Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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We need another labor movement.

no half assed amazon strike, I wanna see the whole warehouse quit and tear that ***** up.

I wanna see people walking off the job when their company cuts their benefits.

my union hall has memorials to people who lost their lives striking for better working conditions and the police just shot them.

Jobs are actually worse today, thanks to all the propaganda and boot straps non sense.

I´ve always wondered what happens if the whole shift of a place just walks out and leaves doors unlocked OOPS

wouldn´t it be a shame if a warehouse gets looted and workers get fired with a raise through unemployment?
I´ve always wondered what happens if the whole shift of a place just walks out and leaves doors unlocked OOPS

wouldn´t it be a shame if a warehouse gets looted and workers get fired with a raise through unemployment?

nothing would happen but people are soft af.

you wanna start a riot over a haircut but can’t even get some proper pay? Priorities all ****** up.
Every state is different.

I get 600 off mn and 600 off the fed unemployment.

im not even at max for mn. Mn maxes out at like 730 a week or something.
got it. So does it go by how much you made? The more you make, the more unemployment you can get?
got it. So does it go by how much you made? The more you make, the more unemployment you can get?

exactly, my unemployment is a little different than most. I file every year because I’m seasonal and my boss pays the unemployment but it’s still based off my income like everyone else.
damn, just got WFH extending through 6/15 (but most likely being extended even further). I Appreciate what my company has/is doing for us since day 1. Here are some of the things being put in place:

limiting the number of employees in each work location to enable social distancing

requirements for wearing face coverings in the workplace, among other health and safety procedures (this sounds hard to do! I hope we don't have to wear a mask when we are in our own individual office)

In person meetings will not be allowed, whether on site or off

Well, that's all I needed to know. Time to let my wife give me a haircut........
trying to understand the PPP stimulus loan by googling, but i don't 100% understand how it works. Is the PPP supposed to be used to keep employees on payroll? If a company qualifies, are they supposed to use it towards back pay for their employees since the first day they were closed due to covid?

I have a niece who's company was approved for it but she didnt receive anything from her company, and she's asking for advice. Should she be getting compensated for back pay? She's afraid to ask in fear of looking like a problem, but i want to give her good advice on what to do.
trying to understand the PPP stimulus loan by googling, but i don't 100% understand how it works. Is the PPP supposed to be used to keep employees on payroll? If a company qualifies, are they supposed to use it towards back pay for their employees since the first day they were closed due to covid?

I have a niece who's company was approved for it but she didnt receive anything from her company, and she's asking for advice. Should she be getting compensated for back pay? She's afraid to ask in fear of looking like a problem, but i want to give her good advice on what to do.

Yes, the intent is to keep employees on payroll. If you use the PPP for eligible expenses, will be forgiven. They have a list of expenses that it can be used for, and I'm sure the government will follow up later. Just cause company was approved for it, doesn't mean it was enough or that they used it for expenses that qualify. If they don't use it for expenses that qualify, it won't be forgiven and they'll pay it back.
Yes, the intent is to keep employees on payroll. If you use the PPP for eligible expenses, will be forgiven. They have a list of expenses that it can be used for, and I'm sure the government will follow up later. Just cause company was approved for it, doesn't mean it was enough or that they used it for expenses that qualify. If they don't use it for expenses that qualify, it won't be forgiven and they'll pay it back.
so does it apply to back pay or just from here on out?
My company said that we would maybe have 10-15% of normal amount of personnel allowed on premises once nyc allows us to open. However you have to wear a mask. My main bosses i report to said we can work from home as long as we want because they don’t want us to risk anything if we don’t feel comfortable. Not many jobs allow this kind of flexibility though.

my apologies if this was already posted but it's MFers like this that are the reason why this division between cautious and reckless citizens will continue to grow. This mentality that "if I don't see it, it's not happening" is asinine

He needs to have his license stripped.

**** him
got it. So does it go by how much you made? The more you make, the more unemployment you can get?

It's based off what you made last year. I live in Colorado, made 80k last year. They approved me for 20k and I get 2k a week. I'm basically just getting back the taxes I paid last year but I want ALL DAT. Hope I can get as much of it that I can before going back. Told there *** if they can't give me 40 a week then don't even call me until you can.

I am bored af sitting in the crib all day and my girl is mad annoying.
I am bored af sitting in the crib all day and my girl is mad annoying.

bruh. There. Is. No. Escape.
Trying to get a glass of water like
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