Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I guess we also shouldn't be surprised that Americans can't handle a month of staying indoors. Look at how bad majority of their financial decisions and health are. No savings, thousands in credit card debt, high interest car loans, rampant obesity...Everything they do is only for immediate short term pleasure without thinking of long term consequences, so it makes sense that they just want to hit up the beaches and restaurants ASAP. . It's not surprising that they're incapable of thinking "Let me make some sacrifices for a month or two so that I can spend the rest of the year normally". Worthless idiots
see, the peculiar issue with the States is you have armed, angry idiots who will literally die in the ****ing street ¨like a dog¨ to defend their right to be stupid...I believe that is totally unique anywhere in the world.

they told that crazy lady at McD´s to put on a mask and SHE SHOT 2 EMPLOYEES, SHOT THEM WITH BULLETS

zero regard for outcomes. NONE.

also, imagine catching a slug on the clock at the Golden Arches...like omg throw my whole life away.

bet they clocked the workers out before the ambulance came too, so I wonder who´s paying for all that?

dude is literally inciting riots and pushing a partisan pandemic response right this second.

I keep asking myself if this is a man who would walk out of the White House under any circumstances.

you live in Mexico right?

how’s things there right now?
I guess we also shouldn't be surprised that Americans can't handle a month of staying indoors. Look at how bad majority of their financial decisions and health are. No savings, thousands in credit card debt, high interest car loans, rampant obesity...Everything they do is only for immediate short term pleasure without thinking of long term consequences, so it makes sense that they just want to hit up the beaches and restaurants ASAP. . It's not surprising that they're incapable of thinking "Let me make some sacrifices for a month or two so that I can spend the rest of the year normally". Worthless idiots

Are you American?

What is your Passport?
I finally got my unemployment and disaster pay coming in and back paid for a few weeks.

I don’t feel the slightest bit bad in saying I’m totally fine riding this out until things are legitimately safe to go back to the normal we knew before. Where I’m at in Texas, they’re trying to force reopen and speed things up, but I see no need to go out unless I absolutely have to.

This excess free time is a blessing in disguise if you use it right. I’ve been trying to learn new things, enhance my skill set, and just doing little things to improve myself so that post covid I’ll be in a good place.
Sounds like a great place wish I could get up and go.

How is it getting citizenship

Where do you live now ?
Living in the States now. Citizenship ain't as difficult as the States as long as you have work experience and college educated.
Contrary to what some may lead you to believe, permanent residency is extremely diffcult in the U.S. Apart from family immigration, you're beholden to your employer sponsoring you, and the backlogs for permanent residency are backed up anywhere from 1 year to 30 years depending on where you're from.

In NZ, as long as you are there legally and have been paying taxes for a certain amount of time, it should be rather straight forward without the insane backlogs. Definitely look into it if you're seriously interested.
So my job that laid me off called to come back to work next week. I had to make a choice on taking the job instead of being unemployed and not having a job later. I was getting more money on unemployment with the $600 extra every week.

Cross fingers because if I get let go again, it'll be a wrap for applying for unemployment again
So my job that laid me off called to come back to work next week. I had to make a choice on taking the job instead of being unemployed and not having a job later. I was getting more money on unemployment with the $600 extra every week.

Cross fingers because if I get let go again, it'll be a wrap for applying for unemployment again

if you get let go a second time im sure you can get unemployment because you didnt quit... but if its after july you wont get the extra 600 anymore... tough decision imo but i would go back if given the choice...i got furlough at my job until july 30 and they said they can call me back before or after... but im making close to double off unemployment while doing nothing compared to my jobs salary...but this will only last until July and if they called me today im a go back because its not guaranteed ill find something in July on my own... so ill sacrifice the money... im just hoping my job dont call me until august lol...
you live in Mexico right?

how’s things there right now?

si, compa.

for now it´s pretty much the same as most places...things are locked down until June 1, but I STRONGLY believe that´s the end of the quarantine for a few months...Mexico´s top industries? oil, tourism, and money transfers.

that´s right, Western Union is a full 3 percent of the nation´s economy...kinda says it all.

gonna be a long time before things are back to normalish for many people here...food banks and soup kitchens are just part of life now, and--how shall I say this--alternate income streams are now a lot more common.

