Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Recent study shows MMR II vaccine may provide long-term, cross-protective immunity against COVID-19

Recent study shows MMR II vaccine may provide long-term, cross-protective immunity against COVID-19

I'd reup my MMR vaccination but god bless yall, and by that I mean thank you for real, for lining up for that covid 19 joint. I'm just gonna take a knee for the rest of 2020.
I'd reup my MMR vaccination but god bless yall, and by that I mean thank you for real, for lining up for that covid 19 joint. I'm just gonna take a knee for the rest of 2020.

I'm not sure if you read the study, but there is definitely correlation between high mumps titers and low COVID symptom severity, regardless of age. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense that age 1-14 y/o's have the lowest incidence of severe disease and death because that's when mumps titers from MMR II vaccine are at their highest. The part I'm not clear on is why some adults would still have high mumps titers. Perhaps from prior natural exposure to mumps or they've gotten a booster shot? I'm not aware of any specific MMR (or mumps, specifically) booster immunization schedule, but I'm definitely considering contacting my PCP to inquire about getting one.
I'm not sure if you read the study, but there is definitely correlation between high mumps titers and low COVID symptom severity, regardless of age. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense that age 1-14 y/o's have the lowest incidence of severe disease and death because that's when mumps titers from MMR II vaccine are at their highest. The part I'm not clear on is why some adults would still have high mumps titers. Perhaps from prior natural exposure to mumps or they've gotten a booster shot? I'm not aware of any specific MMR (or mumps, specifically) booster immunization schedule, but I'm definitely considering contacting my PCP to inquire about getting one.
I did not read the study but I got the gist that MMR vaccine provides some protection from Covid. That was my whole basis for being willing to get a booster shot vs the Covid vaccine.
I did not read the study but I got the gist that MMR vaccine provides some protection from Covid. That was my whole basis for being willing to get a booster shot vs the Covid vaccine.

What will it take for you to consider getting the COVID vaccine?
MAGA crowd don’t even wanna wear a mask. This **** won’t apply here. The US is 100% banking in a vaccine.
Yeah I get that. That ship sailed in the spring/summer of where this country was headed with all this but its still depressing to see other places in the world "get it" and were able to bunker down and limit the amount of lives lost

At Least polls show more ppl are willing to get vaccinated. Only thing we can really look forward to
"Don't tell me what to do, but if one of my close relatives die from this I'm going to blame it on the media, fake news, mask wearing libbies and everyone else but myself"
Time.. I'd be willing to take it in a couple of years, maybe.

The US is 100% banking in a vaccine.

Yeah I get that. That ship sailed in the spring/summer of where this country was headed with all this but its still depressing to see other places in the world "get it" and were able to bunker down and limit the amount of lives lost

At Least polls show more ppl are willing to get vaccinated. Only thing we can really look forward to

IMO, it's get the vaccine, catch COVID, or stay home and take no risks for the next couple years while herd immunity works it's way through the population. I respect anyone saying they don't want to take the vaccine, but I'll take my chances with potential side effects from the shot over the potential long term complications from having the disease. Hunkering down and suppressing (or even eliminating FOR NOW) is not a sustainable long term strategy. You do that while you wait for the vaccine because it is truly the only way out, aside from catching the disease and gaining immunity naturally.
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