Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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IMO, it's get the vaccine, catch COVID, or stay home and take no risks for the next couple years while herd immunity works it's way through the population. I respect anyone saying they don't want to take the vaccine, but I'll take my chances with potential side effects from the shot over the potential long term complications from having the disease. Hunkering down and suppressing (or even eliminating FOR NOW) is not a sustainable long term strategy. You do that while you wait for the vaccine because it is truly the only way out, aside from catching the disease and gaining immunity naturally.
I'm down to sit on the sidelines while the vaccine makes its rounds.
IMO, it's get the vaccine, catch COVID, or stay home and take no risks for the next couple years while herd immunity works it's way through the population. I respect anyone saying they don't want to take the vaccine, but I'll take my chances with potential side effects from the shot over the potential long term complications from having the disease. Hunkering down and suppressing (or even eliminating FOR NOW) is not a sustainable long term strategy. You do that while you wait for the vaccine because it is truly the only way out, aside from catching the disease and gaining immunity naturally.
yeah I just read the tweets I posted as what needs to be done until a vaccine is readily available to the public. Those countries who are alot more unified and responsible than us are also banking on a vaccine. I think we all understand that Covid was never going to go completely away and the stay at home pleas weren't for those purposes either. Just saying it would have been nice to be here in November and look at a death count alot smaller than it is now, if half the country didn't have their own heads up their *** and a gov't that that would have financially supported it's constituents through one of the countries most dire times.

Just sucks to sit here mentally everyday and think this year could've been alot different for alot of ppl here but who am I kidding, this is America.

and I'm also down with a vaccine asap
There was a piece yesterday on 60 minutes about the side effects young people are stilling having after recovering from COVID. One of my childhood friends has a similar one where he can’t really work out. And he use to do boxing 3x per week and would go to the gym 3-4x per week. He can’t do any of that since he recovered in May.

Honestly, that’s what I’m afraid of.
IMO, it's get the vaccine, catch COVID, or stay home and take no risks for the next couple years while herd immunity works it's way through the population. I respect anyone saying they don't want to take the vaccine, but I'll take my chances with potential side effects from the shot over the potential long term complications from having the disease. Hunkering down and suppressing (or even eliminating FOR NOW) is not a sustainable long term strategy. You do that while you wait for the vaccine because it is truly the only way out, aside from catching the disease and gaining immunity naturally.

I'd like to see how severe the side effects of the vaccine are...........before I jump in to be "first in line" when the vaccines have moved from being exclusive to medical front-liners to the general public.

They've already reported what the side effects of these vaccines are, but I'd like to see thorough analysis of these side effects........which specific body type, blood type, etc. will react to the vaccine AND whether the side effects are more severe depending on those specific circumstances.

They may have done studies on it prior to these latest reports, but you ain't gonna hear about how bad these side effects are UNTIL the first implementation of the vaccine being released to a bigger sample size of individuals (the medical frontliners at the start of 2021).......those guys are essentially will be the real guinea pigs unfortunately
There was a piece yesterday on 60 minutes about the side effects young people are stilling having after recovering from COVID. One of my childhood friends has a similar one where he can’t really work out. And he use to do boxing 3x per week and would go to the gym 3-4x per week. He can’t do any of that since he recovered in May.

Honestly, that’s what I’m afraid of.
Same. I'm already borderline washed. Don't need COVID to make it worse :smh: |l
Can employers demand that employees take the vaccine in order to keep / get a job?

It depends if you live in an "employment at will" state or if you're part of a union where such things may be specifically discussed, but the short answer is MAYBE.
I’m pretty sure they cant make you get a vaccine at my job because we’re all union.

BUT we do have vaccine days where you line up and get your flu shot like a bunch of cattle and people are about it. I don’t see it being an issue.

I see 4 things in that vid that are synonymous

No masks
Trump flag
American flag
That yellow one

Like riding around my area just before election

Ok. So there's three vaccines that's come out with late trial results so far.

