Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Good question, id def feel safer going out. Woudnt second things. I still go shopping, eat outdoors, go to a museum, hang with friends etc but im not gonna go somewhere where its stupid packed, aka go to Florida and live my best life or go anywhere indoors where theres a ton of people like a club. I dont think that would change if I did test pos for the antibodies.

Just realize that the test may be inaccurate and whether or not antibodies are detected doesn’t necessarily translate to actual immunity IRL. I would suggest remaining vigilant, wearing masks, and keeping distanced regardless. I never bothered to take an antibody test because I don’t want a false sense of security. If there was a readily available test that measured B and T cell immunity I would definitely take that, however.
On another note, my boy said his girl got tested positive for covid a couple of weeks ago after a trip somewhere and went straight to his place after getting back (assuming she didnt get the results yet). Long story short, he went to get tested and negative. Told him to get retested again and he said its been about 2 weeks already and im like huh, strange you didnt get it.
On another note, my boy said his girl got tested positive for covid a couple of weeks ago after a trip somewhere and went straight to his place after getting back (assuming she didnt get the results yet). Long story short, he went to get tested and negative. Told him to get retested again and he said its been about 2 weeks already and im like huh, strange you didnt get it.
It can be that contact very early on with an asymptomatic person doesnt necessarily Result in transmission.
My cousin’s husband began having symptoms on a Tuesday after being exposed on a Saturday and they were together that Sunday and Monday and she did not get it
It can be that contact very early on with an asymptomatic person doesnt necessarily Result in transmission.
My cousin’s husband began having symptoms on a Tuesday after being exposed on a Saturday and they were together that Sunday and Monday and she did not get it

She stayed a few days. Baffling.
It's survival of the fittest at this point. Just gotta hope and pray nobody close to you dies from it till the vaccines are out. :smh:
Gma died last Friday, cousin just went to the hospital they told him to go home. My mother in law just got off oxygen. **** wicked out here man. Crazy thing I haven’t moved since this whole **** jumped off. Of course I had to go to my gma funeral Tuesday, now I think I got it.
Stay safe, everyone. It's easy to get detached with the numbers, but lots of people are going through some tough times right now. If there's a time to be extra-safe and stay home and away from people, it's these next few weeks.

From the bottom tweet (the weekly numbers), cases are up 17.7% and deaths are up 30.9%. This reverses the trend from the prior week, where cases were going up faster than deaths. This is both good and bad news. Cases are starting to grow less quickly, and testing capacity is growing with it, but it's still an atrocious number and will translate to >2000 deaths/day in a couple weeks.

Meanwhile, the acceleration in deaths likely reflects increased cases from 2-4 weeks ago, so expect that number to keep going and up and maybe even double over the next month.

Gma died last Friday, cousin just went to the hospital they told him to go home. My mother in law just got off oxygen. **** wicked out here man. Crazy thing I haven’t moved since this whole **** jumped off. Of course I had to go to my gma funeral Tuesday, now I think I got it.

Hope you don’t! My prayers are with you and your family.

Peace and love.
upstairs neighbors pretty much throwing parties the last few nights while city movie back to red tier
Nobody will ever change if they haven’t already. It’s not going away until those satanic vaccinations hit.

I’m not living in fear either. I’m out of the bunker but I’m also not gonna go stand in a musty house party.
upstairs neighbors pretty much throwing parties the last few nights while city movie back to red tier
Accept my sympathies, used to own a flat over a quiet tavern turned biker bar.


After four people got shot, I started thinking about moving.
Vaccines as soon as Dec 13 for medical professionals and April for the rest of us.

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