yeah tho overall I´m cool...but things change fast, so for up to the week info, please tune into Channel 9 CCNN.
si, compa.

for now it´s pretty much the same as most places...things are locked down until June 1, but I STRONGLY believe that´s the end of the quarantine for a few months...Mexico´s top industries? oil, tourism, and money transfers.

that´s right, Western Union is a full 3 percent of the nation´s economy...kinda says it all.

gonna be a long time before things are back to normalish for many people here...food banks and soup kitchens are just part of life now, and--how shall I say this--alternate income streams are now a lot more common.

yeah tho overall I´m cool...but things change fast, so for up to the week info, please tune into Channel 9 CCNN.

are people tweaking like they are here or is it way more chill?

how’s the social services? Is there a Mexican version of da stimulus and all that?
are people tweaking like they are here or is it way more chill?

how’s the social services? Is there a Mexican version of da stimulus and all that?

oh man there is no social safety net forthcoming...lines for dispensas (care packages) usually start the night before, people sleep on the ground so they can have beans and rice to eat...if they can also afford cooking gas.

actually working with a local fundraising effort to help out local community kitchens and venue staff...that´s how bad it is, my broke *** is running a whole charity...real life, these folks need it way more than I ever did.

...and there is a significant undercurrent of conspiracy theory flowing through the populace--confused and skeptical rather than violently stupid--but given the...very colorful history...of Mexico as a state, I kinda get it.

for example, check out this segment from last edition:

That´s right, mirroring the Stable Genius Society of the United States in protesting Bill Gates or whatever, across Mexico #freethinkers have banded together to make their voices heard...whether they should be or not.

'Coronavirus a lie:' mob attempts to 'rescue' patient from Chiapas hospital
An angry crowd of around 300 people attempted to storm the hospital in Motozintla after a third patient in the town was diagnosed with the coronavirus.

with cartels stepping up where government has not and an adamant focus on austerity and debt limitation in the national economic picture, these are strange days...all I can do is observe and report. and wash my hands.
oh man there is no social safety net forthcoming...lines for dispensas (care packages) usually start the night before, people sleep on the ground so they can have beans and rice to eat...if they can also afford cooking gas.

actually working with a local fundraising effort to help out local community kitchens and venue staff...that´s how bad it is, my broke *** is running a whole charity...real life, these folks need it way more than I ever did.

...and there is a significant undercurrent of conspiracy theory flowing through the populace--confused and skeptical rather than violently stupid--but given the...very colorful history...of Mexico as a state, I kinda get it.

for example, check out this segment from last edition:

with cartels stepping up where government has not and an adamant focus on austerity and debt limitation in the national economic picture, these are strange days...all I can do is observe and report. and wash my hands.
damn, well I’m sure you’re appreciated and good stuff for helping out. :pimp:

I feel like cartels have always kind of stepped in here and there when needed. Maybe it’s just for some good PR.

stat safe man, thanks for the info.
I guess we also shouldn't be surprised that Americans can't handle a month of staying indoors. Look at how bad majority of their financial decisions and health are. No savings, thousands in credit card debt, high interest car loans, rampant obesity...Everything they do is only for immediate short term pleasure without thinking of long term consequences, so it makes sense that they just want to hit up the beaches and restaurants ASAP. . It's not surprising that they're incapable of thinking "Let me make some sacrifices for a month or two so that I can spend the rest of the year normally". Worthless idiots

The sad thing is I agree with you and a lot of the things that you mentioned I have also done but not in the past two months
but during my life

All of our lives changed the first week of March if you lived in the United States of America and a lot of people are still in dreamland

United States is the land of consumerism being unhealthy and unwise with Finances.
you can put me and millions of us in the same category

as much as I hate the CCP why do people wonder why China is the biggest manufacture of everything in the world.

Because they control their population and the west for the most part thinks we have unlimited freedom when in the end most Americans have nothing

we let a country that makes everything in the world destroy us including the rest of the population of the world

look at most of us on niketalk myself included
what do we have boxes and boxes of sneakers ?

the worst part is I still want more but I also want to I make It out of this alive
consumerism selfishness and addiction is as American as apple pie.
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