir, convalescent plasma, hydroxychloroquine. If you have an hour commute or even break it up in 2 sessions, it's a great listen and I'm sure you'll find some insight.
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Just got an emergency alert on my phone saying Illinois is now at tier 3 mitigation
So that means most stores can only have 25% capacity
Stores should of stayed at a certain capacity like in the beginning imo
There were times I would walk into a Walmart or Costco and it would be packed asf
Family member was talking with her friend today that had COVID+, was in ICU 2 weeks for shortness of breath 02 sats in 70%s.

Discharged with: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Multivitamin, supplemental oxygen (as needed)
Can't believe it's already been a year.

Thinking about how stupid people are, it will probably get really ugly after Christmas.

Toronto just went into another "lockdown", yet schools are still open. People still going to work etc.
QU!K QU!K I think it's going to be really bad the week after Thanksgiving. I just found out one of my boys is at a friendsgiving :smh: Yeah, I heard about Toronto's lockdown. My dumbass cousin in Toronto still hasn't gotten his flu shot :stoneface:
QU!K QU!K I think it's going to be really bad the week after Thanksgiving. I just found out one of my boys is at a friendsgiving :smh: Yeah, I heard about Toronto's lockdown. My dumbass cousin in Toronto still hasn't gotten his flu shot :stoneface:
There was a bump after Canadian thanksgiving and Halloween so I wouldn’t be surprised.

I wouldn’t be shocked if US hit 300k deaths by 2nd week of January
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