Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Our testing center has gone from next-day results in the summer to 6-days-later results now.

That renders these tests pretty much useless for slowing the spread over Thanksgiving. Which is a good reminder that the best way to stay safe is to self-isolate for a full 2 weeks before seeing family, test or no test.
Do you guys think spraying a Cloth mask down with disinfectant is enough before re-wearing?
This is a question we need answered. I was thinking about it today like “ I wonder if I spray this mask down, will the disinfectant chemicals get in my lungs when I wear it?”
Here is some analysis on how many deaths we can expect. This guy argues there's a 22-day lag between cases and deaths, which makes sense. The ratio of deaths today to cases 22 days ago should be pretty constant in the short-term (although it has declined from April to now due to increased testing and better treatment). This is the so-called Case Fatality Rate and is around 1.7% today.

We now have >1 million cases per week. Doing the math, that translates to 2400 deaths/day by December 10. It could end up being a little higher or lower than that due to many different factors, but it's reasonable to predict 1500-3000 deaths every day for the month of December. That comes out to 50,000-100,000 deaths over the holidays.

I should add that some models are more optimistic and predict we'll have "only" 1700 deaths/day by mid-December.

On masks.

I mashinewash my cloths, but I also mix it up with reusables.

I think my tap water is 49°C, so I guess, I could make due will some detergent or soap. Depanding on the thickness, you want to make sure it gets enough time to dry.

Also carry a ziploc bag in my pocket, if I need to remove/reuse my mask.
My friend did a saliva test with her husband. She said it was gross af. A room full of people just repeatedly spitting in a cup trying to fill it up. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I much rather take it up the nose. :lol:

It's legitimately difficult to generate the amount of saliva retired in a short amount time. The faster you go, the more uncomfortable it is. The slower you go, the longer you're siting there with a vial of spittle in your hand like a dumb ***.
My state was among the first to shut down, had huge economic ruin, Was the first to shut down again and now we're at 33% positivity on new tests, and we have 10 grocery stores closed , with 50 more on the watch list

This is easily 20 times worse than any first surge or shutdown. This isn't slightly going backwards. This is off the edge FAST.

We had so much mask compliance and never fully opened. I don't get it.



so we had parents and students protesting at cIt’s hall today because of the school closures today. DeBlasio admitted he doesn’t have a plan for re-opening.
Schools were barely open a month before they had to close down again.
Had the city kept schools closed in the first place we wouldn’t be having this issue.
My state was among the first to shut down, had huge economic ruin, Was the first to shut down again and now we're at 33% positivity on new tests, and we have 10 grocery stores closed , with 50 more on the watch list

This is easily 20 times worse than any first surge or shutdown. This isn't slightly going backwards. This is off the edge FAST.

We had so much mask compliance and never fully opened. I don't get it.
Every state eased restrictions throughout the summer. People felt confident and started traveling again. Gatherings took place. Schools re-opened. Warnings of a second wave in the fall/winter were expressed early on in the pandemic.
This is the result of all that.

There were warnings and predictions about this so it’s not surprising at all.

Thats all it takes i guess. Just witness two ppl you know die and you finally see the light

My local city official will not enforce this curfew order. I kinda understand they are already short handed dealing with any gun shooting. Some local businesses are going to rally in front of our city hall protesting for another shutdown. I understand their struggle I really do. If I were them, Im blaming those entitled idiots who don't want to comply wearing mask, having large gathering, etc. If we just suck it up for few weeks, Im sure it won't be this bad. We are on our own, just use your common sense and keep agile.
I'm not a vaccine guy so there may be some technical inacurracies but my understanding of vaccines is that traditionally they're whole viruses that are weakened or killed that we take inside our bodies so the immune system will learn to build a defense against it for when we encounter the virus when it's not neutered (there are exceptions to this like subunit vaccines that only contain part of the virus like the tdap vaccine)

The kinds of vaccines that Pfizer and Moderna are making won't contain the whole virus. What they did was they took mrna and coated it in lipid so it won't break down until it gets inside our cells. After it's injected inside us and gets inside our cells, our body will read the Mrna instructions and mass produce a crap ton of the covid protein spike, and just the protein spike. The idea is that our immune system will recognize the covid protein spike as foreign and mount a defense that targets those protein spikes specifically.

There's some advantages to this. One, since the vaccines only contain part of the virus, the chances of us getting sick from it should theoretically be slim. Two, the body will be mass producing these protein spikes for weeks to give us a chance to mount a defense. With a traditional vaccine the nerfed virus might not be around for that long so the body may not develop a potent defense.

Reading this boosted my confidence in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (at least my confidence in not getting sick from it)... Whenever an mrna vaccine is made available to me (maybe they'll offer it to me work) I'll take it.


When I find the article that expla

ins this I'll put a link on it below


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