Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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If there was an easy way to tell who already had immunity (B and T cell, not just antibodies), we could allocate the available vaccines more efficiently. Someone who has had COVID likely already has immune response to last until the vaccines are more widely available.
That's a good question but I don't know how practical it is. We have 11.6 million diagnosed cases of covid-19 but it's estimated ~50 million people have been infected. Figuring out who those ~40 million are is difficult. The diagnosed 11.6 million is only 3.5% of the population. Sadly, another negative of our inadequate testing.
Man I had to come in here and share this

I dated this woman last year. She called me asking if I wanted to go to Mexico for her bday in December

I said you know it’s a pandemic right? Like I Was in SC filming for my boys bodybuilding show but I was paid and I take this srs. I was masked up the whole week we were there. I’m quarantining right now

she’s like T this isn’t real. The government has an agenda...I’m like really? Every single country?

why she says yes bc they want 1 world currency. But you shouldn’t let this run your life. I thought you would wanna go with me...told her absolutely not. But be safe

Today's numbers. I think cases will start to plateau in the 150k-200k range. 7-day average deaths over 1200. They'll reach 1500 in a week and probably eventually pass 2000.

If there was an easy way to tell who already had immunity (B and T cell, not just antibodies), we could allocate the available vaccines more efficiently. Someone who has had COVID likely already has immune response to last until the vaccines are more widely available.
True. But that's why we should hope that ppl who have already been infected will at least be smart enough not to ask for the vaccine
literally just got an email from our ceo that my hospital is getting the vaccine next week :wow::wow::wow:
zombie apocalypse starts now boys...get ready

Let me know how many PS5's that early access worth

That's crazy. You hear of super seeder events and wonder just how open and crazy it was. I had a extended family event infect everyone who attended. Yet we hear of one person getting sick at a work place and the work place is safe. Or Notre Dame a field rush not getting a single surge.

But then as early as March and April, we knew those Washington church events that killed and infected so many were huge surge sites. Funerals in LA early on too. It's all coming full circle. No one wants to remember the immediate past.
Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use two doses.

By year's end, they predict a combined 70 million doses in the USA, which would equate to 35 million people getting vaccinated (although I'm not 100% sure about the 70 million). That's more than enough to vaccinate the ~20 million health care workers in this country.

They should have a combined 2 billion doses next year, of which the USA has secured 200 million. There are also a bunch of other potential vaccines. In total, the USA has secured 1 billion doses, although of course not all the potential vaccines will pan out.

Either way, we should have enough people vaccinated by spring 2021 (or even winter 2021) to begin to see a reduction in transmission of covid-19. Roughly, I predict 20% will be vaccinated by then and 20-30% have already been infected and will have at least partial immunity. Covid-19's days are numbered. Just weather the storm these next 3-6 months.

Thanks for the optimism.

I’ve been feeling the same way about significant progress being made in the next 6 months, just without as much reasoning :lol:

I’m cool with that timeline. Winter makes it easier to chill in the crib. I WFH so I’m looking forward to just working, playing a ton of Xbox over the holidays, and spending time with my lady and family. I’m also looking to get in my own place, finally, sometime in the spring. So my plan is to just put my head down and work, enjoy the holidays, secure the apartment and hopefully by the time I’m all moved in we’ll be on the way out of this thing.

We gon get there people. Keep your spirits up. Hopefully, by summer, we can have some semblance of normalcy. :smile:
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Thanks for the optimism.

I’ve been feeling the same way about significant progress being made in the next 6 months, just without as much reasoning :lol:

I’m cool with that timeline. Winter makes it easier to chill in the crib. I WFH so I’m looking forward to just working, playing a ton of Xbox over the holidays, and spending time with my lady and family. I’m also looking to get in my own place, finally, sometime in the spring. So my plan is to just put my head down and work, enjoy the holidays, secure the apartment and hopefully by the time I’m all moved in we’ll be on the way out of this thing.

We gon get there people. Keep your spirits up. Hopefully, by summer, we can have some semblance of normalcy. :smile:
Yup. Nothing is promised, but there is reason for optimism, even with the pandemic at its worst point so far.

We'll be at a good spot on all fronts -- vaccines deployed, widespread testing, optimized treatments, and late spring weather. Once we hit that threshold where cases are low enough that we can do true contact tracing, we'll turn the corner.
Man I had to come in here and share this

I dated this woman last year. She called me asking if I wanted to go to Mexico for her bday in December

I said you know it’s a pandemic right? Like I Was in SC filming for my boys bodybuilding show but I was paid and I take this srs. I was masked up the whole week we were there. I’m quarantining right now

she’s like T this isn’t real. The government has an agenda...I’m like really? Every single country?

why she says yes bc they want 1 world currency. But you shouldn’t let this run your life. I thought you would wanna go with me...told her absolutely not. But be safe

i feel like something like this would make me stop being friends with this person cause id lose all respect for them for being such a selfish dumbass

When Covid first hit almost all of our admin staff started WFH before the stay at home orders started. I eventually once the stay at home orders went in place. I thought about going back to the office until my lady got hit with becoming high risk

Around 8 ppl stayed working in the office throughout it all and half of them still got hit with Covid just last month. Glad I kept my *** home
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Smh **** these stupid *** governors

Out of these 3 guys, it sounds like the Texas Governor actually has some rational ideas AND plans on how to deal with the COVID spikes instead of locking down...........whereas DeSantis in Florida and THE DUMB ***** IN SOUTH DAKOTA just love speaking out of their own *******s and would rather hope & pray the virus goes away INSTEAD OF "actually supporting their citizens" when the COVID cases spike.

Texas Governor's plan may not be as effective as he thinks with the cases still rising, but at least he is trying based on the policies that were stated..........unlike these 2 dumb Trump-lickers in Florida and South Dakota
Sioux Falls just passed a mask mandate. A bunch of other cities are trying as well.

rapid city closed it’s schools and is still giving the kids lunch. They are trying but their governor is a lunatic.

a lot of stores require masks there as well.

what’s new? An idiot governor and rednecks making a whole state look bad.
The problem with these mask mandates - there’s no real repercussion for those anti mask wearers. It holds no water.
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