Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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my apologies if this was already posted but it's MFers like this that are the reason why this division between cautious and reckless citizens will continue to grow. This mentality that "if I don't see it, it's not happening" is asinine

Doctor here is a perfect example of how we can’t trust doctors.........
I’m no clinician but for the last 5 years I’ve I been in medical sales, training doctors on my products... it’s a shame on me it took me working in this field to realize we give doctors the benefit of the doubt far too much. Far too often they don’t know what the **** they’re doing. Do they make decisions based on evidence and facts? Or are they like this clown... He’s blatantly ignoring the data and spewing nonsense based on his dumb *** political agenda. I’m neither left or right fwiw...
Went to my MD last week and got a health check and everything checked out A-okay. Nothing on the localized tingling or reduced sensations though, doc was having none of it, just told me to wait and see. But with all this talk about it possible being more than a respiratory disease and blotknots and whatnot and the OG timeline is being challenged, I'm pretty much convinced I got it traveling to or from NYC. **** maybe I was part of the European infestation force, that brought the plague to NYC(Sorry). Right now it's pretty much impossible to get a second opinion, but when everything settles, I'll probably switch physician. Him and me just don't click.

MY dentists opened up last week and I was called in for the checkup I missed due to the shutdown. She was all suited up, but she already got it skiing in Italy. She had to self-isolate and get cleared before going back to work, so she gave me her opinion. My dentist said, sounds like I had it already, but anti-body tests aren't readily available over here yet. I'm stilled worried about the reduced sensation, but I guess, I'll have to wait it out for now.
Generally speaking, isn’t unemployment good for 26 weeks of your entire life? I know too many thinking this $600 will last forever. This is everyone’s get out of free jail card. Spend wisely.

now I’m hearing of thousands who are working under the table, to keep that $600 coming in. We’re screwed next year with little taxes coming in with all these side hustles.
It's based off what you made last year. I live in Colorado, made 80k last year. They approved me for 20k and I get 2k a week. I'm basically just getting back the taxes I paid last year but I want ALL DAT. Hope I can get as much of it that I can before going back. Told there *** if they can't give me 40 a week then don't even call me until you can.

I am bored af sitting in the crib all day and my girl is mad annoying.
Wow, that’s crazy. I think the max is $480 in Ohio.
Went to my MD last week and got a health check and everything checked out A-okay. Nothing on the localized tingling or reduced sensations though, doc was having none of it, just told me to wait and see. But with all this talk about it possible being more than a respiratory disease and blotknots and whatnot and the OG timeline is being challenged, I'm pretty much convinced I got it traveling to or from NYC. **** maybe I was part of the European infestation force, that brought the plague to NYC(Sorry). Right now it's pretty much impossible to get a second opinion, but when everything settles, I'll probably switch physician. Him and me just don't click.

MY dentists opened up last week and I was called in for the checkup I missed due to the shutdown. She was all suited up, but she already got it skiing in Italy. She had to self-isolate and get cleared before going back to work, so she gave me her opinion. My dentist said, sounds like I had it already, but anti-body tests aren't readily available over here yet. I'm stilled worried about the reduced sensation, but I guess, I'll have to wait it out for now.
Did he work up your tingling at all? Like how long it's been going on, how did it start, is it getting worse, which areas are affected, any weakness/pain, any other symptoms, any skin changes, etc.

The main association I've seen of numbness/tingling to Covid-19 is some reports of Guillain-Barré, but in those cases it progressed within 5-10 days and led to muscle weakness. Covid-19 can manifest in weird ways so who knows, but I'd still be inclined to think it's something else (and hopefully something minor and self-correcting).
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Received a limited supply of Remdesivir at the hospital. Around 250 vials which is good for about 20-35 patients. They have to be in a certain high priority list to receive it. Its IV only for a duration of 5 days (max 10 if no improvement). Will keep y’all updated on actual clinical results in practice.
Damn, Jacare in the UFC tested positive for Covid.

UFC was dumb to try and have this card. I was hoping this would work out in the worst way. Wont be surprised if the card is cancelled after everyone involved puts their heads together and think wisely about it.

If anything, this puts a wrap to the NBA season even happening. Way too many variables to control to make sure everyone is safe
Damn, Jacare in the UFC tested positive for Covid.

UFC was dumb to try and have this card. I was hoping this would work out in the worst way. Wont be surprised if the card is cancelled after everyone involved puts their heads together and think wisely about it.

If anything, this puts a wrap to the NBA season even happening. Way too many variables to control to make sure everyone is safe
Got a feeling the card will be scrapped last minute. ESPN going to tell them the downside publicity wise won't be worth it. I really feel like with the way it's going in the U.S., we'll reach the conclusion this is just another virus we'll have to deal with sooner than we can contain it. Viruses usually mutate to many strains but becomes less lethal.

There's too many dummies for it to be contained at this point. Started reading "Democracy in America" which was written in the 1800s. Author was highlighting the hyper individualism and the mentality of "I know what's best for me so don't try and tell me what to do" is both a gift and a curse. The lack of thinking about others and sacrificing for the greater good was of grave concern. Playing out in front of our eyes today.
Tomi dumb *** calling the people calling for shut down gay?
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