Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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A travel ban should have been put in place earlier this week. What did they think, that people are going to follow CDC recommendations on their own?

people are selfish and narrow minded. I was supposed to fly to LA to see my parents on thanksgiving. I cancelled my flight once things started spiraling out of control. Especially being that I’m currently living in Texas where they’re doing a piss poor job with covid.

Does it suck that my plans got cancelled and I won’t see my family for the holidays? Of course it does. But sometimes you need to think beyond yourself and not act childish over being inconvenienced. My parents are up in age and it would be selfish af for me to fly out there with everything spiking out of control.
It’s crazy that folks are flying right now
Crowded airports and probably full flights
Then meeting up with family and close friends...
And after they meet all these folks, they go back around a bunch of more folks at the airport to get back home and then infect the people they work and shop with.

Fun stuff. Fun stuff.

My job got through the spring and summer with no scares. In fall, at my facility, which only has about 40ish or so people working there, has had 5 scares and 3 confirmed positives.

The wall of protection I felt in spring and summer is gone.
And after they meet all these folks, they go back around a bunch of more folks at the airport to get back home and then infect the people they work and shop with.

Fun stuff. Fun stuff.

My job got through the spring and summer with no scares. In fall, at my facility, which only has about 40ish or so people working there, has had 5 scares and 3 confirmed positives.

The wall of protection I felt in spring and summer is gone.

My company moved offices in October end we had a soft opening 2 mondays ago. That same Thursday they told us office is shutting down because 2 people tested positive. Like why the **** are people travelingby subway to come into the office like that. We haven’t had an issue working remotely since March.
Just got an emergency alert on my phone saying Illinois is now at tier 3 mitigation
So that means most stores can only have 25% capacity
Stores should of stayed at a certain capacity like in the beginning imo
There were times I would walk into a Walmart or Costco and it would be packed asf

nobody following this, went to Marianos off King drive after that alert cameout and it was more packed than ever
I mentioned grocery stores closing down a few days ago. It’s worse than I thought it’d be. Of 23 stores or businesses forced to close (4 or more rapid responses within 14 days), 13 of them are grocery stores. And the governor and health department are following through.
Can anyone recall any other region or state or country closing down grocery stores? This seems harsh. I guess they really do want folks to stay home
So now we have 75 person capacity limits, 3 hour long lines to enter, and grocery stores that remain closed with police at their door as food rots away. This in a state (nm) barely surging

All in the name of public safety I guess.
All grocery stores will soon fall into the 4 case category as people flood to these places. It’s totally self fulfilling. It doesn’t matter if the workforce is 1,000 deep, 4 cases is their threshold.
Wow closing grocery stores is crazy
Essential stores like grocery just need to limit capacity like they did in the beginning
Personally I don’t mind waiting in line to get in if the wait isn’t that long
Went to Costco 2 days ago and it was packed
It was difficult to social distance at times
The American has no concept of moderation. They see a line and they want to wait in it. They see a crowd and they want to pack in.

Instead of a reasonable and sustainable middle ground, we instead go from 0 to 60 back to 0 again. We should open as many things as possible but with reduced capacity. We should stagger work, travel, shopping, and covid testing to avoid crowds and bottlenecks. We (the entire country) should have been doing this since September when we first saw a surge in the Dakotas. We would have blunted the surge and probably been able to avoid the more severe restrictions that are necessary now.

But nope. Americans love their lines and their crowds.
btw - it was at the end of September when cases started going up in the Dakotas and there was concern about the plateau in hospitalizations (which had been decreasing before that).

The warning was that the uptrend in the Dakotas was not an outlier, but an early warning sign of what would happen to the rest of the country as colder weather engulfed the rest of the states.

That was 2 months ago...

Another thing -- there was a clear bump in South Dakota in late August, which coincides with people coming home from the Sturgis motorcycle rally:


You could argue that it was a relatively small bump that peaked on September 1. But the alternate explanation is that this event (along with other similar gatherings throughout the summer and early fall) acted as seeding events, essentially planting superspreaders in various communities throughout the country. This is like a chain reaction, where small changes early on can lead to big outbreaks down the road

Another way to put it -- if we had got the numbers down to 10k cases per day in late summer rather than 40k, we would be in a much better position right now.

tl:dr; This was predicted 2 months ago. And the irresponsibility of this country when numbers looked ok in summer are what set the stage for the explosion in numbers we are seeing today.
Where I’ll be is actually safer than St. Paul I feel due to the fact that you literally see no one.

nobody lives there. :lol: it’s real bad in Sioux Falls. I’ll be damn near in Wyoming.
I mentioned grocery stores closing down a few days ago. It’s worse than I thought it’d be. Of 23 stores or businesses forced to close (4 or more rapid responses within 14 days), 13 of them are grocery stores. And the governor and health department are following through.
Can anyone recall any other region or state or country closing down grocery stores? This seems harsh. I guess they really do want folks to stay home
So now we have 75 person capacity limits, 3 hour long lines to enter, and grocery stores that remain closed with police at their door as food rots away. This in a state (nm) barely surging

All in the name of public safety I guess.
All grocery stores will soon fall into the 4 case category as people flood to these places. It’s totally self fulfilling. It doesn’t matter if the workforce is 1,000 deep, 4 cases is their threshold.
Never heard of grocery stores closing anywhere. This is the first.
They are essential businesses and those don’t close. If anything they close for a day, do a thorough Professional disinfection And then re-open.
We’re these stores following protocol prior to the closures?
At this point, after my bro having covid earlier in the year, me being sick af earlier in the year before things were wild, having a sore throat here and there, feeling sick-ish here and there, sniffles, imma just go get tested for antibodies.
nobody following this, went to Marianos off King drive after that alert cameout and it was more packed than ever
Just got back from binnys and that ho was PACKED. And binnys was the first store i saw have a line outside of it when this all first started.
At this point, after my bro having covid earlier in the year, me being sick af earlier in the year before things were wild, having a sore throat here and there, feeling sick-ish here and there, sniffles, imma just go get tested for antibodies.

Would you feel or act differently based on the results?
Would you feel or act differently based on the results?

Good question, id def feel safer going out. Woudnt second things. I still go shopping, eat outdoors, go to a museum, hang with friends etc but im not gonna go somewhere where its stupid packed, aka go to Florida and live my best life or go anywhere indoors where theres a ton of people like a club. I dont think that would change if I did test pos for the antibodies.
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