The first two is Moderna and Pfizer. The third one is the Oxford vaccine. The first two use mrna technology but the third one altered a chimp virus to express coronavirus spikes.

In order they apparently have efficacy of 94, 90...and 70? But the upside to the Oxford vaccine is they're a lot cheaper to make and don't have the special storage requirements.

They're making it sound like the plan might be to give the oxford vaccine to the third world countries who can't handle the logistics of distributing and storing the mrna vaccines properly.
All I know is I’m getting over it and this **** is no joke. I’m in the clear. But I was diagnosed a few weeks ago the Saturday Biden was projected the winner. The afternoon before I started getting what I thought was a ****** sinus infection that I normally get around this time of year. Bad headache, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes. Went home early (the drive sucked). Went to bed and conked out early. Woke up at 4 the next morning with a 102 fever, head pounding, sore throat, SOAKED in sweat, dizzy, nose running, horrible cough with nothing coming up, felt wiped out, They did the test but outright said that it was probably Covid (2 days later I got official results that it was the Rona plague) that Saturday and Sunday the fever broke but the dizziness and this horrible fatigue hit me HARD...and I was sweating through 6 shirts a day, so I’m drinking water and fluids just trying to keep from dehydrating. i just stopped wearing shirts. Then that went away, but the cough stuck around...and the fatigue. For a week and a half I just felt WIPED THE **** OUT! And another strange thing...I have these dreams...these really bizarre and bordering on horrifying dreams...some lovecraftian stuff. I’m finally on the mend and the cough and sore throat is gone, and the fatigue is lifting, those dreams are subsiding pretty much. But goddamn this is the mother ****ingest thing I’ve ever had. I’ve known people though that have had to be intubated...this Is ****** up folks. It’s serious, and you DO NOT want it. Take it from me. A little funny thing I’m pissed at is I was too tired to keep up with when the Fire Red 4 shock drop was happening so I missed that...damn Rona...haha
All I know is I’m getting over it and this **** is no joke. I’m in the clear. But I was diagnosed a few weeks ago the Saturday Biden was projected the winner. The afternoon before I started getting what I thought was a ****ty sinus infection that I normally get around this time of year. Bad headache, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes. Went home early (the drive sucked). Went to bed and conked out early. Woke up at 4 the next morning with a 102 fever, head pounding, sore throat, SOAKED in sweat, dizzy, nose running, horrible cough with nothing coming up, felt wiped out, They did the test but outright said that it was probably Covid (2 days later I got official results that it was the Rona plague) that Saturday and Sunday the fever broke but the dizziness and this horrible fatigue hit me HARD...and I was sweating through 6 shirts a day, so I’m drinking water and fluids just trying to keep from dehydrating. i just stopped wearing shirts. Then that went away, but the cough stuck around...and the fatigue. For a week and a half I just felt WIPED THE **** OUT! And another strange thing...I have these dreams...these really bizarre and bordering on horrifying dreams...some lovecraftian stuff. I’m finally on the mend and the cough and sore throat is gone, and the fatigue is lifting, those dreams are subsiding pretty much. But goddamn this is the mother ****ingest thing I’ve ever had. I’ve known people though that have had to be intubated...this Is ****ed up folks. It’s serious, and you DO NOT want it. Take it from me. A little funny thing I’m pissed at is I was too tired to keep up with when the Fire Red 4 shock drop was happening so I missed that...damn Rona...haha

this is seriously making me think.

This literally sounds like what I had last year in early December in terms of the fever and cough which lasted about a month plus after I got through the fever portion. And I’ve been weaker than I have normally been since. Like the fog brain where people have a hard time concentrating, I’ve felt that, physical fatigue I haven’t noticed. I never took the Anti-body test to see if I had it but I wonder if I should now to think about it.

I was given some tamiflu then. Granted I’m in my early 30s in decent physical shape and no conditions so getting through it is fully expected
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