Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Damn, Jacare in the UFC tested positive for Covid.

UFC was dumb to try and have this card. I was hoping this would work out in the worst way. Wont be surprised if the card is cancelled after everyone involved puts their heads together and think wisely about it.

If anything, this puts a wrap to the NBA season even happening. Way too many variables to control to make sure everyone is safe
2 of his cornermen also tested positive
Damn, Jacare in the UFC tested positive for Covid.

UFC was dumb to try and have this card. I was hoping this would work out in the worst way. Wont be surprised if the card is cancelled after everyone involved puts their heads together and think wisely about it.

If anything, this puts a wrap to the NBA season even happening. Way too many variables to control to make sure everyone is safe
Disney is gonna have to put a gun to Dana's head (again) to cancel
Did he work up your tingling at all? Like how long it's been going on, how did it start, is it getting worse, which areas are affected, any weakness/pain, any other symptoms, any skin changes, etc.

The main association I've seen of numbness/tingling to Covid-19 is some reports of Guillain-Barré, but in those cases it progressed within 5-10 days and led to muscle weakness. Covid-19 can manifest in weird ways so who knows, but I'd still be inclined to think it's something else (and hopefully something minor and self-correcting).
I just got the standard work up. I've been having it since January, but because it's fluctuating, I haven't paid much attention to it. I subscribed it all kinds of explanations, but it's not going away and when it's worst, there's a numbness predominantly in my left side. Left side of my head, forarm, fingers and foot. There's no pain or discoloring, just feels like a sensory thing. Right now, I've decided to pay attention and give it some time.
'Ewwwww yuck. You guys used to eat like this in 2019? What zoo is this? Animals. They're crawling all over each other. Did you all bathe and sleep together too?'
De Blasio is a piece of ****

Those same cops he's defending turned their backs to him not too long ago when he spoke the truth. Now he wants to support them over social distancing which isn't being enforced right in the first place.
F de Blasio and the nypd. 4 life.
So my job that laid me off called to come back to work next week. I had to make a choice on taking the job instead of being unemployed and not having a job later. I was getting more money on unemployment with the $600 extra every week.

Cross fingers because if I get let go again, it'll be a wrap for applying for unemployment again
If you get laid off again, you get unemployment again. No sweat.
si, compa.

for now it´s pretty much the same as most places...things are locked down until June 1, but I STRONGLY believe that´s the end of the quarantine for a few months...Mexico´s top industries? oil, tourism, and money transfers.

that´s right, Western Union is a full 3 percent of the nation´s economy...kinda says it all.

gonna be a long time before things are back to normalish for many people here...food banks and soup kitchens are just part of life now, and--how shall I say this--alternate income streams are now a lot more common.

yeah tho overall I´m cool...but things change fast, so for up to the week info, please tune into Channel 9 CCNN.
What part of Mexico bro?

my apologies if this was already posted but it's MFers like this that are the reason why this division between cautious and reckless citizens will continue to grow. This mentality that "if I don't see it, it's not happening" is asinine

Bruh...Doc...shutcho *** up. Go stick a cotton ball in something.
Mail disappears everyday b. This is scary to me. Ballots disappearing.

I just had a big *** package from pacsun get 'lost'...I know letters and ballots going ghost
You can still vote in person if it gets "lost". Which is still highly unlikely.

Unless you mean you're worried some Trump intern is going to go to every Dem voter's mailbox and steal their ballot. Which is absurd :lol:
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